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His ignorance is encyclopedic

His ignorance is encyclopedic Picture Quote #1

His ignorance is encyclopedic

Abba Eban, the renowned Israeli diplomat and politician, was often described as having an encyclopedic ignorance. This phrase, "his ignorance is encyclopedic," is a paradoxical way of highlighting Eban's vast knowledge and expertise in a wide range of subjects. Despite the word "ignorance" typically being associated with a lack of knowledge or understanding, in Eban's case, it was used to emphasize the depth and breadth of his intellectual capabilities.

Eban's encyclopedic ignorance was evident in his ability to speak multiple languages fluently, including Hebrew, Arabic, English, French, and Spanish. This linguistic prowess allowed him to communicate effectively with a diverse range of people from different cultures and backgrounds. His knowledge of history, politics, and international relations was also extensive, making him a formidable diplomat and negotiator on the world stage.

One of Eban's most famous quotes encapsulates his encyclopedic ignorance: "History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives." This statement reflects his deep understanding of human nature and the complexities of international relations. Eban's ability to draw on a wide range of historical examples and analogies to make his points was a testament to his encyclopedic knowledge.

Eban's encyclopedic ignorance was also evident in his writing and public speaking. He was a prolific author and his speeches were known for their eloquence, wit, and erudition. Eban's ability to distill complex ideas into clear and concise language made him a persuasive and influential figure in Israeli politics and diplomacy.
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