Historical Quotes

Text Quotes
One very important aspect of our contemporary musical culture - some might say the supremely important aspect - is its extension in the historical and geographical senses to a degree unknown in the past. (Historical Quotes)
I guess there was a little bit of a slight rebellion, maybe a little bit of a renegade desire that made me realize at some point in my adolescence that I really liked pictures that told stories of things - genre paintings, historical paintings - the sort of derivatives we get in contemporary society. (Historical Quotes)
Long historical books get written by women, but not contemporary experiments, which still seems to be a very male-dominated field. (Historical Quotes)
The most advanced, creative and original thinking is always a product of historical context and the influences of previous geniuses, mentors, and collaborators on the mind of the originator. (Historical Quotes)
History buffs expect historical background in historical fiction. Mystery readers expect forensics and police procedure in crime fiction. Westerns - gasp - describe the West. Techno-thriller readers expect to learn something about technology from their fiction. (Historical Quotes)
The New Testament was not written by historians with the critical spirit of a Thucydides or a Polybius, but by men moved by the fervor of faith. Under these circumstances, it is understandable that it contains discrepancies, some non historical legends, and polemics. (Historical Quotes)
Tattooing is historical, cultural and a great form of art but it should always be safe for both the client and the tattoo practitioner. (Historical Quotes)
So when you consider the archetypal, historical, and cultural background of whatever you do, it gives you a sense that your occupation can be a calling and not just a job. (Historical Quotes)
I’m very proud to be black, but black is not all I am. That’s my cultural historical background, my genetic makeup, but it’s not all of who I am nor is it the basis from which I answer every question. (Historical Quotes)
Whether we consciously realize it or not, the biodiversity with which we are most familiar, and the biodiversity with which we have most intimate historical, cultural and biological connections, is that associated with food plants. (Historical Quotes)
Californias red-legged frogs are part of our historical, literary and cultural heritage, ... It is critically important that we ensure that there will always be frogs jumping here in Calaveras County, and in other places, too. (Historical Quotes)
The modern Westerner, persuaded that he has a right to think for himself and imagining that he exercises this right, is unwilling to acknowledge that his every thought has been shaped by cultural and historical influences and that his opinions fit, like pieces of jigsaw puzzle, into a pattern which has nothing random about it. (Historical Quotes)
For a long time, I’ve been interested in cultural memory and historical erasure (Historical Quotes)
Conflicts are never caused in any simple way by identity, culture or economics. Where resources are scarce, or there are strong historical memories of conflict, small events are more likely to inflame passions. (Historical Quotes)
With high fashion, it’s a performance. You’re trying to interpret a fantasy in a very physical way, and you really are playing a character. I’ve played men, dead people, famous people, historical icons, and it’s no mean feat. It’s quite an insular experience even though the crowd is in front of you and there’s an expectation. (Historical Quotes)
As far as benefits to reading historical novels, there are several! For one thing, you learn about life in another era. Secondly, these novels help us to develop a deeper understanding of the legacy of women who came before us and the strides made by our ancestors. (Historical Quotes)
I think that if you get too close to the character, if you do too much historical research, you may find yourself defending your view of a character against the author’s view, and I think that’s terribly dangerous. (Historical Quotes)
A publisher saw one of my historical novels and thought I would write an admirable detective story, so she offered me a two-book contract, and I grabbed it. (Historical Quotes)
In designing the scenery and costumes for any of Shakespeare’s plays, the first thing the artist has to settle is the best date for the drama. This should be determined by the general spirit of the play more than by any actual historical references which may occur in it. (Historical Quotes)
The historical development of the work of anthropologists seems to single out clearly a domain of knowledge that heretofore has not been treated by any other science. (Historical Quotes)
Diversity’ is a wonderfully seductive word. It stresses differences rather than commonalities. Diverse people worldwide are mostly engaged in hating each other - that is, when they are not killing each other. A ‘diverse,’ peaceful or stable society is against most historical precedent. (Historical Quotes)
I learned about serif and san serif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, about what makes great typography great. It was beautiful, historical, artistically subtle in a way that science can’t capture, and I found it fascinating. (Historical Quotes)
However, the difficulties and pleasures of the writing itself are similar for a novel with a historical setting and a novel with a contemporary setting, as far as I’m concerned. (Historical Quotes)
I find my characters and stories in many varied places; sometimes they pop out of newspaper articles, obscure historical texts, lively dinner party conversations and some even crawl out of the dusty remote recesses of my imagination. (Historical Quotes)
You don’t go to the movies to do historical research, unless it’s historical research about the movies. (Historical Quotes)
The White House is the people’s house. When you do historical restoration, that must be what it is. (Historical Quotes)
Teachers don’t tell us the truth about historical people. If we knew the truth, parents couldn’t hold their lives up as examples. (Historical Quotes)
No one can take Jesus away from me.... There’s no doubt there was a historical figure of tremendous importance, with enormous notions. Such as peace. (Historical Quotes)
The number of elements that have to go into a hit would break a computer down. the right season for that play, the right historical moment, the right tonality (Historical Quotes)
I had the training at drama school where I studied Shakespeare and Brecht and Chekov and all these period historical playwrights and I think that I responded to the material. (Historical Quotes)