Historical Quotes

Text Quotes
It seems to me the only pertinent question is: cui bono? It is clear that the size of the privileged strata as a percentage of the whole has grown significantly under historical capitalism. And for these people, the world they know is better on the whole than any their earlier counterparts knew (Historical Quotes)
Are there still other possibilities? Of course there are. What is important to recognize is that all three historical options are really there, and the choice will depend on our collective world behavior over the next fifty years. Whichever option is chosen, it will not be the end of history, but in a real sense its beginning. The human social world is still very young in cosmological time. In 2050 or 2100, when we look back at capitalist civilization, what will we think? (Historical Quotes)
Truth is always the first war casualty. The emotional disturbances and distortions in historical writing are greatest in wartime (Historical Quotes)
Be careful how you choose your enemy, for you will come to resemble him. The moment you adapt your enemy’s methods your enemy has won. The rest is suffering and historical opera (Historical Quotes)
Buddhism, I think, is probably facing the single most difficult transition from one historical epoch to another, which is really the transition to modernity (Historical Quotes)
Each time the dharma moved into a different civilization or historical period, it faced a twofold challenge: to maintain its integrity as an internally coherent tradition, and to express its vision in a way that responded to the needs of the new situation (Historical Quotes)
I’ve never known, at least a modern historical instance, where the truth wasn’t superior to distortion in every way (Historical Quotes)
Ive spent my whole life working in a medium that was regarded with contempt largely because of historical reasons (Historical Quotes)
Sisterhood cannot be assumed on the basis of gender; it must be forged in concrete historical and political practice and analysis (Historical Quotes)
For historical currents do not irresistibly propel themselves and everyone in their path. No matter what their broader structural or ideological roots, they both carry along and are carried along by people, who are not merely passengers of history, but pilots as well (Historical Quotes)
The facts which our senses present to us are socially performed in two ways: through the historical character of the object perceived and through the historical character of the perceiving organ. Both are not simply natural; they are shaped by human activity, and yet the individual perceives himself as receptive and passive in the act of perception (Historical Quotes)
At least I’ve had to come to that in my life, to realize that this stuff called failure, this stuff, this debris of historical trauma, family trauma, you know, stuff that can kill your spirit, is actually raw material to make things with and to build a bridge. You can use those materials to build a bridge over that which would destroy you (Historical Quotes)
Is the warming unprecedented? Probably not. There is abundant historical and proxy evidence for both hotter and cooler periods in human history. Is it our fault? Again, maybe. The correlation of increasing warmth with increasing carbon dioxide concentrations is particularly weak; that with solar energy and with ocean movements is much stronger (Historical Quotes)
Historical novels, in particular, allow us to relive the past without the neatness of history, and with all the complexity of the present (Historical Quotes)
We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated... The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain (Historical Quotes)
The success or failure of any historical age is the extent to which those living at that time have fulfilled the special role that history has imposed upon them (Historical Quotes)
I think utopianism and eschatology are really two sides of the same coin. They both assume that some massively transformative event is going to happen that’s going to completely change the nature of society. They only disagree on whether we get a happy ending or all die horribly. And so utopianism is on the wane right now because at the moment most of the plausible candidates for huge historical transformation look like they’re going to kill us (Historical Quotes)
Due to the fact that I experienced personally the situation of a political prisoner, I have an historical commitment to all those that were or are prisoners just because they expressed their views, their public opinion, their own opinions (Historical Quotes)
The corniest movie ever made about the white man’s need to lose his identity and assuage racial, political, sexual and historical guilt (Historical Quotes)
I write music, it’s performed. After all, my music says it all. It doesn’t need historical and hysterical commentaries. In the long run, any words about music are less important than the music (Historical Quotes)
Homeopathy may be defined as a specious mode of doing nothing. While it waits on the natural progress of disease and the restorative tendence of nature on the one hand, or the injurious advance of disease on the other, it supplies the craving for activity, on the part of the patient and his friends, by the formal and regular administration of nominal medicine. Although homeopathy will, at some future time, be classed with historical delusions (Historical Quotes)
A novel is not, after all, a historical document, but a way to travel through the human heart (Historical Quotes)
The more details we learn about the chemical basis of life and the intricacy of the genetic code, the more unbelievable the standard historical account becomes (Historical Quotes)
Just now one of the significant historical roles of the primal people of the world is not simply to sustain their own traditions, but call the entire civilized world back to a more authentic mode of being (Historical Quotes)
In every historical period, the religious groups that grow most rapidly are those that set believers at odds with the surrounding culture (Historical Quotes)
Nothing will stop us. The road to the stars is steep and dangerous. But we’re not afraid... Space flights can’t be stopped. This isn’t the work of one man or even a group of men. It is a historical process which mankind is carrying out in accordance with the natural laws of human development (Historical Quotes)
When one historical period is replaced by another, there isalways a group of people left over from the old society (Historical Quotes)
One way to explain the complexity and unpredictability of historical systems, despite their ultimate determinacy, is to note that long chains of causation may separate final effects from ultimate causes lying outside the domain of that field of science (Historical Quotes)
After all, the past is our only real guide to the future, and historical analogies are instruments for distilling and organizing the past and converting it to a map by which we can navigate (Historical Quotes)
Telling about our lives is important for those who come after as, for those who will see our experience as part of their own historical struggle (Historical Quotes)