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History Quotes

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Strike from mankind the principle of faith, and men would have no more history than a flock of sheep  (History Quotes) Because this is the other thing about immigrants: They cannot escape their history any more than you yourself can lose your shadow  (History Quotes) At any time of the day, corduroy is a highly stressful fabric. Rent collectors wear it. Tax collectors, too. History teachers add leather elbow patches  (History Quotes) So there existed fathers who dealt in the present, who didn't drag ancient history around like a ball and chain. So there were men who were not neck deep and sinking in the quagmire of the past  (History Quotes) Because this is the other thing about immigrants ('fugees, émigrés, travellers): they cannot escape their history any more than you yourself can lose your shadow  (History Quotes) The history of each and every territory is written in the blood of those who died trying to fulfill the aspirations of their ambitious leaders  (History Quotes) God lives and works in history. The outward mythology changes, the inward truth remains the same  (History Quotes) Men need history; it helps them to have an idea of who they are. But history, like sanctity, can reside in the heart; it is enough that there is something there  (History Quotes) If it was Europe that gave us on the coast some idea of our history, it was Europe, I feel, that also introduced us to the lie  (History Quotes) The stones themselves are thick with history, and those cats that dash through the alleyways must surely be the ghosts of the famous dead in feline disguise  (History Quotes) Liberty has never come from Government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it  (History Quotes) I've always believed the lies we use to make our fictions reveal the truth with far more honesty than any history or herstory or life story  (History Quotes) It reminded me of that tongue - in - cheek quick history of art I'd overheard... Used to be people couldn't draw very well, then they could, and now they can't again  (History Quotes) If history teaches anything, it teaches that self-delusion in the face of unpleasant facts is folly  (History Quotes) I know of no case study in history that describes an organization that has been managed out of a crisis. Every single one of them was led  (History Quotes) All history, all romance, all poetry and all prose, taught him that perseverance in love was generally crowned with success, that true love rarely was crowned with success except by perseverance  (History Quotes) Equally, we require a collective past - hence the endless reinterpretations of history, frequently to suit the perceptions of the present  (History Quotes) There's a preoccupation with memory and the operation of memory and a rather rapacious interest in history  (History Quotes) It is like writing history with lightning and my only regret is that it is all so terribly true  (History Quotes) There is little for the great part of the history of the world except the bitter tears of pity and the hot tears of wrath  (History Quotes) The flag is the embodiment, not of sentiment, but of history. It represents the experiences made by men and women, the experiences of those who do and live under that flag  (History Quotes) Correct English is the slang of prigs who write history and essays. And the strongest slang of all is the slang of poets  (History Quotes) Liberty never came from government. The history of liberty is a history of resistance. The history of liberty is a history of limitations of governmental power, not the increase of it  (History Quotes) As I worked to rebuild the ghost town I had made, I felt keenly that my failure to help Timothy was really only the latest chapter in a lifelong history of inadequacy and powerlessness  (History Quotes) Most science fiction seemed to be written for people who already liked science fiction; I wanted to write stories for anyone, anywhere, living at any time in the history of the world  (History Quotes) I just read an 800 page history of the Scottish Enlightenment and, honestly, I may as well just start it again now, because I cannot remember a single thing. I can barely remember where Scotland is  (History Quotes) In the uncertain ebb and flow of time and emotions much of one's life history is etched in the senses  (History Quotes) There is not one incident in the history of humanity in which defeatism led to peace which was anything other than a complete fraud  (History Quotes) History was part of the baggage we threw overboard when we launched ourselves into the New World  (History Quotes) No place is a place until things that have happened in it are remembered in history, ballads, yarns, legends, or monuments. Fictions serve as well as facts  (History Quotes)
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