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There is humor in the specter of the worst disaster in our nation’s history. All I have to do is sweep away the debris of shock to find it  (History Quotes) There is no glory in war, yet from the blackness of its history, there emerge vivid colours of human character and courage. Those who risked their lives to help their friends  (History Quotes) Through all of history mankind has ingested psychedelic substances. Those substances exist to put you in touch with spirits beyond yourself, with the creator, with the creative impulse of the planet  (History Quotes) Through history, people look for something spiritual. The greatest scientists in the world were men of religion and faith, too  (History Quotes) To those who have chosen the profession of medicine, a knowledge of chemistry, and of some branches of natural history, and, indeed, of several other departments of science, affords useful assistance  (History Quotes) Very few conflicts in the history of the world have been satisfactorily concluded according to a published timetable, because you lose all flexibility in dealing with your opponents  (History Quotes) Was it not enough punishment and suffering in history that we were uprooted and made helpless slaves not only in new colonial outposts but also domestically  (History Quotes) We are people with all the hopes, dreams, passions, and faults of everyone else. Eighty percent of us are born into families with no history of dwarfism  (History Quotes) We decry violence all the time in this country, but look at our history. We were born in a violent revolution, and we’ve been in wars ever since. We’re not a pacific people  (History Quotes) We have become aware of the responsibility for our attitude towards the dark pages in our history. We have understood that bad service is done to the nation by those who are impelling to renounce that past  (History Quotes) We know from our own history that democratic institutions take decades to mature, and we know from past conflicts that freedom is not free  (History Quotes) What is the thread of western civilization that distinguished its course in history? It has to do with the preoccupation of western man with his outward command and his sense of superiority  (History Quotes) When child actors act well they’re just reacting to situations, and they’re acting very real because their life experience is so short; there’s no history to fall back on  (History Quotes) When I began writing that I was able and did travel and met some fascinating people and also uncovered some history, which has not been discovered before  (History Quotes) When I turned 30, due to my father’s heart history and my family genetics, I vowed to start seeing a cardiologist every year and just really be proactive and take my own heart health into my own hands  (History Quotes) When I’m not writing or tweaking my computer, I do embroidery. When I’m not plunging into the past, tweaking, or embroidering, I’m reading books about history, computers, or embroidery  (History Quotes) While we are living in the present, we must celebrate life every day, knowing that we are becoming history with every work, every action, every deed  (History Quotes) You can learn as much about the history from reading about the present as you can vice versa, that is learning about the present through history, which is what I do for a living  (History Quotes) You can’t fake this music. You might be a great singer or a great musician but, in the need, that’s got nothing to do with it. It’s how you connect to the songs and to the history behind them  (History Quotes) You can’t walk alone. Many have given the illusion, but none have really walked alone. Man is not made that way. Each man is bedded in his people, their history, their culture, and their values  (History Quotes) You don’t change the course of history by turning the faces of portraits to the wall  (History Quotes) You have reckoned that history ought to judge the past and to instruct the contemporary world as to the future. The present attempt does not yield to that high office. It will merely tell how it really was  (History Quotes) I cannot join the space program and restart my life as an astronaut, but this opportunity to connect my abilities as an educator with my interests in history and space is a unique opportunity to fulfill my early fantasies  (History Quotes) There’s a very big part of me that just wants to take all of comics history and toss it on the bonfire. I’d sort of like to get on to the future  (History Quotes) I sort of missed one big thing, to touch first base. I hope I didn’t act foolish, but this is history  (History Quotes) If we look to the history of other nations, ancient or modern, we find no example of a growth so rapid, so gigantic, of a people so prosperous and happy  (History Quotes) So I have cultivated the vast garden of human experience which is history, without troubling myself overmuch about laws, essential first causes, or how it is all coming out  (History Quotes) It is my opinion that human history can make no sense unless evil doings are recognized for what they are, and that they are bearable only if somehow they may be redeemed  (History Quotes) I am not a fan of historical fiction that is sloppy in its research or is dishonest about the real history  (History Quotes) In exchange for power, influence, command and a place in history, a president gives up the bulk of his privacy  (History Quotes)
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