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History Quotes

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You don’t want to trash what you’ve done; that’s your history  (History Quotes) Racism is an ism to which everyone in the world today is exposed; for or against, we must take sides. And the history of the future will differ according to the decision which we make  (History Quotes) Whatever glory belongs to the race for a development unprecedented in history for the given length of time, a full share belongs to the womanhood of the race  (History Quotes) History is, in its essentials, the science of change. It knows and it teaches that it is impossible to find two events that are ever exactly alike, because the conditions from which they spring are never identical  (History Quotes) Furthermore, the study of the present surroundings is insufficient: the history of the people, the influence of the regions through which it has passed on its migrations, and the people with whom it came into contact, must be considered  (History Quotes) Remember that in every single case in history the process of adaptation has been one of exceeding slowness. Do not look for the impossible, but do not let your path deviate from the quiet and steadfast insistence on full opportunities for your powers  (History Quotes) We’re at unique point in history where the things that we are building are going to significantly impact our social, political, economical, and personal lives  (History Quotes) Everything must be recaptured and relocated in the general framework of history, so that despite the difficulties, the fundamental paradoxes and contradictions, we may respect the unity of history which is also the unity of life  (History Quotes) History may be divided into three movements: what moves rapidly, what moves slowly and what appears not to move at all  (History Quotes) A country grows in history not only because of the heroism of its troops on the field of battle, it grows also when it turns to justice and to right for the conservation of its interests  (History Quotes) Numerous politicians have seized absolute power and muzzled the press. Never in history has the press seized absolute power and muzzled the politicians  (History Quotes) Marxism conceives of the new system of socialism as the necessary outcome of all previous history made possible and necessary only by that previous history  (History Quotes) The kitchen’s a laboratory, and everything that happens there has to do with science. It’s biology, chemistry, physics. Yes, there’s history. Yes, there’s artistry. Yes, to all of that. But what happened there, what actually happens to the food is all science  (History Quotes) It was critical to finding a way out. I had assumed young women knew the history of feminism and must have felt gratitude to the movement for the opportunities that the work we have done has afforded them  (History Quotes) We believe that it is very important that we have hopefully averted what would have been the most substantial headwind of all, which is a default for the first time in our history, and that that will contribute to a more positive environment that we hope will allow for greater growth and job creation  (History Quotes) There are two kinds of man: the ones who make history and the ones who endure it  (History Quotes) We never, ever in the history of mankind have had access to so much information so quickly and so easily  (History Quotes) I’ve been on the show for six years and I don’t even know what her history is. I sort of make things up in my mind, but I think it’s hard for an audience to follow and invest in a character when they don’t have the details  (History Quotes) I would consider all of the legislation which I have supported meaningless if I were to sit idly by, silent, during a period which may go down in history as an era when we permitted the curtailment of our liberties  (History Quotes) I have had success throughout the years. Some of the hard rock bands today don’t have the history that I have  (History Quotes) I am trying to make art that relates to the deepest and most mythic concerns of human kind and I believe that, at this moment of history, feminism is humanism  (History Quotes) I set my sights upon becoming the kind of artist who would make a contribution to art history  (History Quotes) History could pass for a scarlet text, its jot and title graven red in human blood  (History Quotes) In economic panics throughout history, the wiping out of the savings accounts of lower earners and the middle class has often led to social revolution, sometimes violent upheavals  (History Quotes) You know, the way art history is taught, often there’s nothing that tells you why the painting is great. The description of a lousy painting and the description of a great painting will very much sound the same  (History Quotes) I think if you come from a history of persecution you have to develop a sense of humour  (History Quotes) Time in its irresistible and ceaseless flow carries along on its flood all created things and drowns them in the depths of obscurity... But the tale of history forms a very strong bulwark against the stream of time, and checks in some measure its irresistible flow, so that, of all things done in it, as many as history has taken over it secures and binds together, and does not allow them to slip away into the abyss of oblivion  (History Quotes) The people who make history are not the people who make it who are there but the people who make it and then write about it  (History Quotes) Christianity, democracy, science, education, wealth, and the cumulative inheritance of a thousand years, have not preserved us from the vain repetition of history  (History Quotes) American history contains much matter for pride and congratulation, and much matter for regret and humiliation  (History Quotes)
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