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History Quotes

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Biography is a very definite region bounded on the north by history, on the south by fiction, on the east by obituary, and on the west by tedium  (History Quotes) For the first time in history all the major countries in the world are pushing together to reach this goal... building something in space that is really for all humankind  (History Quotes) You can’t live in history. You’ve got to build for the future  (History Quotes) If you look at the history of big obstacles in understanding our world, there’s usually an intuitive assumption underlying them that’s wrong  (History Quotes) Unlike any other time in our history, we have to know that staying in school and getting an education is the most important thing you can do  (History Quotes) Journalism allows its readers to witness history; fiction gives its readers an opportunity to live it  (History Quotes) We have a history of gender and racial bias on our court that continues to undermine the system. Excluding individuals based on race is antagonistic to the pursuit of justice  (History Quotes) The real movement of history, it turns out, is fueled not by matter but by spirit, by the will to freedom  (History Quotes) The importance of the river cannot be overstated in the history of the country, or the development of the nation  (History Quotes) Language is an archaeological vehicle... the language we speak is a whole palimpsest of human effort and history  (History Quotes) Today’s population of adolescents and young adults is the largest in our nation’s history  (History Quotes) Throughout history, it took centuries for the habits of one culture to materially affect another. Now, that which becomes popular in one country can sweep through others within months  (History Quotes) I was feeling a strong need to change, grow, and break with particular things that were going on in my life and my history, and the material was the perfect answer for that  (History Quotes) If we go back in the history of different nations, violence and the use of force are part of their heritage. These are the traditions of mankind  (History Quotes) If we glance at the most important revolutions in history, we see at once that the greatest number of these originated in the periodical revolutions of the human mind  (History Quotes) Every child growing up will look to their parents, my mother and my father. My grandmother lived with us. I picked up quite a bit of family lore and history from her, which was interesting  (History Quotes) Like everybody at that age, I read an awful lot of pulp fiction. But at the same time, I also read quite a bit of history and read that as much for pleasure as part of a curriculum  (History Quotes) The church, inserted and active in human society and in history, does not exist in order to exercise political power or to govern the society  (History Quotes) History in its broadest aspect is a record of man’s migrations from one environment to another  (History Quotes) It is normal for politicians in all countries to profess themselves the pupils of history, anxious to draw the right lessons from her teaching  (History Quotes) The past history of our globe must be explained by what can be seen to be happening now. No powers are to be employed that are not natural to the globe, no action to be admitted except those of which we know the principle  (History Quotes) I think it’s one of my favourite theatres ever, so quirky and wonderful and steeped in history. The space is wonderful and the acoustics are brilliant  (History Quotes) The great philosophers and the great works are standards for the selection of what is essential. Everything that we do in studying the history of philosophy ultimately serves their better understanding  (History Quotes) I began to feel that, in a sense, we were all prisoners of our own history  (History Quotes) History has always been a series of pendulum swings, but the individual doesn’t have to get caught in that  (History Quotes) We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history  (History Quotes) From the time I was a little boy I found myself reading history when I had a choice. I read a lot of things, but history had a special appeal for me  (History Quotes) History had its own way of explaining things. The way historians explain things is by telling a story  (History Quotes) Throughout the human experience people have read history because they felt that it was a pleasure and that it was in some way instructive. The profession of professor of history has taken it in a very different direction  (History Quotes) Without history we are the prisoners of the accident of where and when we were born  (History Quotes)
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