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History Quotes

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I need to keep my story count high. I’m trying to get as many stories in my hour as is humanly possible. We’re telling more stories in our hour than any national newscast has in the history of this business, I think  (History Quotes) Art history is less explosive than the rest of history, so it sinks faster into the pulverized regions of time  (History Quotes) History is representational, while time is abstract; both of these artifices may be found in museums, where they span everybody’s own vacancy  (History Quotes) Unfortunately, our history has abundant examples of patriotism being used to hurt those who express views in disagreement with that of the majority  (History Quotes) Well, the first thing is that truth and power for me form an antithesis, an antagonism, which will hardly ever be resolved. I can define in fact, can simplify the history of human society, the evolution of human society, as a contest between power and freedom  (History Quotes) So don’t get me wrong, I love my songs, and I still love hearing them. That’s history, baby  (History Quotes) And me, myself personally, in order for there to be any kind of longevity there’s gotta be some history  (History Quotes) I am not trying to be a historian and a dramatist; I’m a dramatist, a dramatic historian, or one who does a dramatic interpretation of history  (History Quotes) I think that many people in history who had power were bumped off because they had power  (History Quotes) I will come out with my interpretation. If I’m wrong, fine. It will become part of the debris of history, part of the give and take  (History Quotes) I think that there are some teachers that do a very good job of incorporating culture and history. And there are some teachers who could use a little more help in that area  (History Quotes) From the beginning of our history the country has been afflicted with compromise. It is by compromise that human rights have been abandoned  (History Quotes) Do I regret taking the company public? Yes and no. Yes, because it put us under enormous pressure for a young company to go public at that point in its history, something you never could have done in the old days  (History Quotes) A poem may be an instance of morality, of social conditions, of psychological history; it may instance all its qualities, but never one of them alone, nor any two or three; never less than all  (History Quotes) The world we want to transform has already been worked on by history and is largely hollow. We must nevertheless be inventive enough to change it and build a new world. Take care and do not forget ideas are also weapons  (History Quotes) I can’t imagine something being beautiful at this point in history if it’s destroying the planet or causing children to get sick. How can anything be beautiful if it’s not ecologically intelligent at this point?  (History Quotes) I wanted to go into art history. Acting fell into my lap when a neighbor took pictures of me and showed them to an agent  (History Quotes) Technology is closing the gap between what one can imagine and what one can do and as a result the equality of opportunity is unmatched in human history  (History Quotes) If inciting people to do that is terrorism, and if killing those who kill our sons is terrorism, then let history be witness that we are terrorists  (History Quotes) The close relationship between politics and economics is neither neutral nor coincidental. Large governments evolve through history in order to protect large accumulations of property and wealth  (History Quotes) Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph  (History Quotes) In the history of the human race, those periods which later appeared as great have been the periods when the men and the women belonging to them had transcended the differences that divided them and had recognized in their membership in the human race a common bond  (History Quotes) In the history of education, the most striking phenomenon is that schools of learning, which at one epoch are alive with a ferment of genius, in a succeeding generation exhibit merely pedantry and routine  (History Quotes) So with each advance in understanding come new questions. So we need to be very humble. We shouldn’t have hubris and think that we can understand everything. But history tells us that there is good reason to believe that we will continue making fantastic progress in the years ahead  (History Quotes) All the lessons of history and experience must be lost upon us if we are content to trust alone to the peculiar advantages we happen to possess  (History Quotes) Except for the people who were there that one day they discovered the polio vaccine, being part of history is rarely a good idea. History is one war after another with a bunch of murders and natural disasters in between  (History Quotes) Historical sense and poetic sense should not, in the end, be contradictory, for if poetry is the little myth we make, history is the big myth we live, and in our living, constantly remake  (History Quotes) The emancipation of women is practically the greatest egoistic movement of the nineteenth century, and the most intense affirmation of the right of the self that history has yet seen  (History Quotes) History shows that no enemy remains hostile forever, nor do friends remain friendly forever. For that reason, we intend to have normal relations with all  (History Quotes) My style is where you see the individual and where a personality is communicated through actions, decisions, single objects and facts, where the whole draws together to form a history  (History Quotes)
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