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History Quotes

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Based on history the expectations are simply the highest, it kind of could become a burden for you or it could be something that you are really proud of, you know so I take the second one  (History Quotes) I went back and researched the history of gospel; where it came from, slavery times, communicating with each other without their master knowing what they are saying, and that gospel artists view themselves differently  (History Quotes) If we insist that public life be reserved for those whose personal history is pristine, we are not going to get paragons of virtue running our affairs. We will get the very rich, who contract out the messy things in life the very dull, who have nothing to hide and nothing to show and the very devious, expert at covering their tracks and ambitious enough to risk their discovery  (History Quotes) After two world wars, the collapse of fascism, nazism, communism and colonialism and the end of the cold war, humanity has entered a new phase of its history  (History Quotes) To those of you who study history, economics, sociology, literature and language I present the challenge of the utilization of the enormous resources in our grasp to the problem of creating a genuinely good life for yourselves and your children  (History Quotes) Philosophy of science without history of science is empty; history of science without philosophy of science is blind  (History Quotes) Providence conceals itself in the details of human affairs, but becomes unveiled in the generalities of history  (History Quotes) Never in the history of cinema has a medium entertained an audience. It’s what you do with the medium  (History Quotes) To investigate the history of man’s development, the most important finds are, of course, hominid fossils  (History Quotes) In capitalist history, invasion and class struggle are not opposites, as the official legend would have us believe, but one is the means and the expression of the other  (History Quotes) Of course, one way of thinking about all of life and civilization is as being about how the world registers and processes information. Certainly that’s what sex is about; that’s what history is about  (History Quotes) Gardeners instinctively know that flowers and plants are a continuum and that the wheel of garden history will always be coming full circle  (History Quotes) I know that I’m already in the history books and that people are going to remember me as the prisoner of war and the fabricated stories, but you know, to me I was just another soldier over there doing my job  (History Quotes) Certain periods in history suddenly lift humanity to an observation point where a clear light falls upon a world previously dark  (History Quotes) All that is noble in the world’s past history, and especially the minds of the great and the good, are never lost  (History Quotes) You know that’s history, that’s why some people say that my stuff is retro, but I don’t agree  (History Quotes) In over 160 years of recorded baseball history, no team had ever won a championship this way  (History Quotes) How do you make any sense of history, art or literature without knowing the stories and iconography of your own culture and all the world’s main religions?  (History Quotes) Each age tries to form its own conception of the past. Each age writes the history of the past anew with reference to the conditions uppermost in its own time  (History Quotes) History has shown us all too often the consequences of dreaming poorly or not at all  (History Quotes) France, for example, loves at the same time history and the drama, because the one explores the vast destinies of humanity, and the other the individual lot of man  (History Quotes) On the day when man told the story of his life to man, history was born  (History Quotes) One might almost reckon mathematically that, having undergone the double composition of public opinion and of the author, their history reaches us at third hand and is thus separated by two stages from the original fact  (History Quotes) There is nothing glorious about what our ancestors call history. It is simply a succession of mistakes, intolerances and violations  (History Quotes) History is full of really good stories. That’s the main reason I got into this racket: I want to make the argument that history is interesting  (History Quotes) It has been generally the custom of writers on natural history to take the habits and instincts of animals as the fixed point, and to consider their structure and organization as specially adapted to be in accordance with them  (History Quotes) The monuments of the nations are all protests against nothingness after death; so are statues and inscriptions; so is history  (History Quotes) Hope unbelieved is always considered nonsense. But hope believed is history in the process of being changed  (History Quotes) I think were struggling with trying to redefine various positions at this point in history. To allow freedom for women, freedom for men, freedom from those sharply defined gender roles  (History Quotes) It’s a major part of world history that men are trying to kill each other. It’s just one slaughter after the other. We talk about it, but no one’s really listening  (History Quotes)
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