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History Quotes

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For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; in this century he is beginning to realize that, in order to survive, he must protect it  (History Quotes) Now what is history? It is the centuries of systematic explorations of the riddle of death, with a view to overcoming death. That’s why people discover mathematical infinity and electromagnetic waves, that’s why they write symphonies  (History Quotes) Every woman should have a daughter to tell her stories to. Otherwise, the lessons learned are as useless as spare buttons from a discarded shirt. And all that is left is a fading name and the shape of a nose or the color of hair. The men who write the history books will tell you the stories of battles and conquests. But the women will tell you the stories of people’s hearts  (History Quotes) I’ve always been interested in foreign relations. It’s my belief that study of history should be our preparation for understanding the present rather than an escape from it  (History Quotes) History is a novel that has been lived, a novel is history that could have been  (History Quotes) The study of history is a powerful antidote to contemporary arrogance. It is humbling to discover how many of our glib assumptions, which seem to us novel and plausible, have been tested before, not once but many times and in innumerable guises; and discovered to be, at great human cost, wholly false  (History Quotes) And what we students of history always learn is that the human being is a very complicated contraption and that they are not good or bad but are good and bad and the good comes out of the bad and the bad out of the good, and the devil take the hindmost  (History Quotes) People say you’re born innocent, but it’s not true. You inherit all kinds of things that you can do nothing about. You inherit your identity, your history, like a birthmark that you can’t wash off... We are born with our heads turned back, but my mother says we have to face into the future now. You have to earn your own innocence, she says. You have to grow up and become innocent  (History Quotes) Waking, after all, was an almost natal state. You surfaced without history, then spent the blinks and yawns reassembling your past, shuffling the shards into chronological order before fortifying yourself for the present  (History Quotes) History proves there is no better advertisement for a book than to condemn it for obscenity  (History Quotes) Well, some people say I’m pessimistic because I recognize the eternal cycle of evil. All I say is, look at the history of mankind right up to this moment and what do you find?  (History Quotes) People who think that grammar is just a collection of rules and restrictions are wrong. If you get to like it, grammar reveals the hidden meaning of history, hides disorder and abandonment, links things and brings opposites together. Grammar is a wonderful way of organising the world how you’d like it to be  (History Quotes) Soon we will be strangers. No, we can never be that. Hurting someone is an act of reluctant intimacy. We will be dangerous acquaintances with a history  (History Quotes) Listen to no one’s advice except that of the wind in the trees. That can recount the whole history of mankind  (History Quotes) The difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is a matter of perspective: it all depends on the observer and the verdict of history  (History Quotes) Sleep was the greatest invention in the history of mankind. When I was sleeping, I wasn’t feeling guilty, or miserable, or sad  (History Quotes) Love made us partners in narcissism, and we talked ceaselessly about how close we were, how perfect our connection was, like we were the first people in history to ever get it exactly right  (History Quotes) The cause doesn’t have to be righteous and battle doesn’t have to be winnable; but over and over again throughout history, men have chosen to die in battle with their friends rather than to flee on their own and survive  (History Quotes) Sometimes, it is not the kings and queen who make for the most fascinating history but the shadowy souls who happen to be in the right place at the right time  (History Quotes) India is not, as people keep calling it, an underdeveloped country, but rather, in the context of its history and cultural heritage, a highly developed one in an advanced state of decay  (History Quotes) History doesn’t choose individual people. History chooses everyone. Every day. The only question is: How long will you ignore the call?  (History Quotes) ... History it seemed could be something entirely different a splash of blood whose agony didn’t fade overnight or over centuries  (History Quotes) If you don’t think you were born to run you’re not only denying history. You’re denying who you are  (History Quotes) You could grow up in the city where history was made and still miss it all  (History Quotes) If there was ever a more perfect day in the history of time it isn’t one I’ve heard about  (History Quotes) Every new medium transforms the nature of human thought. In the long run, history is the story of information becoming aware of itself  (History Quotes) Experience has taught us that we have only one enduring weapon in our struggle against mental illness: the emotional discovery and emotional acceptance of the truth in the individual and unique history of our childhood  (History Quotes) History is moving pretty quickly these days, and the heroes and villains keep on changing parts  (History Quotes) ... but I could not sleep without proper covering and spent the rest of the night rewriting lost arguments from my past, altering history so that I emerged victorious  (History Quotes) Universal access to human knowledge is in our grasp, for the first time in the history of the world. This is not a bad thing  (History Quotes)
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