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There is not a truth to be gathered from history more certain, or more momentous, than this: that civil liberty cannot long be separated from religious liberty without danger, and ultimately without destruction to both. Wherever religious liberty exists, it will, first or last, bring in and establish political liberty  (History Quotes) Each day of your life, as soon as you open your eyes in the morning, you can square away for a happy and successful day. It’s the mood and the purpose at the inception of each day that are the important facts in charting your course for the day. We can always square away for a fresh start, no matter what the past has been. It’s today that is the paramount problem always. Yesterday is but history  (History Quotes) The main duty of the historian of mathematics, as well as his fondest privilege, is to explain the humanity of mathematics, to illustrate its greatness, beauty and dignity, and to describe how the incessant efforts and accumulated genius of many generations have built up that magnificent monument, the object of our most legitimate pride as men, and of our wonder, humility and thankfulness, as individuals. The study of the history of mathematics will not make better mathematicians but gentler ones, it will enrich their minds, mellow their hearts, and bring out their finer qualities  (History Quotes) Great steps in human progress are made by things that don’t work the way philosophy thought they should. If things always worked the way they should, you could write the history of the world from now on. But they don’t, and it is those deviations from the normal that make human progress  (History Quotes) To us is given the honor of striking a blow for freedom which will live in history and in the better days that lie ahead men will speak with pride of our doings  (History Quotes) The history of media is the market share of advertising dollars has followed.. albeit with a lag  (History Quotes) Science is history arranged according to the superstition and taste of the moment. The vocabulary of scholars has no wit, no salt. These heavy tomes have no soul, they are filled with distress  (History Quotes) Man has always learned from the past. After all, you can’t learn history in reverse!  (History Quotes) No matter the specific techniques involved, historically mass surveillance has had several constant attributes. Initially, it is always the country’s dissidents and marginalized who bear the brunt of the surveillance, leading those who support the government or are merely apathetic to mistakenly believe they are immune. And history shows that the mere existence of a mass surveillance apparatus, regardless of how it is used, is in itself sufficient to stifle dissent. A citizenry that is aware of always being watched quickly becomes a compliant and fearful one  (History Quotes) Birds, it must be admitted, are the most exciting and most deserving of the vertebrates; they are perhaps the best entre into the study of natural history, and a very good wedge into conservation awareness  (History Quotes) Nobody in the world, nobody in history, has ever gotten their freedom by appealing to the moral sense of the people who were oppressing them  (History Quotes) I hate it when they tell us how far we’ve came to be; as if our people’s history started with slavery  (History Quotes) We ought not to endeavor to revise history according to our latter day notions of what things ought to have been, or upon the theory that the past is simply a reflection of the present  (History Quotes) I’ve also been reminded recently that while as a society we are moving toward greater inclusion and equality for all people, the tide of history only advances when people make themselves fully visible. There continue to be far too many incidences of bullying of young people, as well as discrimination and violence against people of all ages, based on their sexual orientation, and I believe there is value in making clear where I stand  (History Quotes) Roll up your sleeves, set your mind to making history, and wage such a fight for liberty that the whole world will respect our sex  (History Quotes) I wanted to write a novel that would make others feel the history: the pain and fear that black people have had to live through in order to endure  (History Quotes) One conversation centered on the ever accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue  (History Quotes) At the last dim horizon, we search among ghostly errors of observations for landmarks that are scarcely more substantial. The search will continue. The urge is older than history. It is not satisfied and it will not be oppressed  (History Quotes) In the history of art there are periods when bread seems so beautiful that it nearly gets into museums  (History Quotes) My greatest aim has been to advance the art of photography and to make it what I think I have, a great and truthful medium of history  (History Quotes) The first class opposition that appears in history coincides with the development of the antagonism between man and woman in monogamous marriage, and the first class oppression coincides with that of the female sex by the male  (History Quotes) We stand at a moment in history without precedent. Decisions that are ours to make over the next ten years will have a sweeping impact on the future direction of life on the planet  (History Quotes) The top 1 percent have the best houses, the best educations, the best doctors, and the best lifestyles, but there is one thing that money doesn’t seem to have bought: an understanding that their fate is bound up with how the other 99 percent live. Throughout history, this is something that the top 1 percent eventually do learn. Too late  (History Quotes) The question of whether world peace will ever be possible can only be answered by someone familiar with world history. To be familiar with world history means, however, to know human beings as they have been and always will be. There is a vast difference, which most people will never comprehend, between viewing future history as it will be and viewing it as one might like it to be. Peace is a desire, war is a fact; and history has never paid heed to human desires and ideals  (History Quotes) Though the contradictions of war seem sudden and simultaneous, history stalks before it strikes. Something tolerated soon becomes something good  (History Quotes) History and memory share events; that is, they share time and space. Every moment is two moments  (History Quotes) Extending over more than a century and including most nations of the globe, the cause of woman suffrage has been one of the great democratic forces in human history  (History Quotes) One must not love oneself so much, as to avoid getting involved in the risks of life that history demands of us, and those that fend off danger will lose their lives  (History Quotes) I had the feeling that if I encountered anyone they would intuit my disgrace and would judge me instantly. Nothing is more isolating than having a particular history. At least that’s what I thought. Now I know: all pain is the same. Only the details are different  (History Quotes) History is not ended. It will sooner or later take up the threads apparently broken off forever and knit them together in a new pattern  (History Quotes)
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