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History Quotes

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When I started I knew it was a matter of when, not if, I would get fired. That’s because that was just the past history of the previous coaches that had been there  (History Quotes) Our view of history diminishes the reality of the past. We concentrate on the historic event as something that has happened, and in so doing we ignore it as a moment which, at the time, is happening  (History Quotes) Humanitarianism needs no apology. Unless we... feel it toward all men without exception, we shall have lost the chief redeeming force in human history  (History Quotes) The universe is so immense that it appears immutable, and that the duration of a planet such as that of the earth is only a chapter, less than that, a phrase, less still, only a word of the universe’s history  (History Quotes) History repeats itself only in that, from afar, we all seem to lead exactly the same life. We are all born; we all spend time here on earth; we all die. But up close, we have each walked down our own separate paths. We have stood at our own lonely crossroads. We have touched the lives of others at crucial points, for better or for worse. In the end, each of us has lived a unique life story, astounding and complicated, a story that could never be repeated  (History Quotes) The great struggle of history has been for the control over money. It is almost tautological to affirm that to control the production and distribution of money is to control the wealth, resources, and people of the world  (History Quotes) In the long history of human affairs, common sense doesn’t have the greatest track record  (History Quotes) If you divide the world into them and us, and history into ours and theirs, or if you think of history as something only you and your affiliates possess, then no matter what you know, no matter how noble your intentions, you have taken one step toward the destruction of the world  (History Quotes) In the history of a soul’s evolution there is a critical point of the human incarnation that decides for us whether we stay there, go down or progress upwards. There is a knot of worldly desires impeding us; cut the knot by mastering desires and go forward. This done, progress is assured  (History Quotes) One of the lessons of history is that even the deepest crises can be moments of opportunity. They bring ideas from the margins into the mainstream  (History Quotes) History is not usually what has happened. History is what some people have thought to be significant  (History Quotes) Mankind is divided into two basic sorts: those who find the unknown future threatening... and those who find it thrilling. The rupture between those two sides has been responsible for most of the bloodshed in history  (History Quotes) The history of the human race is a continual struggle from darkness into light. It is, therefore, to no purpose to discuss the use of knowledge; man wants to know, and when he ceases to do so, is no longer a man  (History Quotes) Like I’m always telling my brothers, if you gonna go into history, you can’t do it with a hate attitude. You got to remember, times was different  (History Quotes) Like it or not, everything is changing. The result will be the most wonderful experience in the history of man or the most horrible enslavement that you can imagine. Be active or abdicate. The future is in your hands  (History Quotes) Government schooling is the most radical adventure in history. It kills the family by monopolizing the best times of childhood and by teaching disrespect for home and parents  (History Quotes) There is no law by which to determine the superiority of nations; hence the vanity of the claim, and the idleness of disputes about it. A people risen, run their race, and die either of themselves or in the hands of another, who, succeeding to their power, take possession of their place, and upon their monuments write new names; such is history  (History Quotes) Give me one other part of history where everybody shows up to the same social space. Fragmentation is a more natural state of being  (History Quotes) Language allows us to reach out to people, to touch them with our innermost fears, hopes, disappointments, victories. To reach out to people we’ll never meet. It’s the greatest legacy you could ever leave your children or your loved ones: The history of how you felt  (History Quotes) History is full of examples of people compromising their beliefs in order to keep themselves alive  (History Quotes) History matters. It matters whether we tell the truth about what happened centuries ago, and it matters whether we tell the truth about more recent history. It matters because if we can’t we will never be able to face the present, guaranteeing that our future will be doomed  (History Quotes) Considered in its entirety, psychoanalysis won’t do. It is an end product, moreover, like a dinosaur or a zeppelin; no better theory can ever be erected on its ruins, which will remain for ever one of the saddest and strangest of all landmarks in the history of twentieth century thought  (History Quotes) Throughout history, adultery has had few rivals as a cause of murder and human misery. The reason we tend to resemble our mates is that many of us are looking for someone who reminds us of our parent or sibling of the opposite sex, who in turn resembles us  (History Quotes) Culture is simultaneously the fruit of a people’s history and a determinant of history  (History Quotes) By the numbers, by all the official records, here at the confluence of history, of racism, of poverty, and economic power, this is what our lives are worth: nothing  (History Quotes) I can only answer that I tried to tell the truth and, if not be objective, at least be fair; history is not served when reporters prize trepidation and propriety over the robust journalistic duty to tell the whole story  (History Quotes) Throughout the history of game development, the game control mechanism has become more and more sophisticated,... Perhaps those who have quit gaming or who have never played games look at the game controller and think it’s too difficult to play, even before they dare to touch it  (History Quotes) Man is a fraction of the animal world. Our history is an afterthought, no more, tacked to an infinite calender. We are not so unique as we should like to believe. And if man in a time of need seeks deeper knowledge concerning himself, then he must explore those animal horizons from which we have made our quick little march  (History Quotes) Filmmakers began to experiment with special effects almost as soon as motion pictures were invented. The history of special effects is the history of motion pictures  (History Quotes) I can only think that the book is read because it deals with the difficulties of schooling, which do not change. Please note: the difficulties, not the problems. Problems are solved or disappear with the revolving times. Difficulities remain. It will always be difficult to teach well, to learn accurately; to read, write, and count readily and competently; to acquire a sense of history and start one’s education or anothers  (History Quotes)
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