History Quotes

Text Quotes
The details of our struggle to survive and prosper, in what has been a difficult and sometimes bitter relationship with a system of laws and practices that deny us access to the tools necessary for productive and industrious life, are available to any serious student of history or sociology (History Quotes)
You probably won’t remember me. I’m probably ancient history. I’m one of the chosen few who went ahead and fell for you. I’m out of vogue, I’m out of touch. I fell too fast, I feel too much. I thought that you might have some advice to give on how to be insensitive (History Quotes)
See yourself as a pioneer in a new world. We are not facing the end of the world, as some would have us believe, but the greatest adventure of our lives. We have the unique opportunity to write a new chapter in the history of humankind, to be active participants in shaping a new world (History Quotes)
All fiction is lies – if it weren’t, it would be biography, history, or reportage (History Quotes)
The history of human consciousness is marked by the battle between the old awareness, the ways of fear, and the new awareness, the ways of love (History Quotes)
At this crucial crossroads of history, we join to call on the world to recognize that violence begets violence; that nuclear proliferation benefits no one; that we can, we will, and we must find other ways to protect ourselves, our nations and our future: for it is not sufficient to have peace in our time, but, instead, we must leave a peaceful world to our children (History Quotes)
I’m not an overnight success. My early publishing history, through my first five books, was unfortunate in many respects, typified by a couple of short anecdotes (History Quotes)
You may have what it takes to be successful, but if you lose yourself in someone else’s priorities or societal expectations, you will be judged not by your potential but rather by your history (History Quotes)
The source of most human violence and suffering has been a hidden children’s holocaust throughout history, whereby billions of innocent human beings have been routinely murdered, bound, starved, raped, mutilated, battered, and tortured by their parents and other caregivers, so that they grow up as emotionally crippled adults and become vengeful time bombs who periodically restage their early traumas in sacrificial rites called wars (History Quotes)
When you go visiting countries, you start reading the history of the place and you start getting into the culture, and then you have to leave. In my experience, all countries have hidden treasures (History Quotes)
I don’t really deal with the attention I receive to be honest. I build up a fantasy world around me that I inhabit. I cherry pick elements of literature, music, film, history and art, then weave them together to construct a fantasy reality to live in. It doesn’t always work out though, I got evicted from my own fantasy once, which was quite embarrassing (History Quotes)
In history, one gathers clues like a detective, tries to present an honest account of what most likely happened, and writes a narrative according to what we know and, where we aren’t absolutely sure, what might be most likely to have happened, within the generally accepted rules of evidence and sources (History Quotes)
History has shown that a government’s redistribution of shrinking wealth, in preference to a private sector’s creation of new sources of it, can prove more destructive than even the most deadly enemy (History Quotes)
If you look on the history of art you observe how the most popular forms trample the rest. The abstract expressionists destroyed figurative work for more than 30 years (History Quotes)
We know people by their stories: their history, their habits, their secrets, their triumphs and failures. We know them by what they do. We want to know mountains too, but they’ve got no story. So we do the next best thing. We throw ourselves onto them and make the stories happen (History Quotes)
Recorded history is wrong. It’s wrong because the voiceless have no voice in it (History Quotes)
The world is moving into a phase when landscape design may well be recognized as the most comprehensive of the arts. Man creates around him an environment that is a projection into nature of his abstract ideas. It is only in the present century that the collective landscape has emerged as a social necessity. We are promoting a landscape art on a scale never conceived of in history (History Quotes)
People aren’t photographing for history any more. It’s for immediate gratification. If you’re photographing to share an image, you’re not photographing to keep it (History Quotes)
The reason I call myself a documentary photographer is the idea of how photographs contain and participate in history (History Quotes)
The written history of the world is largely a history of warfare, because the states within which we live came into existence largely through conquest, civil strife, or struggles for independence (History Quotes)
We were happy a hundred years ago. We knew that there were exploiters and exploited, wealthy and poor, and we had a perfect idea of how to get rid of injustice; we would expropriate the owners and turn the wealth over to the common good. We expropriated the owners and we created one of the most monstrous and oppressive social systems in world history. And we keep repeating that in principle everything was all right, only some unfortunate accidents slipped in and slightly spoiled the good idea. Now let us start afresh (History Quotes)
Today’s events are tomorrow’s history, yet events seen by the naked eye lack the depth and breadth of human struggles, triumphs and suffering. Writing history is writing the soul of the past… so that the present generation may learn from past mistakes, be inspired by their ancestor’s sacrifices, and take responsibility for the future (History Quotes)
Modernism’, as a label, has currency in the arts, architecture, planning, landscape, politics, theology, cultural history and elsewhere (History Quotes)
When I left I got an award for being the latest person in the history of the school. If you got three late marks for being over fifteen minutes late you’d get an after school detention. I got something like 257 marks. And I only lived about ten minutes away (History Quotes)
Our mission is to speak the truth to power. We send home that first rough draft of history. We can and do make a difference in exposing the horrors of war and especially the atrocities that befall civilians (History Quotes)
Life is all about moments. No one in history has ever been able to hold on to one (History Quotes)
In all history the only bright rays cutting the gloom of oppression have come from men who would rather get hurt than give in (History Quotes)
How can we trust a religion that has advocated slavery and the subjugation of women throughout history? (History Quotes)
Throughout the history of the sport, the heavyweight champion has been... a reason to talk about boxing at the water cooler (History Quotes)
I’ve been completely fascinated with history because it tells everything about what’s going to happen next because it’s cyclical, everything repeats in general (History Quotes)