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Hitler Quotes

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Imagine if the United States, in its war against Hitler, had said to Stalin: we don’t want your support until you make your country democratic  (Hitler Quotes) What does it feel like to represent a newspaper that used to support Adolf Hitler? And supports the banker Kabbalists that are ruining the world? Did you vote Tory?  (Hitler Quotes) When you look at Hitler and those thugs, you can put Walmart right next to them  (Hitler Quotes) It’s a total failure of the Western imagination that the only enemy they can see is Adolph Hitler  (Hitler Quotes) The implication strongly is that Osama bin Laden is a Hitler, even though he has no state power at all. It’s just grotesque if you seriously think about it  (Hitler Quotes) In real life, I’m afraid of heights - and people who get moral convictions... Adolf Hitler in London  (Hitler Quotes) Napoleon, Hitler, various people tried this out, and it ends tragically. The EU is an attempt to do this by different methods . . . there is no underlying loyalty to the idea of Europ  (Hitler Quotes) [Adolf] Hitler needed, he didn’t want to kill Jews, he wanted to expel German Jews, and therefore it’s not entirely corroborating your theory  (Hitler Quotes) World wide capitalism kills more people everyday then Hitler did. And he was crazy  (Hitler Quotes) There comes a time when people with values simply have to stand up. Think about Nazi, Germany. Most of those people did not believe in what Hitler was doing  (Hitler Quotes) Hitler had a police state of the first order. And those who showed any sign of being weak-kneed faced prison or often summary execution. That prevented a lot of people who knew that the war was not going to turn out well for Germany from giving up  (Hitler Quotes) My fear is that the Tea Party gets a charismatic leader. Because all they’re selling is fear and anger. And that’s all Hitler sold. ‘I’m angry and I’m frightened, and you should hate that guy over there.’ And that’s what they’re doing  (Hitler Quotes) I had one life. And what did I do? Wasted it in some palooka preliminaries in Spain, just before Hitler and Chamberlain warm up for the main event  (Hitler Quotes) Hitler promised not to invade Czechoslovakia, Jeremy. Welcome to the real world  (Hitler Quotes) It’s a total failure of the Western imagination that the only enemy they can see is Adolph Hitler.  (Hitler Quotes) In real life, I’m afraid of heights - and people who get moral convictions... Adolf Hitler in London.  (Hitler Quotes) The difference between self-confidence and conceit is as simple as love and fear. Jesus was self-confident ... Hitler was afraid.  (Hitler Quotes) The two came to differ on many, if not most, issues. But the man who would single-handedly defy Hitler in 1940 against all odds bears a striking resemblance to the man who organized the first satyagraha campaign in South Africa.  (Hitler Quotes) I often wonder how different the world would be if Hitler had not been turned down when he applied to art school.  (Hitler Quotes) Hitler was an avid reader, a passion that stayed with him through all the phases of his career  (Hitler Quotes) I’m still working on my time machine. If I ever perfect it, I’m going back in time to prevent Ace Ventura 2 from being made. And then I’m going after Hitler.  (Hitler Quotes) I was handed a chocolate bar and an M-1 rifle and told to go kill Hitler  (Hitler Quotes) ...China has announced that...it will hold the beach volleyball contest at the site of the 1989 massacre. Even Hitler didn’t have the chutzpah to stage the 100-yard dash at Dachau.  (Hitler Quotes) I don’t like the kind of writer who’s out to change the world and beat up on people for their own good. Stalin did that and Hitler did that, and to hell with them.  (Hitler Quotes) With the risk of being accused of quoting the wrong person I can say that [Adolf] Hitler wrote that the more the press attacks a person the closer he is to us.  (Hitler Quotes) The remarkable thing about Hitler was his talent for dissimulation. His formidable abilities as an actor are often overlooked. There are only very rarely situations where we can say he was being genuine.  (Hitler Quotes) I have also seen [Adolf] Hitler upset when they had been having words. He was not immune from being bothered or upset by their relationship.  (Hitler Quotes) Look at the John Birch Society. Look at Hitler. The reactionaries are always better organizers.  (Hitler Quotes) I didn’t experience the negative side of [Adolf] Hitler. My sister [Eva Braun] did, that’s a big distinction.  (Hitler Quotes) When I went out on tour as Bing Hitler I would hook up with Lenny and we’d get drunk together. He was always very supportive. He was a big star and a lot of what he said to me had power and impact. Apart from that, I just like him.  (Hitler Quotes)
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