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Hitler Quotes

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Black conservatives have a right to exist, but why would I want to walk around with a swastika on my shirt after the way Hitler done messed it up?  (Hitler Quotes) What’s interesting is that when you get into the post-war period, many of the narratives in books and movies conclude that if you killed Hitler, you’re actually going to make history worse.  (Hitler Quotes) Spending a weekend with Hitler would have been boring in the extreme, although you would have had a greater certainty in coming back alive.  (Hitler Quotes) The author points out that novices to total war, and this Hitler and the British press have in common, overreact to daily events and lose sight of overall strategy.  (Hitler Quotes) You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him  (Hitler Quotes) [Adolf] Hitler had a very strong adolescent side to him, emotionally he was like a boy in certain things, like film stars and gossip.  (Hitler Quotes) I worked as a lawyer; as a member of the teaching staff of a technical college; and then I worked principally as legal adviser to Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers Party.  (Hitler Quotes) That furniture cost me a fortune! It’s designer furniture. Designed by whom ? Darth Vader ? The Hitler Youth ?  (Hitler Quotes) Roosevelt understands that there are things that are worth surrendering your career for, like defending the country against [Adolf] Hitler.  (Hitler Quotes) Imagine if the United States, in its war against Hitler, had said to Stalin: we don’t want your support until you make your country democratic.  (Hitler Quotes) The next time they give you all that civic bullshit about voting, keep in mind that Hitler was elected in a full, free democratic election  (Hitler Quotes) The president who is most slandered as Hitler will probably prove to be the most zealous advocate of democratic government abroad, the staunchest friend of beleaguered Israel, and the greatest promoter of global individual freedom in our recent memory.  (Hitler Quotes) I dealt with legal questions in the interest of Adolf Hitler and the NSDAP and its members during the difficult years of struggle for the victory of the Movement.  (Hitler Quotes) Plato and Hitler were both the same kind of consistent socialists who planned also for the production of future socialists, the breeding and education of future members of society.  (Hitler Quotes) Hitler at the end thought that he himself was one more casualty in the war  (Hitler Quotes) Hitler is endless proof of God’s love and blessing for which we ever must be grateful  (Hitler Quotes) It is a tragedy, perhaps, that human beings can get so much energy and enthusiasm from hate. If you want to feel ten feet tall and as though you could run a hundred miles without stopping, hate beats pure cocaine any day. Hitler resurrected a beaten, bankrupt, half-starved nation with hatred and nothing more. Imagine that.  (Hitler Quotes) The enterprise of Adolf Hitler, with all its clatter and fireworks, and all its cunning and dynamic energy, is the enterprise of an evil spirit, which is apparently allowed its freedom for a time in order to test our faith in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.  (Hitler Quotes) It is the faith and perseverance and single-mindedness with which Hitler has perfected his weapons of destruction that commands my admiration.  (Hitler Quotes) Hitler was highly secretive - not least about his personal life, his background, and his family  (Hitler Quotes) No matter what Hitler said, he spoke with a fine feeling for the particular circle which he addressed. ... He was a great psychologist.  (Hitler Quotes) Normally the great men that we admire from a distance lose their magic when one knows them well. With Hitler the opposite is true.  (Hitler Quotes) I can’t find someone funny whom I don’t like. Hitler told great jokes. I didn’t find it funny at all.  (Hitler Quotes) When I heard that Hitler had problems with flatulence, it’s funny. What - does that make him a funny man? No. It means he had funny moments when his rear end was speaking louder than his mouth.  (Hitler Quotes) In searching for a rationale to go to war, Bush settled on the notion of Saddam as an incarnation of evil, basically, and convinced himself that Saddam was fundamentally Adolf Hitler reborn. I think his feelings towards Saddam were in fact quite genuine and quite legitimately hostile. He was not play acting.  (Hitler Quotes) I’m not comparing Bush to Adolf Hitler - because George Bush, for one thing, is not as smart as Adolf Hitler.  (Hitler Quotes) The British left intermittently erupts like a pustule upon the buttock of a rather good country. Seventy years ago it opposed mobilisation against Adolf Hitler and worshiped the other genocide, Josef Stalin. It has marched for Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Khrushchev, Brezhnev and Andropov. It has slobbered over Ceausescu and Mugabe. It has demonstrated against everything and everyone American for a century.  (Hitler Quotes) More than anyone else, Adolf Hitler completely understood the union between government propaganda and between - and advertising, that they were in some ways the same thing.  (Hitler Quotes) Hitler was never more than average as an artist. His great talent was for the games of politics.  (Hitler Quotes) Whatever anybody wants to say about my sister, [Eva Braun] was always beautifully dressed with a great flair for fashion. [Adolf] Hitler was not this way.  (Hitler Quotes)
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