Hold On Quotes

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Remember this. Hold on to this. This is the only perfection there is, the perfection of helping others. This is the only thing we can do that has any lasting meaning. This is why we’re here. To make each other feel safe (Hold On Quotes)
This is how you hold onto your family. You hold them with open hands so they are free to find futures of their own. It’s just that simple (Hold On Quotes)
In years past, to keep their men close, women would wear a ring and bear children. It doesn’t work like that today. Nowadays, how do we hold on to those we love? I’ve no idea (Hold On Quotes)
Life might be easier if you give in a little, but it’s better if you hold onto something so hard you can’t give it up (Hold On Quotes)
Some of my relatives held on to imagined memories the way homeless people hold onto lottery tickets. Nostalgia was their crack cocaine, if you will, and my childhood was littered with the consequences of their addiction : unserviceable debts, squabbles over inheritances, the odd alcoholic or suicide (Hold On Quotes)
A southern moon is a sodden moon, and sultry. When it swamps the fields and the rustling sandy roads and the sticky honeysuckle hedges in its sweet stagnation, your fight to hold on to reality is like a protestation against a first waft of ether (Hold On Quotes)
... when you let go of your expectations, when you accept life as it is, you’re free.To hold on is to be serious and uptight. To let go is to lighten up (Hold On Quotes)
The tension between what is, and what we dream of, is important. Not to discount what we have, but to hold onto that middle ground, because it’s in there that the magic happens (Hold On Quotes)
I hate how the people who really get you are the ones you can never hold on to for very long. And the ones who don’t understand you at all stick around (Hold On Quotes)
The world was full of beauty. She wanted to grab hold of it and take it down into her bones. Yet always it seemed beyond her grasp. Sometimes only by a little, like now. The thinnest membrane. Usually, though, by miles. She couldn’t expect to be that kind of happy all the time. She knew that. But sometimes you could. Sometimes you should be allowed a tiny bit of joy that should stay with you for more than five minutes. That wasn’t too much to ask. To have a moment like this, and be able to hold on to it. To cross that membrane, and feel alive (Hold On Quotes)
I have great faith that there’s a master plan and that even if we don’t understand it and even if it’s heartbreaking, there’s a reason for everything. And I hold on to that (Hold On Quotes)
All I would tell people is to hold onto what was individual about themselves, not to allow their ambition for success to cause them to try to imitate the success of others. You’ve got to find it on your own terms (Hold On Quotes)
One morning you will awake to find that you are the person you dreamed of doing what you wanted to do simply because you had the courage to believe in your potential and to hold on to your dream (Hold On Quotes)
I realized that whatever your path, whatever your calling, the most damaging thing you can do is let other voices define you and drown out your own. You’ve got to block them out and find that place deep inside you, shaken but still intact, and hold on to it (Hold On Quotes)
Most people do not know themselves. The real you is not that person you are when times are great, the real you shows when everything goes wrong. Can you hold on, can you keep pushing or do you quit? (Hold On Quotes)
Do the things you used to talk about doing but never did. Know when to let go and when to hold on tight. Stop rushing. Don’t be intimidated to say it like it is. Stop apologizing all the time. Learn to say no, so your yes has some oomph. Spend time with the friends who lift you up, and cut loose the ones who bring you down. Stop giving your power away. Be more concerned with being interested than being interesting. Be old enough to appreciate your freedom, and young enough to enjoy it. Finally know who you are (Hold On Quotes)
Oh oh it’s magic, when I’m with you, oh oh it’s magic, you know it’s true, got a hold on you (Hold On Quotes)
It never hurts for potential opponents to think you’re more than a little stupid and can hardly count all the money in your hip pocket, much less hold on to it (Hold On Quotes)
Most true believers, when faced with evidence that contradicts their beliefs, will hold on to those beliefs even more strongly (Hold On Quotes)
Hold on... Say your son or daughter has just gotten killed in a car accident and you’re plastered out of your mind at 3 a.m. Are you going to be able to handle that? (Hold On Quotes)
It’s not so much revenge, but I think you want to hold on to a little of that just for extra motivation (Hold On Quotes)
The best way to hold on to something is to pay no attention to it. The things you love too much perish. You have to treat everything with irony, especially the things you hold dear. There’s more of a chance then that they’ll survive (Hold On Quotes)
I believe that when you find love, you hold on to it and cherish it because there is nothing finer and it may never come again (Hold On Quotes)
One wears one’s mind out in study, and yet has more mind with which to study. One gives away one’s heart in love and yet has more heart to give away. One perishes out of pity for a suffering world, and is stronger therefore. So, too, it is possible at one and the same time to hold on to life and let go (Hold On Quotes)
How many human beings anywhere, hold on to a relationship merely because it exists? This fear of loneliness, abandonment, or failure can, if we let it, hold any of us back from doing exactly what each of us needs to do to feel fulfilled (Hold On Quotes)
There’s so much of a desire in the entertainment industry for newness, a desire to build somebody up and then treat them as old news within six months. I think you’d be naive if you didn’t try to hold on to your own way of doing things (Hold On Quotes)
When everything in your life is right on track, it’s easy to believe that things happen for a reason. It’s easy to have faith. But when things start to go wrong, then it’s very hard to hold on to that faith. It’s hard not to wonder who’s reasons these things are happening for (Hold On Quotes)
Humans cannot reject temptation. When they are plunged into the depths of despair, likened to hell, they will hold on to anything that may help them escape from the situation they are in, even if it’s merely a spider’s thread, no matter what sort of humans they are (Hold On Quotes)
The harder you fight to hold on to specific assumptions, the more likely there’s gold in letting go of them (Hold On Quotes)
If a man has any brains at all, let him hold on to his calling, and, in the grand sweep of things, his turn will come at last (Hold On Quotes)