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... Her breasts swam towards me like two pink nosed fish and she let me hold them  (Hold Quotes) I challenge you to show me where the saloon has ever helped business, education, church, morals or anything we hold dear  (Hold Quotes) Christ will bear no equal, and Satan no superior; and therefore, hold in with both thou canst not  (Hold Quotes) I had to hold my head up high and put a bold face on things, but the thoughts keep coming anyways  (Hold Quotes) Thinking about the suffering of those you hold dear can reduce you to tears; in fact, you could spend the whole day crying  (Hold Quotes) A pretty face may be enough to catch a man, but it takes character and good nature to hold him  (Hold Quotes) It’s a long road when you face the world alone, when no one reaches out a hand for you to hold. You can find love if you search within your soul, and the emptiness you felt will disappear  (Hold Quotes) Don’t you know that you’re blowing my mind? What you do to me I can’t describe. Baby, I can’t hold back anymore. I just can’t conceal it. You’re the one I really adore  (Hold Quotes) If you believe within your soul, just hold on tight and don’t let go! You can make it, make it happen  (Hold Quotes) I’ve always loved the electric guitar: to hold it and work it and hear what it does is unreal  (Hold Quotes) Stories hold conflict and contrast, highs and lows, life and death, and the human struggle and all kinds of things  (Hold Quotes) To me, a story can be both concrete and abstract, or a concrete story can hold abstractions. And abstractions are things that really can’t be said so well with words  (Hold Quotes) One column of truth cannot hold an institution of ideas from falling into ignorance. It is wiser that a person of prudence and purpose save his strength for battles that can be won  (Hold Quotes) Don’t hold together what must fall apart. The familiar life crumbles so the new life can begin  (Hold Quotes) Resentment or grudges do no harm to the person against whom you hold these feelings but every day and every night of your life, they are eating at you  (Hold Quotes) The Book of Mormon is concrete and solid, they can hold it, and they can visualize that they have to pray to decide if this physical thing is true. There is no room for interpretation  (Hold Quotes) Hold your head high, stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark sometimes, but morning comes. Keep hope alive  (Hold Quotes) She’s an old lady and she’s ill. You just hold your head high and be a gentleman. Whatever she says to you, it’s your job not to let her make you mad  (Hold Quotes) Who but an English professor would threaten to kill a duck a day and hold up a goose as an example?  (Hold Quotes) Women hold the power because we have the vaginas. If you’re in a heterosexual relationship and you’re a female, you win  (Hold Quotes) If you desire a thing, picture it clearly and hold the picture steadily in mid until it becomes a definite thought-form  (Hold Quotes) Let us render the tyrant no aid; let us not hold the light by which he can trace the footprints of our flying brother  (Hold Quotes) When they were in Papua New Guinea, God just totally grabbed a hold of Will’s heart and totally changed him. and within three months he was saved and he’s never looked back since  (Hold Quotes) You can’t love what you don’t know much about. You can’t convince, stimulate, hold the attention, teach, if you don’t know what you’re talking about  (Hold Quotes) Don’t just reach for the stars. Grab a hold of one, grasp it tightly, and pull it into your heart and soul  (Hold Quotes) Let us keep the discoveries and indisputable measurements of physics. But... A more complete study of the movements of the world will oblige us, little by little, to turn it upside down; in other words, to discover that if things hold and hold together, it is only by reason of complexity, from above  (Hold Quotes) A good teacher, like a good entertainer first must hold his audience’s attention, then he can teach his lesson  (Hold Quotes) And I have the support of the writers: I have a great relationship with the creative team, and they have a good hold of my character and my personality, and they come up with some great stuff, and I’m forever trying to change it up, keep it fresh  (Hold Quotes) Both now and for always, I intend to hold fast to my belief in the hidden strength of the human spirit  (Hold Quotes) Both within the family and without, our sisters hold up our mirrors: our images of who we are and of who we can dare to become  (Hold Quotes)
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