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I just decided that I would not put my professional life on hold to raise children. I know that sounds selfish to a lot of people and I don’t know if what I’m doing is the right thing. But that’s the way I’m doing it  (Hold Quotes) The young people look great on television. They’re youthful and have a lot of zip and energy, but when you see them live, they can only do about 20 minutes because they haven’t got the training to hold an audience for an hour and a half or so  (Hold Quotes) I don’t like to hold back, because that’s how you hurt yourself  (Hold Quotes) I’m probably the least flexible athlete you’ll find. When it comes to yoga, I can’t get in the positions and I can’t hold them. You have to be pretty flexible to do it. Once you get certain positions, you have to have the core strength to hold those positions. It’s a pretty good workout  (Hold Quotes) It’s always nice to be able to capture your life’s experiences in a song and hold the emotion in that way  (Hold Quotes) I suppose any note, no matter how sour, sounds like a song if you hold onto it long enough  (Hold Quotes) A photographer must be prepared to catch and hold on to those elements which give distinction to the subject or lend it atmosphere  (Hold Quotes) I knew absolutely nothing about acting, and had to be taught everything. Some people are born naturals and know how to walk, talk and hold themselves. I didn’t and had to learn everything  (Hold Quotes) When you cover politics, you realize that knowing how to talk about character matters more and more. The way we hold ideas is more important than the ideas  (Hold Quotes) A woman who looks like a girl and thinks like a man is the best sort, the most enjoyable to be and the most pleasurable to have and to hold  (Hold Quotes) It may not be possible to get rare roast beef but if you’re willing to settle for well done, ask them to hold the sweetened library paste that passes for gravy  (Hold Quotes) No, moral conscience is one thing, the law is another. We have to hold onto this difference  (Hold Quotes) It just wasn’t right the way they were behind by 25 points and then they’re told to hold the ball  (Hold Quotes) When something happens, I always check myself and know it’s going to go away. So be prepared for it. This is a tough business for actors who are sensitive. If you try to hold on to things, you’ll go crazy  (Hold Quotes) That strategy of buy and hold, which is the sound and sensible one for the individual, can have very dangerous and perverse effects for the market as a whole  (Hold Quotes) You know what black hatred women feel toward me as soon as they see me, until I return inside my shell, they use every possible weapon. As soon as a generous man tries to help me out, a woman is here to hold his arm and prevent him from acting  (Hold Quotes) I think it’s a good thing that there are bloggers out there watching very closely and holding people accountable. Everyone in the news should be able to hold up to that kind of scrutiny. I’m for as much transparency in the newsgathering process as possible  (Hold Quotes) Because I don’t think it’s very healthy to hold people to idealized views. I think that’s a certain stage in life, something kids do. You have to go through that idealistic phase with your parents, but at a certain point, you need to see people as just people  (Hold Quotes) I think the only choice that will enable us to hold to our vision... is one that abandons the concept of naming enemies and adopts a concept familiar to the nonviolent tradition: naming behavior that is oppressive  (Hold Quotes) I know how guys talk, so I’m not easily offended. Guys can fight and be best friends five minutes later. Women have to air it out, hold on to it, work on it  (Hold Quotes) An athlete learns how to hold her breath, but that doesn’t work in singing. You have to learn to relax  (Hold Quotes) Regardless of whether you speak the language or are familiar with a culture, the picture should hold up  (Hold Quotes) Criticism, even when you try to ignore it, can hurt. I have cried over many articles written about me, but I move on and I don’t hold on to that  (Hold Quotes) I think a responsibility comes with notoriety, but I never think of it as power. It’s more like something you hold, like grains of sand. If you keep your hand closed, you can have it and possess it, but if you open your fingers in any way, you can lose it just as quickly  (Hold Quotes) The world does not speak. Only we do. The world can, once we have programmed ourselves with a language, cause us to hold beliefs. But it cannot propose a language for us to speak. Only other human beings can do that  (Hold Quotes) Nobody ever said that growing old would be easy. Just having to hold the newspaper out in your forties and then hair growing out of unusual parts of your body in your fifties. It’s tough on the ego  (Hold Quotes) I literally tried every sport and was miserable. Soccer couldn’t hold my attention. I couldn’t figure skate. I’m afraid to swim. So I did dance for five years. It came a time where I was getting a little bit bored with it  (Hold Quotes) I am going to hold serve the majority of the time. It is nice to have a little time to return serve  (Hold Quotes) Even when I was very depressed, I could hold on to something. It seems that I have always had that streak of gold that I could hold on to  (Hold Quotes) Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. The older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young  (Hold Quotes)
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