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Who says you cannot hold the moon in your hand? Tonight when the stars come out and the moon rises in the velvet sky, look outside your window, then raise your hand and position your fingers around the disk of light. There you go... That was easy!  (Hold Quotes) I don’t see why I should bow my head when I could hold it high, or place it in the hands of my enemies when I can defeat them  (Hold Quotes) When a man looks at the stars, he grows calm and forgets small things. They answer his questions and show him that his earth is only one of the million worlds. Hold your soul still and look upward often, and you will understand their speech. Never forget the stars  (Hold Quotes) I want you to be with me in the dark. To hold me. To keep loving me. To help me when I get scared. To come right to the edge and see what’s there  (Hold Quotes) There are those who do not hold that there is any innate goodness to mankind. To them I say, had you lived my life, you would not believe it. I have known the depths to which mortals are capable of descending, and I have seen the heights. I have seen how kindness and compassion may grow in the unlikeliest of places, as the mountain flower forces its way through the stern rock  (Hold Quotes) An excellent plumber is infinitely more admirable than an incompetent philosopher. The society which scorns excellence in plumbing because plumbing is a humble activity, and tolerates shoddiness in philosophy because it is an exalted activity, will have neither good plumbing nor good philosophy. Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water  (Hold Quotes) Let me give you a word of advice. A loyalty that holds fast will become a blade, and will some day pierce those you hold dear. Open both eyes wide. That is, if you… don’t want to end up like me  (Hold Quotes) This is how you hold onto your family. You hold them with open hands so they are free to find futures of their own. It’s just that simple  (Hold Quotes) He saw a picture in his mind of a terrible piling up of the dead. It came from his contemplation of the church, but it had its own clarity: the row on row, the deep rotting earth hollowed out to hold them, while the efforts of the living, with all their works and wars and great buildings, were no more than the beat of a wing against the weight of time  (Hold Quotes) In years past, to keep their men close, women would wear a ring and bear children. It doesn’t work like that today. Nowadays, how do we hold on to those we love? I’ve no idea  (Hold Quotes) It has long been known to me that certain objects want you as much as you want them. These are the ones that become important, the objects that you hold dear. The others fade from your life entirely. You wanted them, but they did not want you in return  (Hold Quotes) Life might be easier if you give in a little, but it’s better if you hold onto something so hard you can’t give it up  (Hold Quotes) Anyone who expects a person to change something as private and personal as who they hold in their arms at night needs to change their own judgmental attitude  (Hold Quotes) This misfortune you find is of your own manufacture. Keep hold of what you have, it will harm no other, for hatred comes home to the hand that chose it  (Hold Quotes) Then you hold life like a face between your palms, a plain face, no charming smile, no violet eyes, and you say, yes, I will take you I will love you, again  (Hold Quotes) Some of my relatives held on to imagined memories the way homeless people hold onto lottery tickets. Nostalgia was their crack cocaine, if you will, and my childhood was littered with the consequences of their addiction : unserviceable debts, squabbles over inheritances, the odd alcoholic or suicide  (Hold Quotes) Maybe one day you’ll understand I don’t want nothing more than to sweetly hold your hand  (Hold Quotes) Don’t put your life on hold so that you can dwell on the unfairness of past hurts  (Hold Quotes) ... to keep moving up..., you have to abandon the security of that ledge and reach for another hold. Letting go of that sense of security.. is the challenge... think of yourself as climbing a ladder. To move to the next rung, you must give up your grip and reach for the next one  (Hold Quotes) Now you’ll get to see how I can really run a building, darlin. Not even a cracked knee to hold me back, yeah? What a nice birthday present  (Hold Quotes) You can have a silence full of words. A lute retains, in its bowl, the notes it has played. The viol, in its strings, holds a concord. A shriveled petal can hold its scent, a prayer can rattle with curses; an empty house, when the owners have gone out, can still be loud with ghosts  (Hold Quotes) When we finish a book, why do we hold it in both hands and gaze at it as if it were somehow alive?  (Hold Quotes) This is the one thing I hope: that she never stopped. I hope when her body couldn’t run any farther she left it behind like everything else that tried to hold her down, she floored the pedal and she went like wildfire, streamed down night freeways with both hands off the wheel and her head back screaming to the sky like a lynx, white lines and green lights whipping away into the dark, her tires inches off the ground and freedom crashing up her spine  (Hold Quotes) I ultimately decided to hold my tongue and settle instead for the comfort of ignorance. Not knowing the truth, I retained hope, and that hope I held like a smooth warm stone against my heart  (Hold Quotes) You hold your head up. You submitting to me doesn’t mean you’re anything less... the very last thing I want is for you to be some mindless puppet  (Hold Quotes) A southern moon is a sodden moon, and sultry. When it swamps the fields and the rustling sandy roads and the sticky honeysuckle hedges in its sweet stagnation, your fight to hold on to reality is like a protestation against a first waft of ether  (Hold Quotes) Throughout life, people will try to shake your faith in yourself. When this happens, remind yourself that the only way they can succeed is if you allow it. When you walk down the street of life, always hold your head high and keep walking. Don’t ever let anyone shake your faith in yourself, because that’s really all that you have  (Hold Quotes) You lose yourself trying to hold on to someone who doesn’t care about losing you  (Hold Quotes) ... when you let go of your expectations, when you accept life as it is, you’re free.To hold on is to be serious and uptight. To let go is to lighten up  (Hold Quotes) Information is a lot like water; it’s hard to hold on to, and hard to keep from leaking away  (Hold Quotes)
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