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Do the things you used to talk about doing but never did. Know when to let go and when to hold on tight. Stop rushing. Don’t be intimidated to say it like it is. Stop apologizing all the time. Learn to say no, so your yes has some oomph. Spend time with the friends who lift you up, and cut loose the ones who bring you down. Stop giving your power away. Be more concerned with being interested than being interesting. Be old enough to appreciate your freedom, and young enough to enjoy it. Finally know who you are  (Hold Quotes) Addressing a golf ball would seem to be a simple matter; that is, to the uninitiated who cannot appreciate that a golf ball can hold more terrors than a spacious auditorium packed with people  (Hold Quotes) In the 8th inning you can’t hear the roar of the 9th, all you can do to hold yourself together, and trust  (Hold Quotes) If you don’t hold your team accountable then you will lose credibility and your team will be spoiled  (Hold Quotes) Let go of resentment, for it will hold you back. Do not worry about what could’ve been, what is to come is what matters  (Hold Quotes) Every day you must unlearn the ways that hold you back. You must rid yourself of negativity, so you can learn to fly  (Hold Quotes) And the men who hold high places must be the ones who start to mold a new reality closer to the heart  (Hold Quotes) As I hold the flower in my hand and think of trying to describe it, I realize how poor a creature I am, how impotent are words in the presence of such perfection  (Hold Quotes) It is hard to hold on to friendships when people move away to another state or to another world  (Hold Quotes) I know that certain minds would regard as audacious the idea of relating the laws which preside over the play of our organs to those laws which govern inanimate bodies; but, although novel, this truth is none the less incontestable. To hold that the phenomena of life are entirely distinct from the general phenomena of nature is to commit a grave error, it is to oppose the continued progress of science  (Hold Quotes) My opinion is a view I hold until... well, until I find something that changes it  (Hold Quotes) The pure, frank sentiments we hold in our hearts are the only truthful sources of art  (Hold Quotes) As you begin to understand the immense power and love you hold inside, you will find an unending surge of joy, light and love that will nourish and support you all the days of your life  (Hold Quotes) Theology asserts propositions that cannot be proven true; ideologues hold stoutly to a worldview despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality. When ideology and theology couple, their offspring are not always bad but they are always blind. And there is the danger: voters and politicians alike, oblivious to the facts  (Hold Quotes) If you try to make your circle closed and exclusively yours, it never grows very much. Only a circle that has lots of room for anybody who needs it has enough spare space to hold any real magic  (Hold Quotes) Oh oh it’s magic, when I’m with you, oh oh it’s magic, you know it’s true, got a hold on you  (Hold Quotes) It never hurts for potential opponents to think you’re more than a little stupid and can hardly count all the money in your hip pocket, much less hold on to it  (Hold Quotes) I mean, if a thing works, if a thing is right, respect that, acknowledge it, respect it and hold to it  (Hold Quotes) To be true to one’s self is the ultimate test in life. To have courage and the sensitivity to follow your hidden dreams and stand tall against the odds that are bound to fall in your path. Life is too short and precious to be dealt with in any other fashion. This thought I hold dear to my heart and I always try to be true to myself and others that I encounter along the way  (Hold Quotes) No bought potpourri is so pleasant as that made from ones own garden, for the petals of the flowers one has gathered at home hold the sunshine and memories of summer, and of past summers only the sunny days should be remembered  (Hold Quotes) I remember when I used to sit on hospital beds and hold people s hands, people used to be shocked because they d never seen this before. To me it was quite normal  (Hold Quotes) No one else can hold your hand or take this voyage of the soul for you  (Hold Quotes) If you would know what a cat is thinking about, you must hold its paw in your hand for a long time  (Hold Quotes) I would replace the quality of sincerity with honesty, since one can hold a conviction sincerely without examining it, while honesty would require that one subject one’s convictions to frequent scrutiny  (Hold Quotes) I hide my true feelings to avoid causing you trouble or pain, I act strong to show you that I’m not unreliable, I hold my tears back to show you that I’m happy but what hurts the most is knowing the fact that I’m not all these things I portray to be  (Hold Quotes) To the highest leadership among women it is given to hold steadily in one hand the sacred vessels that hold the ancient sanctities of life, and in the other a flaming torch to light the way for oncoming generations  (Hold Quotes) You can’t hold firewalls and intrusion detection systems accountable. You can only hold people accountable  (Hold Quotes) Sadly when I want someone to hold me and tell me everything is going to be alright, I have no one. I miss you so much and I wish there was someone to love me when I am down  (Hold Quotes) The sciences have sworn among themselves an inviolable partnership; it is almost impossible to separate them, for they would rather suffer than be torn apart; and if anyone persists in doing so, he gets for his trouble only imperfect and confused fragments. Yet they do not arrive all together, but they hold each other by the hand so that they follow one another in a natural order which it is dangerous to change, because they refuse to enter in any other way where they are called  (Hold Quotes) This is an age of science... All important fields of activity from the breeding of bees to the administration of an empire, call for an understanding of the spirit and the technique of modern science. The nations that do not cultivate the sciences cannot hold their own  (Hold Quotes)
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