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It was like being in a car with the gas pedal slammed down to the floor and nothing to do but hold on and pretend to have some semblance of control. But control was something I’d lost a long time ago  (Hold Quotes) You can find energizing moments in each aspect of your life, but to do so you must learn how to catch them, hold on to them, to feel the pull of their weight and allow yourself to follow where they lead  (Hold Quotes) Success is won by those who believe in winning and then prepare for that moment. Many want to win, but how many prepare? That is the big difference. A sound value system held water then, holds water today, and will hold water in the future  (Hold Quotes) Please think about this as you go on. Breathe on the world. Hold out your hands to it. When morning and evenings roll along, watch how they open and close, how they invite you to the long party that your life is  (Hold Quotes) Anything that we scientists can do to weaken the hold of religion, should be done and may, in fact, in the end, be our greatest contribution to civilization  (Hold Quotes) One can never change the past, only the hold it has on you, and while nothing in your life is reversible, you can reverse it nevertheless  (Hold Quotes) I make spaces that apprehend light for our perception, and in some ways gather it, or seem to hold it... my work is more about your seeing than it is about my seeing, although it is a product of my seeing  (Hold Quotes) The quality of events surrounding you in any given moment in time may be reflecting specific beliefs that you hold in that moment of time  (Hold Quotes) To give up is easy. But to hold it together when everyone else thinks you’d fall apart is true strength  (Hold Quotes) You are the cause of your own joy or your own misery. You hold that power. You are your own friend and your own enemy  (Hold Quotes) Life is short and the time of death is uncertain; so apply yourself to meditation. Avoid doing evil, and acquire merit, to the best of your ability, even at the cost of life itself. In short: Act so that you have no cause to be ashamed of yourselves and hold fast to this rule  (Hold Quotes) Time is a slippery thing: lose hold of it once, and its string might sail out of your hands forever  (Hold Quotes) With maternal love, life makes a promise at dawn that it can never hold. You are forced to eat cold food until your days end. After that, each time a woman holds you in her arms and against her chest, these are merely condolences. You always come back to yell at your mother’s grave like an abandoned dog. Never again, never again, never again  (Hold Quotes) Books are like rocks. You hold one in your hand and look at it in various lights to get a sense of it, and then when you get a good angle, you throw it through a window to see what happens  (Hold Quotes) The more I sought truth uncorrupted by years of religious history, the more I kept finding answers I didn’t want to find. Emotionally, it would have been easiest for me to just hold on to what I grew up believing, but mentally that wasn’t an option anymore  (Hold Quotes) You can’t hold on to a grievance and be happy. Time to make a choice!  (Hold Quotes) My sadness is beautiful. It infuses everything I do. It is at the core of my identity and has always been, just as happiness is in some people. I refuse to hold that as a flaw. I will not mute it with medications for the sake of society. I will hold it close to me and celebrate it rightfully while the rest of the world fails to see it for what it is, and it will be their loss  (Hold Quotes) At the beach, life is different. A day moves not from hour to hour but leaps from mood to moment. We go with the currents, plan around the tides, follow the sun. We measure happiness by nothing we can hold, nothing we can catch. Everywhere, life is jumping and elusive and momentously momentary  (Hold Quotes) Life is never what one dreams. It is seldom what one desires, but for the vital spirit and the eager mind, the future will always hold the search for buried treasure and the possibility of high adventure  (Hold Quotes) Nonviolence against humans cannot take firm hold in society as long as brutality and violence are practiced toward other animals  (Hold Quotes) Practicing discipline involves continually working to find space in our patterns, to find the gaps in the images we hold about ourselves. It also means finding the gaps in our ideas about others, releasing images that we hold about a manager, a coworker, a friend, or a partner  (Hold Quotes) If you are surrounded by people who not only don’t believe in your goals and your positive outlook on life, but who also continually try to tear you down, it will be extremely challenging for you to hold firmly in mind that you will succeed and that you can be happy  (Hold Quotes) Every belief that you hold manifests itself in some manner by either causing you to take some form of action or by preventing you from taking action. If you don’t believe something is possible, you won’t even attempt it  (Hold Quotes) For one thing, I don’t teach graphic design ; I teach people to find their own strengths. Second, I don’t hold back anything for myself. I share everything I know. I get back much more than I receive  (Hold Quotes) It’s about not accepting every challenge thrown at you. Sometimes you hold back and when it’s needed you go for it  (Hold Quotes) Our tears are what happens when it rains deep inside our hearts and we cannot hold the rain any longer  (Hold Quotes) Our human nature is profoundly phototropic. Men obey their deepest instincts when they hold fast to light  (Hold Quotes) I realized both the upper and lower body must be held securely in place with one strap across the chest and one across the hips. The belt also needed an immovable anchorage point for the buckle as far down beside the occupant’s hip, so it could hold the body properly during a collision. It was just a matter of finding a solution that was simple, effective and could be put on conveniently with one hand  (Hold Quotes) In exposition and in argument, the writer must likewise never lose his hold upon the concrete; and even when he is dealing with general principles, he must furnish particular instances of their application  (Hold Quotes) Don’t shut love out of your life by saying it’s impossible to find time. The quickest way to receive love is to give; the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly; and the best way to keep love is to give it wings  (Hold Quotes)
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