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I am a bit difficult to be around sometimes. I can be stubborn on a lot of things, and I’m set, but I can also adapt in a conflict situation and don’t hold on to an ego. I end up seeing the larger good and adapt to it, provided it benefits me. I may come across as a cold person, but I am extremely sentimental  (Hold Quotes) Though face and form alter with the years, I hold fast to the pearl of my mind  (Hold Quotes) A failed structure provides a counterexample to a hypothesis and shows us incontrovertibly what cannot be done, while a structure that stands without incident often conceals whatever lessons or caveats it might hold for the next generation of engineers  (Hold Quotes) Retiring from cricket is not about form. I feel that the time is now and it’s right. I’ve tried to give everything I have when I’ve played the game, the game goes on. You can’t hold onto it and people shouldn’t be too sentimental. I think a lot better players and greater players have gone, and the game has gone on and there are new players who take the mantle, and in my case it won’t be any different  (Hold Quotes) I remember there was actually a sexual thrill... you hear that little pop and pull their heads of and hold their heads up by the hair. Whipping their heads off, their body sitting there. That’d get me off  (Hold Quotes) The way of being with another person which is termed empathic... means temporarily living in their life, moving abut in it delicately without making judgment... to be with another in this way means that for the time being you lay aside the views and values you hold for yourself in order to enter the other’s world without prejudice... a complex, demanding, strong yet subtle and gentle way of being  (Hold Quotes) ... the cruel part is that, to let the play live, you have to surrender control and let your characters go. You have to let them stumble, fall into walls and be mute, let them drift and be lost. If you hold the reins too tight, they won’t spring to life  (Hold Quotes) I liked to use my face mask more than the diving helmet for most occasions. I was learning to hold my breath longer now and could go down almost as deep without the helmet which limited my movements  (Hold Quotes) My sudden, unforeseen capitulation had knocked me backward, and I had nothing to hold on to. My internal weather was eerily calm, as if in a tornado’s aftermath, birdsong, sunshine, supersaturated colors, wreckage all around, and myself, dazed and limping  (Hold Quotes) That’s the beauty of song writing. You never know when inspiration will come or how it will hit, you just gotta kinda grasp a hold of it and make sense of it somehow  (Hold Quotes) The key to life is to set goals and go after those goals, don’t hold anything back  (Hold Quotes) No nation, no society, no community can hold its head high and claim to be part of the civilized world if it condones the practice of discriminating against one half of humanity represented by women  (Hold Quotes) Perfume is pretty good because nobody has to hold the product by their face or use it  (Hold Quotes) When I’m writing a new play, there’s a period where I know I shouldn’t be out in public much. I imagine most people who create go through something like this. You willfully loosen some of the inner straps that hold your core together  (Hold Quotes) I don’t know where my road is going, but I know that I walk better when I hold your hand  (Hold Quotes) From the moment when he catches sight of the light of the world, a man seeks to find out himself and get hold of himself out of its confusion, in which he, with everything else, is tossed about in motley mixture  (Hold Quotes) I like to hold a book. When someone sends me a script, I ask for a hard copy or print one out  (Hold Quotes) Find your place and hold it: find your work and do it. And put everything you’ve got into it  (Hold Quotes) The greatest compliment a writer can be given is that a story and character hold a reader spellbound. Im caught up in the story writing and I miss a good deal of sleep thinking about it and working out the plot points  (Hold Quotes) I now find peace in the realization that countless potential masterpieces happen each moment the world over and go unphotographed. The world owes a great debt to all those who have, from a state of exceptional awareness, preserved stillness for us to hold  (Hold Quotes) If you hold a cat by the tail you learn things you cannot learn any other way  (Hold Quotes) People need to stand up hold hands, talk about alternatives. Alternatives, alternatives, alternatives. And people united will never, ever be defeated  (Hold Quotes) An item must have a soul, it must function properly, be nice to hold and a pleasure to look at  (Hold Quotes) Tell the story that’s in your heart, and don’t hold back. Write a book the reader will want to melt into  (Hold Quotes) God loves you so much that he is willing to hold something from you for the perfect time!  (Hold Quotes) Do not take hold of a past that no longer serves you, but embrace the stillness that is right now  (Hold Quotes) You should have a strategic asset allocation mix that assumes that you don’t know what the future is going to hold  (Hold Quotes) I could cut silhouettes almost as soon as I could manage to hold a pair of scissors. I could paint, too, and read, and recite; but these things did not surprise anyone very much. But everybody was astonished about the scissor cuts, which seemed a more unusual accomplishment. The silhouettes were very much praised, and I cut out silhouettes for all the birthdays in the family. Did anyone warn me as to where this path would lead? Not in the least; I was encouraged to continue  (Hold Quotes) Art is a shadow of what a person is thinking... a small glimpse of what they hold inside. Little secrets, regrets, joys... every line has its own meaning  (Hold Quotes) You never forget the books you loved as a kid. You never forget the poems you memorized, the first book you read until the cover fell off, the book you read hidden from your mother. What an honor to hold hands with a child’s imagination in this way  (Hold Quotes)
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