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Focus on one point and hold your attention there. The mind will waiver, you’ll think a million thoughts, but each time you do, bring your mind back to the point of concentration, seeing it visually  (Hold Quotes) It takes a number of years to learn to hold the mind perfectly in one place. But each day we do it a little better, and in the doing we’re releasing energy that is taking our mind in higher diffuse planes of attention  (Hold Quotes) If you can’t hold a person in your mind with a good thought, it is better not to think about them at all  (Hold Quotes) If you hold a negative thought, then it will become more powerful and not only will it send bad energy to the person, but it will crash your consciousness. All the hard work of meditating is sabotaged  (Hold Quotes) Anything important has to be almost invisible. And underrated. So the understructure should be underrated, but strong enough to hold the earth  (Hold Quotes) There’s a certain kind of existential freedom that comes to people who realize that all the things that they hold onto and that they think define them, once they’re gone, there’s this new freedom to determine the way you’re going to live your life  (Hold Quotes) I hold it a blasphemy to say that a man ought not to fight against authority: there is no great religion and no great freedom that has not done it, in the beginning  (Hold Quotes) The fanatic is not really a stickler to principle. He embraces a cause not primarily because of its justness or holiness but because of his desperate need for something to hold onto  (Hold Quotes) You and I can turn and look at the silent river and wait. We know the current is there, hidden; and there are comings and goings from miles away that hold the stillness exactly before us. What the river says, that is what I say  (Hold Quotes) Some vices only lay hold of us by means of others, and these, like branches, fall on removal of the trunk  (Hold Quotes) You must hold hard to life and do it. But life is a cheap thing beside a man’s work. The only thing is that you need it. Hold it tight  (Hold Quotes) You don’t feel a thing. There’s just something missing. And once it gets hold of you, something more is missing every day. Soon there won’t be anything left of us  (Hold Quotes) I feel that special secret current between the public and me. I can hold them with one little note in the air, and they will not breathe. That is a great, great moment  (Hold Quotes) One means of sanity is to retain a hold on the natural world,... Americans still have that chance, more than many peoples  (Hold Quotes) What is it that’s taken hold of me, for me to carry on like this in relentless pursuit of something beyond my powers?  (Hold Quotes) Now, more than ever, I realize just how illusory my undeserved success has been. I still hold out some hope of doing better, but age and unhappiness have sapped my strength  (Hold Quotes) By setting the passenger seat of my car far back, and opening the glove compartment, I nestle in a very large sheet of thick fiberboard. It’s big enough to hold a table easel, my big palette and a water container. Winter is not going to lock me indoors!  (Hold Quotes) Nobody says, hey men should not drink. It’s all about women must dress differently, women must walk differently, women must drink differently. Why are we not able to hold men to account for this behavior?  (Hold Quotes) It becomes possible to admit that plainness may coexist with nobility of nature, and fine features with baseness; and yet to hold that mental and physical perfection are fundamentally connected, and will, when the present causes of incongruity have worked themselves out, be ever found united  (Hold Quotes) We are not responsible for every thought that goes wandering through our mind. We are, however, responsible for the ones we hold there. We’re especially responsible for the one’s we put there  (Hold Quotes) No one can liberate you, for no one has bound you; you hold on to the nettle of worldly pleasures and you weep for pain. The kite is pursued by the crows so long as it carries the fish in its beak, it twists and turns in the sky trying to last and it drops the fish. That moment it is free. So give up the attachment to the senses; then grief and worry can harass you no more  (Hold Quotes) The mother must set the example in holding out the shrine as the heart of the house hold! She must enforce discipline over the children in personal cleanliness in humility and hospitality, in good manners and acts of service  (Hold Quotes) One day, a new ideal will arise, and there will be an end to all wars. I die convinced of this. It will need much hard work, but it will be achieved? The important thing, until that happens, is to hold one’s banner high and to struggle? Without struggle there is no life  (Hold Quotes) Life itself is just a thin coat of paint on the planet, and we hold the paintbrush  (Hold Quotes) There is no need for a fear of losing control over who is accessing the network to hold back the productivity benefits of flexible working. By examining their access strategy, businesses can implement practices that will keep data secure and control access what and from where  (Hold Quotes) The best way to get away from a crisis and yet hold on the reins without performance is to find a godfather who would save you at crisis and fool the entire world..This is how it has worked for me  (Hold Quotes) The problem before the educator is to give the child control over his own nature, to enable him to hold himself in hand as much in regard to the traits we call good, as to those we call evil:  (Hold Quotes) Art is not just about what’s great or expensive or scandalous or famous. It’s a mirror we hold up that looks different to everyone who sees it, and whose beauty lies as much in us, and our capacity to dream  (Hold Quotes) Whoever has seen the masked at a ball dance amicably together, and take hold of hands without knowing each other, leaving the next moment to meet no more, can form an idea of the world  (Hold Quotes) My dancers must be able to do anything, and I don’t care if they are black or white or purple or green. I want to help show my people how beautiful they are. I want to hold up the mirror to my audience that says this is the way people can be, this is how open people can be  (Hold Quotes)
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