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We live in this irreparably broken world, and I don’t wish to deny reality, but the amazing thing to me is not that we refuse to relinquish hope as a species. The amazing thing is that we’re right to hold on to hope. The world may be broken, but hope is not crazy.... Obviously not all stories end happily. We don’t always have good fortune, but hope gives us, as a species and as individuals, what we otherwise wouldn’t have: A chance  (Hold Quotes) There are many things in life that you feel you need such as television, magazines, teachers telling that you have to make money and be successful, but if you have some kind of hope, something to hold onto, then all this will no longer be important. If you can make your next day better than the previous one, then you will see what it really means something to you and not everything that people think you need for your life  (Hold Quotes) A strange thing - nails will hold a building together, but there’s nothing better for taking a man apart  (Hold Quotes) Wait long enough and you reap what you sow. That hold for men. That hold for towns. That hold for a whole country  (Hold Quotes) The questions most furiously discussed are those which have in them a basis of truth, and yet a large admixture of errors. We inconsiderately take hold of, and mistakingly support or oppose them, as either wholly true or wholly false  (Hold Quotes) If souls survive death for all eternity, how can the heavens hold them all? Or for that matter, how can the earth hold all the bodies that have been buried in it? The answers are the same. Just as on earth, with the passage of time, decaying and transmogrified corpses make way for the newly dead, so souls released into the heavens, after a season of flight, begin to break up, burn, and be absorbed back into the womb of reason, leaving room for souls just beginning to fly. This is the answer for those who believe that souls survive death  (Hold Quotes) Outward objects cannot take hold of the soul, nor force their passage into her, nor set any of her wheels going. No, the impression comes from herself, and it is her own motions which affect her. As for the contingencies of fortune, they are either great or little, according to the opinion she has of her own strength  (Hold Quotes) People dwell so much on the little things, but why should they hold you back when you have the big things to look forward to? By exuding positive energy when dealing with your problems, you will exude it in your being in general. Treat yourself with love and you will exude love to others  (Hold Quotes) If we would succeed in works of the imagination, we must offer a mild morality in the midst of rigid manners; but where the manners are corrupt, we must consistently hold up to view an austere morality  (Hold Quotes) With its claims to profundity, boldness and originality, thinking still limits itself provisionally to the exclusively rational and scientific.... As soon as it lays hold of the feelings, it becomes spirit  (Hold Quotes) I hold in my hands the very soul of a man. What more dare a woman ask of the high gods?  (Hold Quotes) The basis of insincerity is the idealized image we hold of ourselves and wish to impose on others  (Hold Quotes) I hold to nothing but envisioning international peace and utopia. We all have many more things in common than not  (Hold Quotes) Geometric shapes hold an energy pattern, and scientists did some experiments which say certain geometric shapes can affect matter around them. It’s simply because when a human looks at a shape, they instantly receive energy from their brain  (Hold Quotes) The people’s awe and innate fear will hold injustice back by day, by night, so long as the people leave the laws intact, just as they are: muddy the cleanest spring, and all you’ll have to drink is muddy water  (Hold Quotes) When seen in retrospect, fashions seem to express their era. Although it is more difficult to draw conclusions from contemporary clothes, the same principles which hold for the clothes of the past must hold for clothes of the present and the future  (Hold Quotes) If the government of this country tramples the faith and values of its citizens, history will hold those in power responsible for the violent convulsions that follow  (Hold Quotes) It takes courage to sit on a jury. How many of us want to decide the fate of another person’s life or freedom? How many of us want to hold that kind of power in our hands?  (Hold Quotes) Power tends to isolate those who hold too much of it. Eventually, they lose touch with reality... and fall  (Hold Quotes) The more local and settled a culture, the better it stays put, the less the damage. It is the foreigner whose road of excess leads to a desert... a man with a machine and inadequate culture... is a pestilence. He shakes more than he can hold  (Hold Quotes) Fear, fear, breeds hopelessness. When you’re afraid, you don’t know what to believe in, you don’t know what to hold on to. You’re struggling to find something to believe in  (Hold Quotes) Activating our light and our full potential requires that we embrace our shadow. Realizing our wholeness requires us to become big enough to hold our brokenness  (Hold Quotes) The amazing thing is that we’re right to hold onto hope. The world may be broken but hope is not crazy  (Hold Quotes) God made every man to have power to be mightier than the events round about him; to hold by his firm will the reigns by which all things are guided  (Hold Quotes) I hold that all the evil we know on earth finds in this violence done to love its true and legitimate birth  (Hold Quotes) Women and girls begin to bare themselves behind and in front, and there is nobody to punish and hold in check, and besides, God’s word is mocked  (Hold Quotes) Scientology, how about that? You hold on to the tin cans and then this guy asks you a bunch of questions, and if you pay enough money you get to join the master race. How’s that for a religion?  (Hold Quotes) We hold that no person or set of persons can properly establish a standard of expression for others  (Hold Quotes) We hold that the greatest right in the world is the right to be wrong, that in the exercise thereof people have an inviolable right to express their unbridled thoughts on all topics and personalities, being liable only for the use of that right  (Hold Quotes) If there are any cages in this marriage, it is I who have built them. And I who hold the key to their locks  (Hold Quotes)
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