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You get the feeling that childhood does not last as long as it used to. Innocence gets harder to hold on to as the world gets older, as it accumulates more experience, more mileage and more blood on the tracks  (Hold Quotes) So easy are men to be drawn to believe any thing, from such men as have gotten credit with them; and can with gentleness and dexterity take hold of their fear and ignorance  (Hold Quotes) Church members are either pillars or caterpillars. The pillars hold up the church, and the caterpillars just crawl in and out  (Hold Quotes) It must surely be a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit that even a small number of those men and women in the hell of the prison system survive it and hold on to their humanity  (Hold Quotes) Temporary feelings of regret are a normal part of the mourning process. This helps us retrieve our lost dreams. If we hold on to regret, we risk trapping ourselves in a prison of unrealized dreams from which it is difficult to escape  (Hold Quotes) If we hold the married man accountable for finances gone legally awry, then the married woman should be held accountable for children who go awry  (Hold Quotes) Irony: While we increasingly hold people more responsible if they drink and drive, we hold women less responsible if they drink and have sex  (Hold Quotes) I have two older sisters and one older brother and hold them largely responsible for the trouble I got into growing up. I believe as the youngest child, that is my right  (Hold Quotes) We are, in the end, a sum of our parts, and when the body fails, all the virtues we hold dear go with it  (Hold Quotes) Women are now more aggressive than men! And I don’t put them down for it. I think it’s great. My attitude with sex with any woman I’ve ever been with is, I want you to be exactly who you want to be behind closed doors. Don’t ever hold back with me  (Hold Quotes) I was born with scoliosis. I have a double curvature of the spine, and it’s forced me to use a wheelchair because the disease has really taken hold. It really saddens me that I can’t ride  (Hold Quotes) That’s one thing about me, and I think that’s what most of my fans enjoy about me, that I don’t hold nothing back. I do exactly what I want to do, and say exactly what I want to say  (Hold Quotes) Surely, no one hoped for so many things. Hold the flowers close to your heart; they may someday bloom  (Hold Quotes) The deeps are cold: In that darkness camaraderie does not hold: Nothing touches but, clutching, devours  (Hold Quotes) It’s a lot of responsibility to hold a person’s heart in your hands  (Hold Quotes) I’d fallen asleep thinking I was much too tired to go on working and if I went on working, I’d lose it. I’d get a better hold of it in the morning; feel stronger. But I looked and looked at it and it seemed to me there was nothing to do  (Hold Quotes) I always feel I’m getting near to something that’s got more to it than I can get hold of  (Hold Quotes) We were born with four words engraved on our bodies and in our hearts: Love me, hold me  (Hold Quotes) I always hold out hope. Mediation is an opportunity for each side to present their case, and for us to get back to the table again  (Hold Quotes) People you don’t like are pigheaded. Your friends are stubborn, or hold to their purpose  (Hold Quotes) Might does not make right, but right demands that those who hold to it should defend it with all their might  (Hold Quotes) I will no longer act on the outside in a way that contradicts the truth that I hold deeply inside. I will no longer act as if I were less than the whole person I know myself inwardly to be  (Hold Quotes) You need people around you who will tell you the truth and not hold anything back  (Hold Quotes) Never underestimate that a small group of people can hold up a liquor license. Sometimes, it’s the only thing that can  (Hold Quotes) My paintings and sculptures, at first glance, may appear to be purely aesthetic; closer up, they are not. They hold a feeling of tentativeness, combined with a sense of arrival  (Hold Quotes) In your arms I forget what the yarn knows of sweaters. I forget how to hold myself together. So if I unfold now like a love letter tell me you’ll write back soon. Tell me you’ll still come untethered  (Hold Quotes) Those who hold and those who are without property have ever formed distinct interests in society  (Hold Quotes) There are a few men whom slavery holds fast, but there are many more who hold fast to slavery  (Hold Quotes) The main reason people fail is they become attached to others who hold them back. Letting go of others and going forward may seem like a lonely and impossible task, but I assure you it is not  (Hold Quotes) If you decide that you are a winner, and if you hold that image in your mind strongly enough, you will become a winner  (Hold Quotes)
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