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Art being so much greater than ourselves, it will not give up once it has taken hold  (Hold Quotes) I always feel like I’m struggling to become someone else. Like I’m trying to find a new place, grab hold of a new life, a new personality. I guess it’s part of growing up; it’s also an attempt to reinvent myself  (Hold Quotes) Cracked things often hold out as long as whole things; one takes so much better care of them!  (Hold Quotes) The past was only my cradle, and now it cannot hold me, because I am grown too big  (Hold Quotes) The soul has to find and hold its ground against hostile forces, sometimes embodied in ideas which frequently deny its very existence, and which indeed often seem to be trying to annul it altogether  (Hold Quotes) Once one habit peels away the others follow it. You have to hold on, or the next thing you’ll find yourself parading down the street in your nightdress. Habit is everything  (Hold Quotes) For poetry, more than any other art, except music, has a compelling hold upon the spiritual side of life  (Hold Quotes) When you think you’ve got hold of a genius... you can’t be sure whether it’s a spark of the divine fire or a mere flash in the pan  (Hold Quotes) In prayer one must hold fast and never let go, because the one who gives up loses all. If it seems that no one is listening to you, then cry out even louder. If you are driven out of one door, go back in by the other  (Hold Quotes) Buttons are the fossils of the sartorial world, enduring long past the garments they were designed to hold together  (Hold Quotes) Beyond all of this is something else, perfection; not just as an ideation, but as a living reality. Even though it may just be an idea for you, hold that idea in your mind  (Hold Quotes) A poem is like a wine glass in which you can hold up a little bit of reality and taste it  (Hold Quotes) For the innocent, the past may hold a reward. But for the treacherous, it’s only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve  (Hold Quotes) You have to sit with your life and feel how you hold it, and be willing for the release to happen. It will happen spontaneously, because it’s already so  (Hold Quotes) ... shouldn’t everything you do matter if you’re bothering at all? Not to hold on when it’s over, that’s the trick  (Hold Quotes) We can’t hold on to anyone or anything, you know. We lose everything except that which we carry within us  (Hold Quotes) I love my bed. It is larger than a desk and better designed to hold books and papers. It is softer than a desk and better designed for naps. It is the center of all good things. And day or night, everyone knows where to find me  (Hold Quotes) There are too many unpredictable things that can happen within two months. To me, the ideal trade lasts ten days, but I approach every trade as if I’m only going to hold it two or three days  (Hold Quotes) There’s just a lot of people that hold on to what country means to them. I love fiddle, I love steel, but I don’t think it should be a rule that it has to be used in every song. I think that’s not what defines or makes country music  (Hold Quotes) I’m more authoritarian with the orchestras than I used to be. You need to hold your ground, I’ve noticed, or you’ll be swept aside  (Hold Quotes) Everyone has a story, the air is full of stories. The creative process is mysterious, I don’t know why it is that suddenly a theme will take hold of me and refuse to leave me in peace until I investigate it and write it  (Hold Quotes) I’m a musician and I’m really blessed, because in my life if I can hold the sticks, I can play  (Hold Quotes) Europe can only hold together and stand together, which is very important in times of migration challenges, terrorism challenges, if each country takes responsibility for itself  (Hold Quotes) I’m willing to work with anyone of either party who has a good idea and the commitment to see through. And we should all expect you to hold us accountable for our progress or our failure to deliver  (Hold Quotes) I think, any politician, you have to hold them to their word. And conservatives run on fiscal conservatism  (Hold Quotes) We live in a global community and we can’t really remain isolated. I believe that when we hold a very narrow view about our attitudes of politics or culture or religion, then we cut out the opportunity to really engage with other points of view  (Hold Quotes) Poetry feels like a country I visit without a passport, where I look around furtively, grab hold of something precious, and try to smuggle it back across the border. Any poem I get written down feels like contraband to me  (Hold Quotes) If things don’t work out the way you want, hold your head up high and be proud. And try again. And again. And again!  (Hold Quotes) Some brave chrysanthemums still stood in the country gardens, but they looked like bedraggled survivors of a battle, barely able to hold their tattered banners upright. October was at the gates and autumn was in full retreat  (Hold Quotes) Why do we hold onto negativity? For some reason, we believe that others are affected by our experience of remaining upset, hurt or angry. Holding on to pain, anger, guilt or shame is the glue that binds us to the situation we want to escape  (Hold Quotes)
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