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Men say they only learn this but he said that no creature can learn that which his heart has no shape to hold  (Hold Quotes) Believers should acknowledge and wrestle with doubts... It is no longer sufficient to hold beliefs just because you inherited them  (Hold Quotes) Few things hold the perception more thoroughly captive than anxiety about what we have got to say  (Hold Quotes) We know it’s all just daydreaming... But sometimes, it’d be nice just to hold something real in your hands that felt like a measure of your worth  (Hold Quotes) While I sleep, I dream of you, and when I wake, I long to hold you in my arms. If anything, our time apart has only made me more certain that I want to spend my nights by your side, and my days with your heart  (Hold Quotes) The word I think of is precarious. I am struck by how precarious it all is. How the things that hold us are only as strong as the faith we have in them  (Hold Quotes) I do not want to pass the time. I want to grab hold of it and leave my mark upon the world  (Hold Quotes) I wanted him to hold me, to take care of me. To make the pain dissolve away. I know that this was part of what had ruined everything but I wanted it once more anyway  (Hold Quotes) Works of art are of an infinite solitude, and no means of approach is so useless as criticism. Only love can touch and hold them and be fair to them  (Hold Quotes) There is no planet, sun, or star could hold you if you but knew what you are  (Hold Quotes) Memories were fine but you couldn’t touch them, smell them or hold them. They were never exactly as the moment was, and they faded with time  (Hold Quotes) The right to be irresponsible and stupid is something I hold very dear. And luckily it is something I do well  (Hold Quotes) And now I understand that truth casts a spell of its own, one I’m not sure of how to hold on to, though I’m desperate to try  (Hold Quotes) It has always seemed to me that so long as you produce your dramatic effect, accuracy of detail matters little. I have never striven for it and I have made some bad mistakes in consequence. What matter if I hold my readers?  (Hold Quotes) To me, a witch is a woman that is capable of letting her intuition take hold of her actions, that communes with her environment, that isn’t afraid of facing challenges  (Hold Quotes) Because I never have any definite destination. This ship is not for going to places, but for getting away from them. When I stop at a port, it’s only for the sheer pleasure of leaving it. I always think: here’s one more place that can’t hold me  (Hold Quotes) It is almost impossible to state what one in fact believes, because it is almost impossible to hold a belief and to define it at the same time  (Hold Quotes) There ain’t no way you can hold onto something that wants to go, you understand? You can only love what you got while you got it  (Hold Quotes) The measure of mindfulness, the touchstone for sanity in this society, is our level of productivity, our attention to responsibility, our ability to plain and simple hold down a job  (Hold Quotes) A story begins with this nebulous feeling that’s hard to get a hold of and you’re testing your feelings and assumptions, testing what you believe. They end up turning into keepsakes and mementos –like amber in which a memory gets trapped  (Hold Quotes) This truth I firmly hold, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding; my life has been a gift, a blessing to the world  (Hold Quotes) The details are the life of it, I insist, say everything on your mind, don’t hold back, don’t analyze or anything as you go along, say it out  (Hold Quotes) You have to fight for your life. That’s the chief condition on which you hold it  (Hold Quotes) At the tips of the feathers there is air and at their base: blood. I hold up bones; I wish like broken glass they could court light... still I try to place these pieces back together, to set them firm, to make murdered girls live again  (Hold Quotes) I’d found heaven and grabbed it as tightly as I could, but it was unraveling, an insubstantial thread sliding between my fingers, too fine to hold  (Hold Quotes) It has been a mistake living my life in the past. One cannot ride a horse backwards and still hold its reins  (Hold Quotes) If you are not trying to hold on to time, you are not so afraid of losing it  (Hold Quotes) I had rescued the moment by using my camera and in that way had found how to stop time and hold it. No one could take that image away from me because I owned it  (Hold Quotes) What a marshmallow. You should hold out for someone with a stronger stomach. Someone who laughs at the gore that makes weaker men vomit  (Hold Quotes) She had thought she was going to save her mother, and now there was going to be nothing for her to do but sit by her mother’s bedside, hold her limp hand, and home someone else, somewhere else, would be able to do what she couldn’t  (Hold Quotes)
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