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I was just wondering if you’d come along to hold up my head when my head won’t hold on  (Hold Quotes) If not for you, winter wouldn’t hold no spring, couldn’t hear a robin sing. I just wouldn’t have a clue, if not for you  (Hold Quotes) I know men are delicate origami creatures who need women to unfold them, hold them when they cry. But I am tired of being your savior and I am tired of telling you why  (Hold Quotes) If someone’s criticism is completely unfounded on data, then I don’t want to hear it. It doesn’t hold up to scrutiny  (Hold Quotes) You got men who can’t hold peace and women who can’t control their tongues. The rich seduce the poor, and the old seduce the young  (Hold Quotes) I took a month long vacation in the stratosphere, and you know it’s very hard to hold your breath  (Hold Quotes) I’ll be a fool or a wiseman, my darling, you hold the key. Anyway you want me, that’s how I will be  (Hold Quotes) Hold tight, hold tight, we must insist that the world is what we have always taken it to be  (Hold Quotes) And I shall always hold myself more obliged to those by whose favour I enjoy uninterrupted leisure than to any who might offer me the most honourable positions in the world  (Hold Quotes) Everybody nose dive, hold your breath, count to five. Back slap, booby trap, cover it up in bubble wrap. Room shake, earth quake, find a way to stay awake. It’s going to blow, it’s going to break, this is more than I can take  (Hold Quotes) Lord, there’s danger in this land, you get witch hunts and wars when church and state hold hands  (Hold Quotes) Financial markets... resent any kind of government interference but they hold a belief deep down that if conditions get really rough the authorities will step in  (Hold Quotes) Stay free of petty jealousies, live by no man’s code, and hold your judgment for yourself, lest you wind up on this road  (Hold Quotes) All you ladies that are selling your souls, you need to put your hooker vibes on hold  (Hold Quotes) People sometimes hold themselves back because they want to use racism as an excuse for them not being able to achieve what they want to achieve  (Hold Quotes) This is a country for, of, and by the people not for, of, and by the government. If we turn it over to them we cannot complain about what they’re doing because this is a natural course of men and we have to hold their feet to the fire  (Hold Quotes) India saw from the beginning, and, even in her ages of reason and her age of increasing ignorance, she never lost hold of the insight, that life cannot be rightly seen in the sole light, cannot be perfectly lived in the sole power of its externalities  (Hold Quotes) The essence of optimism is that it takes no account of the present, but it is a source of inspiration, of vitality and hope where others have resigned; it enables a man to hold his head high, to claim the future for himself and not to abandon it to his enemy  (Hold Quotes) For centuries the death penalty, often accompanied by barbarous refinements, has been trying to hold crime in check; yet crime persists. Why? Because the instincts that are warring in man are not, as the law claims, constant forces in a state of equilibrium  (Hold Quotes) So that the record of history is absolutely crystal clear. That there is no alternative way, so far discovered, of improving the lot of the ordinary people that can hold a candle to the productive activities that are unleashed by a free enterprise system  (Hold Quotes) Global consciousness is not an objective belief that can be taught to anybody and everybody, but a subjective transformation in the interior structures that can hold belief in the first place, which itself is the product of a long line of inner consciousness development  (Hold Quotes) We advance in years somewhat in the manner of an invading army in a barren land; the age that we have reached, as the saying goes, we but hold with an outpost, and still keep open communications with the extreme rear and first beginnings of the march  (Hold Quotes) Truth that is naked is the most beautiful, and the simpler its expression the deeper is the impression it makes; this is partly because it gets unobstructed hold of the hearer’s mind without his being distracted by secondary thoughts, and partly because he feels that here he is not being corrupted or deceived by the arts of rhetoric, but that the whole effect is got from the thing itself  (Hold Quotes) Sycophancy toward those who hold power is a fact in every regime, and especially in a democracy, where, unlike tyranny, there is an accepted principle of legitimacy that breaks the inner will to resist... Flattery of the people and incapacity to resist public opinion are the democratic vices, particularly among writers, artists, journalists and anyone else who is dependent on an audience  (Hold Quotes) I hold it that a little rebellion, now and then, is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms are in the physical. Unsuccessful rebellions, indeed, generally establish the encroachments on the rights of the people, which have produced them. An observation of this truth should render honest republican governors so mild in their punishment of rebellions, as not to discourage them too much. It is medicine necessary for the sound health of government  (Hold Quotes) You couldn’t get hold of the things you’d done and turn them right again. Such a power might be given to the gods, but it was not given to women and men, and that was probably a good thing. Had it been otherwise, people would probably die of old age still trying to rewrite their teens  (Hold Quotes) When we hold to the core, the opposite sides are the same if they are seen from the center of the moving circle. I do not experience; I am experience. I am not the subject of experience; I am that experience. I am awareness. Nothing else can be I or can exist  (Hold Quotes) It is my conviction that pure mathematical construction enables us to discover the concepts and the laws connecting them, which gives us the key to the understanding of nature... In a certain sense, therefore, I hold it true that pure thought can grasp reality, as the ancients dreamed  (Hold Quotes) I swear... to hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture  (Hold Quotes) Give up the feeling of responsibility, let go your hold, resign the care of your destiny to higher powers, be genuinely indifferent as to what becomes of it all and you will find not only that you gain a perfect inward relief, but often also, in addition, the particular goods you sincerely thought you were renouncing  (Hold Quotes)
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