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May I look on thee when my last hour comes; may I hold thy hand, as I sink, in my dying clasp  (Hold Quotes) I was always wanting to learn and be one of those actresses who can actually hold a conversation as opposed to standing there looking pretty  (Hold Quotes) I cannot hold with those who wish to put down the insignificant chatter of the world  (Hold Quotes) If you are joyful, whatever you do you will do it to the hilt because you have nothing to hold back, nothing to fear, isn’t it?  (Hold Quotes) Well, right now we’re so busy that I kind of had to put all the hobbies on hold. But I like going camping with my kids. I have two daughters; they’re 7 and 10 years old  (Hold Quotes) All we ask is that we have peace with the whites. We want to hold you by the hand. You are our father  (Hold Quotes) When you think about advertisements, it makes sense that they want to hold and retain our attention  (Hold Quotes) I believe managing is like holding a dove in your hand. If you hold it too tightly you kill it, but if you hold it too loosely, you lose it  (Hold Quotes) In the cellars of the night, when the mind starts moving around old trunks of bad times, the pain of this and the shame of that, the memory of a small boldness is a hand to hold  (Hold Quotes) I never take any notes or draw charts or make elaborate diagrams, but I hold an image of the shape of a book in my head and work from that mental hologram  (Hold Quotes) At a moment that comes rarely in the life of a country. It is a time when destiny is ours to hold  (Hold Quotes) Never, since the fall of communism, has it been so abundantly clear that an ethos exists, which is loath to accept the freedoms and prosperity we hold sacred in this nation  (Hold Quotes) Memory is a magnet. It will pull to it and hold only material nature has designed it to attract  (Hold Quotes) It has already been observed that women, wherever placed, however high or low in the scale of cultivation, hold the destinies of human kind. Men will ever rise or fall to the level of the other sex  (Hold Quotes) Nothing makes you madder than wanting to defend yourself against something you can’t even get hold of, something the human race is doing to you, but still there’s nobody you can grab by the throat  (Hold Quotes) Obsessions and fixations are not really my field. All I know, when the mind really grabs hold of something, look out  (Hold Quotes) The human brain is unique in that it is the only container of which it can be said that the more you put into it, the more it will hold  (Hold Quotes) Put your whole self into it, and you will find your true voice. Hold back and you won’t. It’s that simple  (Hold Quotes) To hold the same views at forty as we did at twenty is to have been stupefied for a score of years, and take rank, not as a prophet, but as an unteachable brat, well birched and none the wiser  (Hold Quotes) Would you touch a nettle without being stung by it? Take hold of it stoutly. Do the same to other annoyances, and hardly will any thing annoy you  (Hold Quotes) Look at hopelessness in the face and say: We are simply not meant to be together. Hold courage’s hand and walk away  (Hold Quotes) Hold me in your arms, lava lamp! Let me seek magma comfort and peace in the warmth of your kryptonite embrace  (Hold Quotes) Tomorrow is the day when idlers work, and fool reform, and mortal men lay hold on heaven  (Hold Quotes) That judges of important causes should hold office for life is a disputable thing, for the mind grows old as well as the body  (Hold Quotes) There we go, that’s it. I just hold my hand in this position for the next couple of hours  (Hold Quotes) Hold the period of youth sacred to education, and the period of maturity, when the physical forces begin to flag, equally sacred to ease and agreeable relaxation  (Hold Quotes) Who would rather go to jail than betray what they believe to be their duty to their fellow workers and the principles which they hold  (Hold Quotes) The policy is principally designed to hold down wages rather than to check inflation. Inflation is being used as an excuse to destroy free trade union bargaining  (Hold Quotes) As our faces and bodies drew nearer, gravity was not helping us at all. It took minor struggle to come together, and we had to hold on in an effort to keep our lips aligned  (Hold Quotes) I will not let thee go. I hold thee by too many bands: Thou sayest farewell, and lo! I have thee by the hands, and will not let thee go  (Hold Quotes)
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