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A man can take a little bourbon without getting drunk, but if you hold his mouth open and pour in a quart, he’s going to get sick on it  (Hold Quotes) But the chief penalty is to be governed by someone worse if a man will not himself hold office and rule  (Hold Quotes) Make my breast transparent as pure crystal, that the world, jealous of me, may see the foulest thought my heart does hold  (Hold Quotes) As I grow older, I regret to say that a detestable habit of thinking seems to be getting a hold of me  (Hold Quotes) The way to hold a husband is to keep him a little jealous; the way to lose him is to keep him a little more jealous  (Hold Quotes) I simply can’t understand why swimsuits are in such demand they’re soggy and damp, bind like a clamp, and hold about three pounds of sand  (Hold Quotes) Television won’t be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at a plywood box every night  (Hold Quotes) He had almost yielded, but not quite. He had not consented. It is very hard for evil to take hold of the unconsenting soul  (Hold Quotes) When once you have got hold of a vulgar joke, you may be certain that you have got hold of a subtle and spiritual idea  (Hold Quotes) Hold up to him his better self, his real self that can dare and do and win out... People radiate what is in their minds and in their hearts  (Hold Quotes) Unexplained joy is always so keen that... It seems to hold enough to reconcile one to the inevitable  (Hold Quotes) I love silent cinema but don’t hold it sacred. Like any branch of film there are some very boring films alongside the masterpieces  (Hold Quotes) People are looking for stability in a shaky world. They want something they can get hold of that’s firm and sure and an anchor in the midst of all of this instability in which they’re living  (Hold Quotes) If one believes that words are acts, as I do, then one must hold writers responsible for what their words do  (Hold Quotes) One who practices pure religion soon discovers it is more rewarding to lift a man up than to hold him down  (Hold Quotes) It takes 3 girls to tow always; two to hold the rope, and the other one runs round and round, and giggles  (Hold Quotes) Here then at long last is my darkness. No cry of light, no glimmer, not even the faintest shard of hope to break free across the hold  (Hold Quotes) Control is illusory. No matter what university you go to, no matter what degree you hold, if your goal is to becomes master of your own destiny, you have more to learn  (Hold Quotes) It takes a lot of strength to hold onto and care for the things we love, so why is it that God seems to have made humans unable to conjure up that degree of power and love  (Hold Quotes) And as ridiculous as it may sound, sometimes all any of us needs in life is for someone to hold our hand and walk next to us  (Hold Quotes) We didn’t say good bye. But we knew it would be the end if we were apart. There was no reason to call or write letters. As it would have been meaningless, if we couldn’t hold each other tight  (Hold Quotes) As for the concept of collective guilt, I personally think that it is totally unjustified to hold one person responsible for the behavior of another person or a collective of persons  (Hold Quotes) There’s no remaking reality... Just take it as it comes. Hold your ground and take it as it comes. There’s no other way  (Hold Quotes) I hope, in years to come, I shall hold my heart up and it will be a pane of clear glass, through which I see all, but nothing is distorted  (Hold Quotes) You are going to break your promise. I understand. And I hold my hands over the ears of my heart, so that I will not hate you  (Hold Quotes) ... relationships required such vigilance, such attention. You had to hold them together by force of will, and other people took up so much space, demanded so much time. It was exhausting  (Hold Quotes) But then, that was the problem with pretty toy stitches. When real life got hold of them, they always tore out  (Hold Quotes) Therapy can get you only so far with exorcising your childhood nightmares; after that it’s willpower, and you, and people you can trust to hold your hand along the way  (Hold Quotes) But if it was always a point of speculation, where one person insisted it was a certain way and another denied it, how would anyone ever hold on to the truth  (Hold Quotes) Buy when everyone else is selling and hold until everyone else is buying. That’s not just a catchy slogan. It’s the very essence of successful investing  (Hold Quotes)
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