Holding On Quotes

Text Quotes
I’m so uncoordinated, I can’t really do that much, so my specialty is standing in one spot or holding on to something, like an exploding rocket or a jetski (Holding On Quotes)
People really feel that, when they go to the gas pump now, that the oil cartel is holding them by the legs and tipping them upside down and shaking money out of their pockets (Holding On Quotes)
I’ve learned to try to sustain myself by holding on to the integrity of who I am. I’m not talking big diva. I’m quiet. I’m shy. And I became stronger when I stopped trying to be the person they wanted me to be (Holding On Quotes)
If my hands are fully occupied in holding on to something, I can neither give nor receive (Holding On Quotes)
My feet are definitely more grounded than before. And I know that I’m not holding onto a dream. I’m holding onto my life (Holding On Quotes)
It’s easy to get wrapped up in sharing everyday life with a partner. It’s fun to get lost in love and romance. It’s the best. But holding on to yourself while doing that is the most important thing (Holding On Quotes)
Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it (Holding On Quotes)
Change happens when the pain of holding on becomes greater than the fear of letting go (Holding On Quotes)
The seasons tell us, everything in organic life tells us, that there is no holding on; still, we try to do just that. Sometimes, though, we learn the kind of wisdom that celebrates the open hand (Holding On Quotes)
No, we don’t walk away. But when we’re holding on to something precious, we run. We run and run, fast as we can, and we don’t stop running until we are out from under the shadow (Holding On Quotes)
Letting go has never been easy, but holding on can be as difficult. Yet strength is measured not by holding on, but by letting go (Holding On Quotes)
You’ve developed the strength of a draft horse while holding onto the delicacy of a daffodil... you are the mother, advocate and protector of a child with a disability (Holding On Quotes)
I think it’s sad when people stop dreaming, or start losing hope. Because holding onto the bonkers dream might just turn out to be the most marvellous thing you ever did (Holding On Quotes)
In trying to justify the humanities, as in trying to live a life, what may turn out to matter most is holding one’s nerve (Holding On Quotes)
Data are pointing to very strong growth in the fourth quarter. The pessimistic viewpoint, which has seen its grip on reality slip to the last knuckle in the past few months, is now holding on by its fingernails (Holding On Quotes)
It often feels like a tremendous amount of work is required to get an idea moving forward, like pushing a train uphill. But at a certain point, the thing takes on its own momentum, and takes unexpected turns. So it’s that feeling of holding on, rather than pushing it, that is the most exciting thing. It’s that need to occasionally bounce off the walls, letting anything happen for any reason, and having nothing to guide you that is the joy (Holding On Quotes)
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal while blaming our misery on the person who started the fire (Holding On Quotes)
For love that is not requited in equal measure is not love at all; it is not sacred. And holding on to the ideal of such love can keep us from finding the one that is true (Holding On Quotes)
A woman wanted to know how to deal with anger. I asked when anger arose whose anger it was. She said it was hers. Well, if it really was her anger, then she should be able to tell it to go away, shouldnt she? But it really isn’t hers to command. Holding on to anger as a personal possession will cause suffering. If anger really belonged to us, it would have to obey us. If it doesn’t obey us, that means it’s only a deception. Don’t fall for it. Whenever the mind is happy or sad, don’t fall for it. Its all a deception (Holding On Quotes)
We practice to learn how to let go, not how to increase our holding on to things. Enlightenment appears when you stop wanting anything (Holding On Quotes)
Courage is holding on one minute longer than everyone else. Courage is stepping forward when every fiber of your being says step back. Courage is being willing to do the impossible because it is the right thing to do (Holding On Quotes)
To step into tomorrow’s possibilities you must let go of yesterday’s realities. Be careful of your choices between what was, is and will be. It is very hard to fully step into your destiny while you are still holding on to your history (Holding On Quotes)
Women saw everything, and they thought about everything. The result was wisdom. For men, this was a frightening state of affairs, which is why they insist on holding on to power (Holding On Quotes)
Our suffering is caused by holding on to how things might have been, should have been, could have been (Holding On Quotes)
Words taken literally or held as ultimate truth can keep us stagnant and stuck, holding on to old ideologies. I now know that everything I need is already contained within me and is completely aceessible if I allow myself to open up to what I sense is true for me... and the same is true for you (Holding On Quotes)
When you become present, your mind is silent. There is no agenda. You are not holding onto anything. You are not seeking anything. You are just here with what is, and it is enough (Holding On Quotes)
I love doing scripted things. What little acting ability I have I am holding on with my hangnails (Holding On Quotes)
What thoughts are so important that it is worth holding on to them even when they make you miserable? Why are you holding on? You are in charge of your thoughts and feelings. If you are willing to search for the reason that you can’t let go of disturbing thoughts, you can learn about yourself and restore your own peace of mind (Holding On Quotes)
Show business is like a bumpy bus ride. Sometimes you find yourself temporarily juggled out of your seat and holding onto a strap. But the main idea is to hang in there and not be shoved out the door (Holding On Quotes)
They say that no one’s gonna play this on the radio. They said the melancholy blues were dead and gone. But only songs like these played in minor keys, keep those memories holding on (Holding On Quotes)