Holding On Quotes

Text Quotes
When you got a guy hanging over the cliff holding on with one hand, you don’t want him to get his other hand up there, you want to go ahead and stomp on it (Holding On Quotes)
Republicans seems to me to be chiefly concerned with holding on to what they have: in society, it’s position, or respectability, or what you will; in business, of course, it’s profit (Holding On Quotes)
I went to a women’s college.... it was a little like learning to swim while holding on to the side of the pool; I didn’t learn the arm movements until after I graduated, but by that time I was one hell of a kicker (Holding On Quotes)
Why do we hold onto negativity? For some reason, we believe that others are affected by our experience of remaining upset, hurt or angry. Holding on to pain, anger, guilt or shame is the glue that binds us to the situation we want to escape (Holding On Quotes)
There is more pain from holding on to the thought of pain than there is in the situation itself. If you let the world strike you, it will do so less cruelly than your own imagination (Holding On Quotes)
The process of grief has a beginning a middle and an end. The hard part is holding on in the middle. You can hold on. There’s transformation happening in these times bringing you to a new place. It’s a place you can only get to through the pain (Holding On Quotes)
Life was a freight train barreling toward just one stop, our loved ones streaking past our windows in blurs of color and light. There was no holding on to any of it, and no slowing it down (Holding On Quotes)
I don’t want to be someone in my sixties holding on to a group that I created when I was in my twenties (Holding On Quotes)
To experience emotional freedom, we must accept, surrender, and let go of our wounds. We must be willing to take responsibility for what we’re holding on to, which is usually a hurt or pain from the past that leaves us feeling victimized (Holding On Quotes)
When you’re poor, you have nothing to lose and be afraid of. Holding onto the dream and having nothing to lose is what helped me succeed (Holding On Quotes)
The third noble truth says that the cessation of suffering is letting go of holding on to ourselves (Holding On Quotes)
It is a fundamental right for people to be allowed to love who they want to love and marry who they want to marry and stop holding on to some form of discrimination that it’s just isn’t fair (Holding On Quotes)
And the attitude of faith is the very opposite of clinging to belief, of holding on (Holding On Quotes)
I guess I’m still holding on to something that I know will probably never happen, because somewhere deep down inside me, I have this little piece of hope that someday, it will (Holding On Quotes)
He who cannot rest, cannot work; he who cannot let go, cannot hold on; he who cannot find footing, cannot go forward (Holding On Quotes)
Moral authority is never retained by any attempt to hold on to it. It comes without seeking and is retained without effort (Holding On Quotes)
I wouldn’t even hold my kids sometimes because I didn’t want them to spit up on me when I was dressed for an awards show (Holding On Quotes)
Let me tell you the polls that count, and those are the polls a couple of weeks before the election. That’s when the pollsters worry about holding onto their credibility. Those are the polls that everybody remembers (Holding On Quotes)
We need, in love, to practice only this: letting each other go. For holding on comes easily; we do not need to learn it (Holding On Quotes)
Love means holding on to someone just as hard as you can because if you don’t, one blink and they might disappear... forever (Holding On Quotes)
She stood at the window, her arms spread wide, holding on to each side of the frame, it was as if she held a piece of the city (Holding On Quotes)
Darkness does this. It finds all the places you are hiding in. It finds all the things you are holding onto tightly and makes you let go (Holding On Quotes)
Holding on to anything is like holding on to your breath. You will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go and it will be yours forever (Holding On Quotes)
The great challenge of adulthood is holding on to your idealism after you lose your innocence (Holding On Quotes)
I take his hand, holding on tightly, preparing for the cameras, and dreading the moment when I will finally have to let go (Holding On Quotes)
... we chase after ghosts and spirits and are left holding only memories and dreams. It’s not that we want what we can’t have; it’s that we’ve held all we could want and then had to watch it slip away (Holding On Quotes)
Eventually I realize that I am holding on to him just as tightly as he holds on to me. And here we are: two small dying things, as the world ends around us like falling autumn leaves (Holding On Quotes)
It was so nice just to live in the moment, to enjoy holding him so closely, to pretend for a little while that they were merely two young people in love and nothing else (Holding On Quotes)
Why was I holding on to something that would never be mine? But isn’t that what people do? (Holding On Quotes)
When he left, you spent all your energy holding on to him. You could be happy if you let go (Holding On Quotes)