Holly Black Quotes
Text Quotes
So I’m scared, because you’re not just not human, you’re not like anyone... there’s nobody like you in all the world and it’s you I want. I want you and I hate wanting things and I especially hate admitting I want them (Holly Black Quotes)
Tana. In all my long life, though there were many times I prayed for it, no one has ever saved me. No one but you (Holly Black Quotes)
She knew she shouldn’t feel that way about a monster, but right then, she wanted nothing more than a monster of her very own (Holly Black Quotes)
If the enemy of my enemy is my friend, then surely you should be friend to my friend (Holly Black Quotes)
In her dreams, blood tasted like fizzy strawberry soda. If you drank it too fast, you got brain freeze. When she was older, after she’d licked a cut on her finger, the taste of that became the taste in her dreams: copper and tears (Holly Black Quotes)
We all wind up drawn to what we’re afraid of, drawn to try to find a way to make ourselves safe from a thing by crawling inside of it, by loving it, by becoming it (Holly Black Quotes)
After that, she wasn’t sure what the game was or if she’d imagined it. All she knew was that she had lost (Holly Black Quotes)
He was saying that the end of the world wasn’t an accident; it was a joke (Holly Black Quotes)
Maybe it was that nearly everyone else was dead and she felt a little bit dead too, but she figured that even a vampire deserved to be saved. Maybe she ought to leave him, but she wasn’t going to (Holly Black Quotes)
Jewels, lies, slips of paper, dried flowers, memories of thing long past, useless quotations, idle hands, beads, buttons, and mischief (Holly Black Quotes)
Even from the beginning, that was the problem. People liked pretty things. People even liked pretty things that wanted to kill and eat them (Holly Black Quotes)
I thought weirdness was a good thing. I don’t mean that defensively, either. I thought it was something to be cultivated (Holly Black Quotes)
Once, there was a girl who vowed she would save everyone in the world, but forgot herself (Holly Black Quotes)
You have to write a lot. And you have to rewrite what you wrote a lot more (Holly Black Quotes)
I want you and I hate wanting things and I especially hate admitting I want them (Holly Black Quotes)
Holly: Seriously, you don’t like unicorns? What kind person doesn’t like unicorns? Justine: What kind of a person doesn’t like zombies? What have zombies ever done to you? Holly: Zombies shamble. I disapprove of shambling. And they have bits that fall off. You never see a unicorn behaving that way. Justine: I shamble. Bits fall off me all the time: hair, skin cells. Are you saying you disapprove of me? (Holly Black Quotes)
Librarians are hot. They have knowledge and power over their domain... It is no coincidence how many librarians are portrayed as having a passionate interior, hidden by a cool layer of reserve. Aren’t books like that? On the shelf, their calm covers belie the intense experience of reading one. Reading inflames the soul. Now, what sort of person would be the keeper of such books? (Holly Black Quotes)
Occasionally, there are battles in the sky. One likes to imagine the angels are always triumphant. One does not like to think of the ancient and terrible scales balancing the infernal and divine as wobbling back and forth. Tilting freely, to and fro. One does not like to think that sometimes it is the angel that falls (Holly Black Quotes)
Memory is slippery. It bends to our understanding of the world, twists to accommodate our prejudices. It is unreliable. Witnesses seldom remember the same things. They identify the wrong people. They give us the details of events that never happened. Memory is slippery, but my memories suddenly feel slipperier (Holly Black Quotes)
I wonder about death, I who may never know it. It looks much like ecstacy, the way they open their mouths as they drown, the way their fingers dig into your skin. Their eyes are wide and startled and they trash in your hands as though with an excess of passion (Holly Black Quotes)
I wonder if he really could rationalize what I did to him, really treat betrayal like the slight transgression of a recalcitrant business partner. I wonder if I hurt him. If he can rationalize what I did to him, it’s easy to imagine how he rationalized what he did to me (Holly Black Quotes)
The problem with cell phones is that you can’t slam them down into a cradle when you hang up. Your only option is to throw them, and if you do, they just skitter across the floor and crack their case. It’s not satisfying at all. I close my eyes and bend down to pick up the pieces (Holly Black Quotes)
She was the epic crush of my childhood. She was the tragedy that made me look inside myself and see my corrupt heart. She was my sin and my salvation, come back from the grave to change me forever. Again. Back then, when she sat on my bed and told me she loved me, I wanted her as much as I have ever wanted anything (Holly Black Quotes)
The most important thing for any con artist is never to think like a mark. Marks think they can get something for nothing. Marks think they can get what they don’t deserve and could never deserve. Marks are stupid and pathetic and sad. Marks think they’re going to go home one night and have the girl they’ve loved since they were a kid suddenly love them back. Marks forget that whenever something’s too good to be true, that’s because it’s a con (Holly Black Quotes)
I’m not good at having friends. I mean, I can make myself useful to people. I can fit in. I get invited to parties and I can sit at any table I want in the cafeteria. But actually trusting someone when they have nothing to gain from me just doesn’t make sense. All friendships are negotiations of power (Holly Black Quotes)
A man may daydream of how he would spend a million dollars, but playing the same game with a billion dollars sours the fantasy. There are too many possibilities. The house he once wished for with all his heart is suddenly too small. The travel, too cheap. He wanted to visit an island. Now he contemplates buying one (Holly Black Quotes)
They think you can’t feel anything, because they’ve forgotten how. You’re very, very dangerous, I get that, and you’re prone to some very theatrical brooding, but don’t let yourself mistake that for some kind of inner corruption. They see themselves in you and are blinded (Holly Black Quotes)
But if you didn’t believe in monsters, then how were you going to be able to keep safe from them? (Holly Black Quotes)