Hollywood Quotes

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I personally think that Hollywood agencies ought to play a much better role in the development of Chinese films. Otherwise they’re missing out on a lot of opportunities. (Hollywood Quotes)
I like to say, in Hollywood, you can’t make a redneck movie without me. That doesn’t happen. You better not do it. (Hollywood Quotes)
One of the reasons the whole Hollywood way of making films wouldn’t work for me is because the way I operate would be anathema to anyone who wants to hold a job down in Beverly Hills. (Hollywood Quotes)
I don’t live with the ‘right’ people. I don’t want to. I don’t want to live with the rich in Beverly Hills or walk the streets of Hollywood. I want to go to K-mart and get good deals. (Hollywood Quotes)
Hollywood has a history of raising expectations beyond Washington’s reach, of appealing to the very American desire to mythologize political leaders, particularly the president. (Hollywood Quotes)
I guess I just always had this idea that I would go to Hollywood. I had the typical ‘get up and go’ attitude that you have to have in order to make the brave step into the big city. (Hollywood Quotes)
I feel like I’ve been very smart in the way that I carry myself and treat myself. I feel like my mom was a big part of that just because she’s always let us make our own decisions, and we’ve known very much about the mistakes and the dangers already of whatever this Hollywood life may be. (Hollywood Quotes)
I always remind myself that the world is bigger than Hollywood, because I need to. Being Canadian and from Winnipeg, I have the spirit of a dreamer because of the cold, and being in the basement thinking of possibilities of where else I can be in the world, in a good way! (Hollywood Quotes)
I’m not going to say I’m a big girl. I’m a very small person, but I’m a healthy weight. That might be a little weird for Hollywood. (Hollywood Quotes)
I crossed paths with a horse that happened to change my life. That horse is Game On Dude, and what a horse! He’s a soldier. Together we traveled the world. We won the Santa Anita Big Cap, Goodwood, almost won the Breeder’s Cup Classic; we won the San Antonio, Hollywood Gold Cup and the Californian. (Hollywood Quotes)
To me, I approach a small-budget, artsy, European movie the same way as a big commercial Hollywood movie. That’s the most important thing. Hollywood usually represents this big dream in people’s minds, but to me, it’s just hard work. (Hollywood Quotes)
One of the big moments of my life was watching ‘Star Wars’ on its opening weekend in Hollywood. I was watching all these people enjoy this film, and I thought: animation can do this. (Hollywood Quotes)
For me, if Shakespeare was around today, he’d be writing screenplays - a big Hollywood movie (Hollywood Quotes)
I’m not this big Hollywood mainstream actress, but who cares? I think I just have a certain sensibility for smaller projects. I like intimate things. I think I do well in that kind of environment. That doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t love to do bigger projects. I feel everyone has their own journey. (Hollywood Quotes)
It’s fundamental to succeed in coming into contact with your subject. Whether it’s a big Hollywood star or a passer-by in the street, it makes no difference. (Hollywood Quotes)
I’m thankful for the big stuff of course-my family, health, human kindness. But I’m also thankful that I don’t have to work for Hollywood anymore. (Hollywood Quotes)
They had taken me to an exhibit called ‘Psychiatry: Industry of Death’ on Hollywood Boulevard, where a Scientologist told me psychiatrists set up the Holocaust. I feared I was being brain-washed. And then I lost it - big time. (Hollywood Quotes)
They’re lacking culture in Hollywood. That gives me a big up, right? I know something about pop culture. (Hollywood Quotes)
Initially, before I came to Hollywood, I thought that the language barrier would be the biggest challenge, but I realized that actors all around the world, regardless of language, are all the same. (Hollywood Quotes)
I read that Hollywood wanted to film Fences years ago with a white director, but [August] Wilson refused. He thought that the director needed to have lived the culture of black Americans. (Hollywood Quotes)
In Hollywood through the 50s, there were black, English, and Middle European housekeepers and maids. (Hollywood Quotes)
U.S. foreign policy is Manichaean. It’s like a Hollywood movie. You have to know who has the white hat and who has the black hat and then go against the black hat. (Hollywood Quotes)
When you’re black in Hollywood, you know, your first role is going to be on a crime drama. That’s - everybody knows that. (Hollywood Quotes)
The execs don’t care what color you are. They care about how much money you make. Hollywood is not really black or white. It’s green. (Hollywood Quotes)
Black Swan’ does what Hollywood movies have always done - it spends its energies on getting some surface things right while getting everything important wrong. Darren Aronofsky, the director, applies the same techniques and the same sensibility here as he did with ‘The Wrestler,’ only with a prettier protagonist. (Hollywood Quotes)
I think over time I’ve learned to stop being a screamer and get interactive; otherwise, you get killed in Hollywood. I stopped being a screamer shortly after ‘Blade Runner,’ kicking doors and things like that, because I wasn’t actually getting anywhere. (Hollywood Quotes)
After ‘Radio Flyer,’ to this day, every family-oriented script or script with kid actors comes across my desk. That’s just Hollywood: you get pigeonholed, and it’s both a blessing and a curse, but you live with it. (Hollywood Quotes)
I’m sporting some really blonde hair because I live in Hollywood and I’m an actress (Hollywood Quotes)
Like Hollywood movies, MTV and blue jeans, fast food has become one of America’s major cultural exports. (Hollywood Quotes)
I’ve always been proud of my body, my Jewish nose and all of that. Hollywood’s Hollywood, but that’s not going to change. (Hollywood Quotes)