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When I stop working, I go out and start working again. Most people paint a picture, or whatever they do, and go home. For me, it has to be continuous  (Home Quotes) Well, the U. S., Of course, is the world's largest economy. It's about a quarter of the world's output. It's also home to many of the largest financial institutions and financial markets  (Home Quotes) No, let's make sure that people understand that this is a very important war that is helping to protect us here at home. And that we have no choice but to win it. As difficult as it is  (Home Quotes) My fairy lord, this must be done with haste, for night's swift dragons cut the clouds full fast, and yonder shines Aurora's harbinger; at whose approach ghosts, wand'ring here and there, troop home to churchyards; damned spirit all, that in crossways and floods have burial, already to their wormy beds are gone  (Home Quotes) He's a good tough producer, yes. But I don't think that he's unreasonable unless he feels threatened. And when somebody's in your home, I think everybody in the home gets threatened  (Home Quotes) With the theatre, your whole day is geared towards the evening's show, and that's the job. People usually go to work about 9 and come home around 5, or maybe 7  (Home Quotes) Education was the most important value in our home when I was growing up. People don't always realize that my parents shared a sense of intellectual curiosity and a love of reading and of history  (Home Quotes) I have never met a woman who works who doesn't feel guilty. I mean we all deny it like crazy but deep down there is always that voice saying you should be at home  (Home Quotes) I go off and make movies; I come home, and I'm a dad and I hang with my girls  (Home Quotes) The most I ever spent on technology is building a studio - I built one at home in Los Angeles. I can't tell you how much exactly, but the whole process is very expensive  (Home Quotes) I've always taken my love of children from my father. He was a children magnet. Suddenly, having my first child hit home what my dad went through  (Home Quotes) Were't not affection chains thy tender days to the sweet glances of thy honored love, I rather would entreat thy company to see the wonders of the world abroad than, living dully sluggardized at home, wear out thy youth with shapeless idleness  (Home Quotes) Hollywood is a strange, strange thing. I feel like I've been invited to a very exclusive ball and I'm just trying to make nice with everybody and hope that if they kick me out they'll at least give me a ride home  (Home Quotes) I have always loved running on the roads, ever since I used to take part in relays for my club when I was 12 and 13. I felt really at home on the surface  (Home Quotes) With all the hundreds of dresses and shoes I have, it would be an absolute crime if I don't have a little girl. I have a whole room at home filled with my stage wear  (Home Quotes) I wish I got a little bit more time at home. I am away a lot and being around my loved ones and friends is good for me. It grounds me. It's something I need to make more time for. I think I need a little more balance  (Home Quotes) I'm the same guy I've always been. I'm the same guy now as when I was hitting 50 home runs. I don't change  (Home Quotes) When I started the business, I hardly went home. I became very driven about work and about my career  (Home Quotes) My home town is very small and very remote and we don't have a movie house  (Home Quotes) At home we're the hosts, and I never liked the idea of being embarrased in front of our friends  (Home Quotes) I was at home then in the world of figures, but not in that of values  (Home Quotes) The guys you see me bring home, we're only cuddling and making out like any other person would do, but we're on camera and the whole world's seeing it, and it does look like I'm having sex  (Home Quotes) Land is the secure ground of home, the sea is like life, the outside, the unknown  (Home Quotes) That still feels like the most accurate description - I felt homesick, but I was home  (Home Quotes) I never felt I had the kind of relationship with Magic that I could just pick up the phone and call him at home  (Home Quotes) Our parents came home one day and heard us, and they thought it was the radio, but our grandfather told them it was us  (Home Quotes) Whenever I'm home, I haven't got any makeup on. But even in the studio, before I do vocals, I put makeup on  (Home Quotes) At home in Paris I take a milk bath two times a week, but here on the road it is more difficult. I miss them  (Home Quotes) My great love is my home county of Cornwall, I love to sit and watch people enjoying themselves on the beaches and in the harbour towns of Cornwall  (Home Quotes) On my return to Cornwall I discovered that I was living in a tropical paradise. For now I am content to explore my own home and our nearest neighbour France  (Home Quotes)
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