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I’m still a kid. I’m like six years old. But it’s just a matter of wanting to get up, it’s just a big journey. I felt like when I left home that I was on a journey, and I still am  (Home Quotes) I’m still that little girl who lisped and sat in the back of the car and threw vegetables at the back of her head when we drove home from the market. That never goes  (Home Quotes) I’m super lucky because I come home and I don’t have to run errands and clean the house and do all that  (Home Quotes) I’m the type of woman you might say is too good. I’ll massage a man’s feet, have dinner cooked when he gets home. But once they leave, the door is closed, and the locks are changed  (Home Quotes) I’m vegan on home base, but when I travel to other countries, I throw it all into the garbage  (Home Quotes) I’ve always looked for the perfect life to step into. I’ve taken all the paths to get where I wanted.But no matter where I go, I still come home me  (Home Quotes) I’ve been thinking a lot about next year, which will be the first time in 25 years that I don’t have a child at home  (Home Quotes) I’ve done a lot of partying in my time because I didn’t want to go home and I didn’t know what to do  (Home Quotes) If you don’t quit, and don’t cheat, and don’t run home when trouble arrives, you can only win  (Home Quotes) If you got a good imagination, a lot of confidence and you kind of know what you are saying, then you might be able to do it. I know a lot of colorful characters at home that would make great actors  (Home Quotes) If you want to be certain, you should never get married. You should never change jobs. In fact, you might as well just stay home. Because I don’t know anybody who is certain. That need to be certain is just procrastination  (Home Quotes) In the later books I am much more at home in the use of language to describe things. I had never thought of that until a critic pointed that out  (Home Quotes) Instead of going out to dinner, buy good food. Cooking at home shows such affection. In a bad economy, it’s more important to make yourself feel good  (Home Quotes) Is it harder having kids and working? It definitely is, but the payoff is you get to go home to your kids, and it all balances out. And I know I’m a better mother when I’m engaged in something outside of the house  (Home Quotes) It is the personality of the mistress that the home expresses. Men are forever guests in our homes, no matter how much happiness they may find there  (Home Quotes) It isn’t false modesty when I say this, but although I am supposed to be a famous person it doesn’t mean anything to me. I just sit at home and work  (Home Quotes) It’s easier to date a football player for sure. Football players have one game a week, and they practice every day, but they’re all at home. In basketball, they’re on the road all the time  (Home Quotes) It’s nice to have a pause to parent and to be more present at home, teaching them how to drive cars and navigate boys and all this sort of thing  (Home Quotes) It’s risky in a marriage for a man to come home too late, but it can sometimes pose an even greater risk if he comes home too early  (Home Quotes) Just take the ball and throw it where you want to. Throw strikes. Home plate don’t move  (Home Quotes) Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at  (Home Quotes) Leave home? It’s quite a scary thought. I’m not the most independent person and that’s the result. When you’re always surrounded by people it becomes quite normal  (Home Quotes) Many women cut back what had to be done at home by redefining what the house, the marriage and, sometimes, what the child needs. One woman described a fairly common pattern: I do my half. I do half of his half, and the rest doesn’t get done  (Home Quotes) Marrying a man is like buying something you’ve been admiring for a long time in a shop window. You may love it when you get it home, but it doesn’t always go with everything else in the house  (Home Quotes) More fundamentally, it is a dream that does not die with the onset of manhood: the dream is to play endlessly, past the time when you are called home for dinner, past the time of doing chores, past the time when your body betrays you past time itself  (Home Quotes) My divorce came to me as a complete surprise. That’s what happens when you haven’t been home in eighteen years  (Home Quotes) My free time at home is usually spent emailing, listening to music, reading and talking on the phone. I wish I was on the phone less, but I have been fortunate to stay in touch with so many incredible friends  (Home Quotes) My health is wonderful. I work out. I’m working. Playing music. I have a beautiful wife, a nice home, a nice car, I got money in the bank. I got three beautiful dogs that love me. Like I said, I’m blessed. I survived  (Home Quotes) My idea of heaven used to be relaxing at home with a cheese plate and champagne  (Home Quotes) My mother is a special story. She went through so much to bring us up, four men at home, especially when our country was going through really difficult times  (Home Quotes)
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