Home Quotes

Text Quotes
Literature is love. I think it went like this: drawings in the cave, sounds in the cave, songs in the cave, songs about us. Later, stories about us. Part of what we always did was have sex and fight about it and break each other’s hearts. I guess there’s other kinds of love too. Great friendships. Working together. But poetry and novels are lists of our devotions. We love the feel of making the marks as the feelings are rising and falling. Living in literature and love is the best thing there is. You’re always home (Home Quotes)
We had set out in a rain of flowers to seek the death of heroes. The war was our dream of greatness, power and glory. It was a man’s work, a duel on the fields whose flowers would be stained with blood. There is no lovelier death in the world... Anything rather than stay at home, anything to make one with the rest (Home Quotes)
Silence is our deepest nature, our home, our common ground, our peace. Silence reveals. Silence heals (Home Quotes)
It is music that welds spiritual and sensual, that can convey ecstasy free of guilt, faith without dogma, love as homage, and a person at home with nature and the infinite (Home Quotes)
When I go home, sometimes, even when I had an amazing game, I always think about what I missed (Home Quotes)
Married life can seem as if it’s only five days long. The first day you meet, the second day you marry, the third day your raise your children, the fourth day you meet your grandchildren, and the fifth day you die first or bury your spouse to go home alone for the first time in many years (Home Quotes)
Even if you can’t sing well, sing. Sing to yourself. Sing in the privacy of your home. But sing (Home Quotes)
For the quirkyalone, there is no patience for dating just for the sake of not being alone. On a fine but by no means transcendent date we dream of going home to watch television. We would prefer to be alone with our own thoughts than with a less than perfect fit. We are almost constitutionally incapable of casual relationships (Home Quotes)
I chose the shadows; they did not choose me. I stay here securely not just because I feel plain, but because disappearance is by now the easy way. The habit. The worn path that I can trod knowingly and be assured safe passage home (Home Quotes)
Every deal is a regulated deal. Regulators will tell you how to take your money home (Home Quotes)
My first job was washing dishes in the basement of a nursing home for $2.10 an hour, and I learned as much about the value of hard work there as I ever did later (Home Quotes)
The important thing is to take the bricklayer and make him understand that he’s building a home, not just laying bricks (Home Quotes)
Nothing will turn a man’s home into a castle more quickly and effectively than a dachshund (Home Quotes)
My car’s my best friend. My office. My home. My location. I have a very intimate sense when I am in a car with someone next to me. We’re in the most comfortable seats because we’re not facing each other, but sitting side by side. We don’t look at each other, but instead do so only when we want to. We’re allowed to look around without appearing rude. We have a big screen in front of us and side views. Silence doesn’t seem heavy or difficult. Nobody serves anybody. And many other aspects. One most important thing is that it transports us from one place to another (Home Quotes)
In a church, I am a saint. In a public place, I am a lady. In my own home, I am a devil... My house is where I can do as I please, scream and yell and dance and fall on the floor if I like. I am myself when I am in my home (Home Quotes)
My heart found its home long ago in the beauty, mystery, order and disorder of the flowering earth. I wanted future generations to be able to savor what I had all my life (Home Quotes)
I’m not thinking home run, I just want to put a good swing on the ball. When you go looking for home runs, you get off of your swing. So you don’t think of homers when you go up to the plate (Home Quotes)
Sales were lukewarm. Back home there was no freedom, but there were readers. Here there was freedom enough, but readers were missing (Home Quotes)
The bottom line is, if you stay home, your message stays home with you. If you stand for justice and equality, you have an obligation to find the biggest possible megaphone to let your feelings be known. Don’t let your message be buried and don’t bury yourself (Home Quotes)
Modern science has been a voyage into the unknown, with a lesson in humility waiting at every stop. Many passengers would rather have stayed home (Home Quotes)
I’ve been a slave to football. It follows you home, it follows you everywhere, and eats into your family life. But every working man misses out on some things because of his job (Home Quotes)
History consists of a corpus ascertained facts. The facts are available to the historian in documents, inscriptions and so on, like fish in the fishmonger’s slab. The historian collects them, takes them home, and cooks and serves them in whatever style appeals to him (Home Quotes)
Lyon are the same away from home as they are at home, they have the same way of playing (Home Quotes)
They want to go to the bar and eat a few snacks, have a couple of cocktails or glasses of wine, and go home. People don’t sit down at the table and have a whole three or four courses (Home Quotes)
Buying flowers is not just a way to bring home beauty. It’s an expression of confidence that better days are coming. It’s a defiant finger in the face of those naysayers who would have you believe your fortunes will never improve (Home Quotes)
The student who uses home made apparatus, which is always going wrong, often learns more than one who has the use of carefully adjusted instruments, to which he is apt to trust and which he dares not take to pieces (Home Quotes)
If I have children, after school they’ll always feel happy energy in the home (Home Quotes)
Forty years as an astronomer have not quelled my enthusiasm for lying outside after dark, staring up at the stars. It isn’t only the beauty of the night sky that thrills me. It’s the sense I have that some of those points of light are the home stars of beings not so different from us, daily cares and all, who look across space with wonder, just as we do (Home Quotes)
My sons served excellent missions, and returned to participate in college athletics. In their letters home, and even now that they have been back for some time, they frequently mention that the experiences in the mission field were the choicest and most gratifying of their lives. You young men, begin to prepare yourselves now for this marvelous experience (Home Quotes)
If we could only make our hands move as actively as our tongues, what wonders we could accomplish! Almost everyone loves to hear his own voice. It is so easy, too! Yet if we could say less and do more for each other’s good, not alone would every home be happier, but communities would be enriched thereby. Instead of criticism by speech, to show someone a better way to do a thing would be of much greater value (Home Quotes)