Homer Quotes

Text Quotes
I too shall lie in the dust when I am dead, but now let me win noble renown (Homer Quotes)
He knew the things that were and the things that would be and the things that had been before (Homer Quotes)
Miserable mortals who like leaves at one moment flame with life eating the produce of the land and at another moment weakly perish (Homer Quotes)
It was built against the will of the immortal gods, and so it did not last for long (Homer Quotes)
Of men who have a sense of honor, more come through alive than are slain, but from those who flee comes neither glory nor any help (Homer Quotes)
The outcome of the war is in our hands; the outcome of words is in the council (Homer Quotes)
Young men’s minds are always changeable, but when an old man is concerned in a matter, he looks both before and after (Homer Quotes)
Even his griefs are a joy long after to one that remembers all that he wrought and endured (Homer Quotes)
The wine urges me on, the bewitching wine, which sets even a wise man to singing and to laughing gently and rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken (Homer Quotes)
To be loved, you have to be nice to people, everyday. But to be hated, you don’t have to do squat! (Homer Quotes)
For rarely are sons similar to their fathers: most are worse, and a few are better than their fathers (Homer Quotes)
Without a sign, his sword the brave man draws, and asks no omen, but his country’s cause (Homer Quotes)
I, for one, know of no sweeter sight for a man’s eyes than his own country (Homer Quotes)
Never to be cast away are the gifts of the gods, magnificent, which they give of their own will, no man could have them for wanting them (Homer Quotes)
Fate is the same for the man who holds back, the same if he fights hard. We are all held in a single honor, the brave with the weaklings. A man dies still if he has done nothing, as the one who has done much (Homer Quotes)
Anger, which, far sweeter than trickling drops of honey, rises in the bosom of a man like smoke (Homer Quotes)
The tongue of man is a twisty thing, there are plenty of words there of every kind (Homer Quotes)
Of all creatures that breathe and move upon the earth, nothing is bred that is weaker than man (Homer Quotes)
A man who has been through bitter experiences and travelled far enjoys even his sufferings after a time (Homer Quotes)
I have no interest at all in food and drink, but only in slaughter and blood and the agonized groans of mangled men (Homer Quotes)
... like that star of the waning summer who beyond all stars rises bathed in the ocean stream to glitter in brilliance (Homer Quotes)
Ah how shameless – the way these mortals blame the gods. From us alone they say come all their miseries yes but they themselves with their own reckless ways compound their pains beyond their proper share (Homer Quotes)
Think not to match yourself against the gods, for men that walk the earth cannot hold their own with the immortals (Homer Quotes)
Why cover the same ground again?... It goes against my grain to repeat a tale told once, and told so clearly (Homer Quotes)
... if fifty bands of men surrounded us/ and every sword sang for your blood,/ you could make off still with their cows and sheep (Homer Quotes)
Let me not then die ingloriously and without a struggle, but let me first do some great thing that shall be told among men hereafter (Homer Quotes)
Come then, put away your sword in its sheath, and let us two go up into my bed so that, lying together in the bed of love, we may then have faith and trust in each other (Homer Quotes)
There is nothing alive more agonized than man / of all that breathe and crawl across the earth (Homer Quotes)
Everything is more beautiful because we’re doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again (Homer Quotes)
Generations of men are like the leaves. In winter, winds blow them down to earth, but then, when spring season comes again, the budding wood grows more. And so with men: one generation grows, another dies away (Homer Quotes)