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Hometown Quotes

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I consider myself a product of Alaska. The love and the debt that I feel to my home state, you always want your hometown to be the proudest of you  (Hometown Quotes) Right then, with the shore so close, I understood that I would not do what I should do. I would not swim away from my hometown and my country and my life. I would not be brave  (Hometown Quotes) As supportive as my hometown is, in my high school, there are people who would probably walk up to me and punch me in the face. There’s a select few that will never like me. They don’t like what I stand for. They don’t like somebody who stands for being sober, who stands for anything happy. They’re going to be negative no matter what  (Hometown Quotes) My hometown is extremely supportive of me and I feel blessed to be able to create something as a way of giving back; to say thank you  (Hometown Quotes) For if anything is capable of making a poet of a literary man, it is my hometown love of the human, the living and ordinary  (Hometown Quotes) Evil is no faceless stranger, living in a distant neighborhood. Evil has a wholesome, hometown face, with merry eyes and an open smile. Evil walks among us, wearing a mask which looks like all our faces  (Hometown Quotes) My hometown was so dull that one time the tide went out and never came back  (Hometown Quotes)
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