Homosexuality Quotes

Text Quotes
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality (Homosexuality Quotes)
I do not think homosexuality is immoral (Homosexuality Quotes)
I’ve never made a secret of my homosexuality (Homosexuality Quotes)
Religion is far more of a choice than homosexuality (Homosexuality Quotes)
Homosexuality is death, and I choose life (Homosexuality Quotes)
The unhappy truth is that male homosexuality will never be fully accepted by the heterosexual majority, who are obeying the dictates not of bigoted society or religion but of procreative nature (Homosexuality Quotes)
History shows that male homosexuality, which like prostitution flourishes with urbanization and soon becomes predictably ritualized, always tends toward decadence (Homosexuality Quotes)
But why do they always have to be laughing and making a song and dance about everything? I cannot believe homosexuality is that much fun. Heterosexuality certainly is not (Homosexuality Quotes)
If you have an issue with homosexuality, then it comes to your own fear and your own darkness (Homosexuality Quotes)
When I was a child I asked my mother what homosexuality was about and she said - and this was 100 years ago in Germany and she was very open-minded - 'It's like hair color. It's nothing. Some people are blond and some people have dark hair. It's not a subject.' This was a very healthy attitude (Homosexuality Quotes)
I accept people for who they are and love them. That doesn’t mean I have to agree or that I have to turn my back on the tenets of my faith and reject the tenets of my faith when it comes to homosexuality (Homosexuality Quotes)
I don’t think homosexuality is a choice. Society forces you to think it’s a choice, but in fact, it’s in one’s nature. The choice is whether one expresses one’s nature truthfully or spends the rest of one’s life lying about it (Homosexuality Quotes)
They have to convert our agenda into something aggressive. Two guys wanting to be happy together are invading their marriages. Helping a kid who’s getting beaten up in school is promoting homosexuality. If you gave me a million dollars, I wouldn’t know how to promote homosexuality (Homosexuality Quotes)
Since the most important element of any concept is that its originating question be appropriately framed, any theory demanding an explanation for homosexuality is a problematic one because it maintains our existence as a category of deviance. I mean, no one is running around trying to figure out why some people like sports, for example (Homosexuality Quotes)
If ever we needed in this country to adopt a new attitude towards homosexuality, this is the time. Instead of treating it as a crime, and driving it underground, we ought to recognize it for what it is: it’s a mental illness, it’s a psychiatric condition which ought to be treated sympathetically by psychiatrists and social workers (Homosexuality Quotes)
If someone as deluded as I was can be brought out of homosexuality then surely anyone can (Homosexuality Quotes)
If homosexuality is not caused by genetic factors... then that means it can be acquired... And if it can be acquired, shouldn’t we be doing everything in our power to protect people from acquiring it? Shouldn’t we lean to the side of protecting the children instead of affirming a scientific hypothesis that has no actual truthful foundation? (Homosexuality Quotes)
Even though probably the majority of homosexuals are not oriented towards young people, there is a significant number that are, especially the men... male homosexuality has historically been not adult to adult it has been adult to teenager (Homosexuality Quotes)
Homophobia is easier for black people where black people are concerned. They feel they have the right to correct me on my behavior. There is this notion that homosexuality is something that white people do (Homosexuality Quotes)
I’m not offended by homosexuality. In the 60s I made love to many, many women – often outdoors in the mud and the rain – and it’s possible that a man slipped in. There’d be no way of knowing (Homosexuality Quotes)
I have decided to tell the world that I accept my homosexuality and celebrate this gift that life has given me (Homosexuality Quotes)
If we cannot have moral feelings against homosexuality, can we have it against murder? Can we have it against other things? (Homosexuality Quotes)
It’s funny that they’ve called homosexuality a crime... At this rate, everyone will be a criminal (Homosexuality Quotes)
If your definition of homosexuality is being able to do whatever you want to and that you should be able to go and engage in sex with another person and because of that the disease you have is going to spread to that person and they’re going to take it home and give it to their wife, how much tolerance should we have for that?... zero tolerance (Homosexuality Quotes)
There’s never been a civilization, ever in history, that has embraced homosexuality and turned away from traditional fidelity and traditional marriage, traditional child rearing, and has survived (Homosexuality Quotes)
It is an old stereotype, that homosexuality has to do only with sex while heterosexuality is multifaceted and embraces love and romance (Homosexuality Quotes)
Gender, race, ethnicity – these are all morally neutral. But homosexuality is – involves voluntary sexual conduct with serious public health, social, sociological implications. It’s not irrational to discriminate on that basis (Homosexuality Quotes)
Our emancipation means standing up for strong families, our emancipation means standing against the homosexuality agenda, emancipation for us means standing up against the repealing of the buggery law (Homosexuality Quotes)
The marketing of homosexuality has an agenda, and that is to repopulate their population by recruiting the children of homosexuals (Homosexuality Quotes)
Anyone who feels that homosexuality is not only a sin but also a disease or a mental issue should take a look in the mirror and realize who the real crazy person is (Homosexuality Quotes)