Honest Quotes

Text Quotes
Dark Side of the Moon’ was one of my father’s favorite records, which I obviously didn’t understand when I was young. To be honest, I don’t really have too many memories of hearing it, but I definitely have memories of the cover. (Honest Quotes)
It’s important to air your concerns and fears with someone you trust. When you’re honest about how you can change and grow, and where your weaknesses are, then you open the door for improvement and change. (Honest Quotes)
I better be honest about my feelings, even those involving loneliness, jealousy, and fear (Honest Quotes)
CIf you are honest, truthful, and transparent, people trust you. If people trust you, you have no grounds for fear, suspicion or jealousy. (Honest Quotes)
Dare to be honest and fear no labor. ... Opera is where a man gets stabbed in the back, and instead of dying, he sings. (Honest Quotes)
To be honest with you, I don’t have the words to make you feel better, but I do have the arms to give you a hug, ears to listen to whatever you want to talk about, and I have a heart; a heart that’s aching to see you smile again. (Honest Quotes)
By crying on my bed, drinking quite a lot and feeling tempted by drugs. Well, just not reading it to be perfectly honest with you. I know it’s a bit of a copout. (Honest Quotes)
I don’t think of my songs as sad songs. I think of them as vulnerable and honest. I crack jokes in between songs, so people don’t leave feeling too dark. (Honest Quotes)
Be good and honest to your fellow man and try to do something good for somebody - thet’s my philosophy. (Honest Quotes)
I have some friends, some honest friends, and honest friends are few; My pipe of briar, my open fire, A book that’s not too new. (Honest Quotes)
I always market research my books before I hand them in by showing them to five or six close friends who I trust to be honest with me, so they are very heavily re-written already. (Honest Quotes)
Everyone wants to be tested and challenged. Everyone would like a good, honest fight to exhaust their frustrations. (Honest Quotes)
To be honest, I was just honored to be in the same festival [ Raindance Film Festival’s ] as Johnny To and Dominik Moll... (Honest Quotes)
If you stay true to your ideas, film-making becomes an inside-out, honest kind of process (Honest Quotes)
In film producing, there is an inherent tension between the director, the money and the producer, and that’s what keeps it flowing and honest and accountable. (Honest Quotes)
In the final analysis there is no other solution to man’s progress but the day’s honest work, the day’s honest decision, the day’s generous utterances, and the day’s good deed. (Honest Quotes)
Accountability for the largest financial institutions on Wall Street is the bedrock for a strong economy. Hard-working families and honest businesses cannot survive in a world where the rules don’t keep the marketplace honest. (Honest Quotes)
Financial institutions like to call what they do trading. Let’s be honest. It’s not trading; it’s betting. (Honest Quotes)
I appeal to the Latter-day Saints to be honest with the Lord, and I promise them that peace, prosperity and financial success will attend those who are honest with our Heavenly Father. (Honest Quotes)
Orozco’s despair was not just in finding himself poor, but in discovering that effort, honest intentions, and gentlemanly status had nothing to do with sucess in a commercial economy. (Honest Quotes)
One of the hardest things for me, now that I’m famous, is finding people who can read my stuff and give me an honest critique. (Honest Quotes)
I’m an actress. To be honest, it’s a very awkward business. It’s one of those things where it’s almost like a first date. There’s a way you want to come across. You want to show your goods. The truth starts to slip out sometimes. (Honest Quotes)
Many people are intimidated by doctors. ... People also feel stupid when they don’t understand what a doctor’s talking about the first time around, so they don’t ask again. And let’s be honest here, people. English is not a doctor’s first language. (Honest Quotes)
I’m just being honest about the fact that a second language won’t resonate with you like the first does. (Honest Quotes)
Today it is evident that we have two political parties: the Tax and Spenders and the No-Tax and Spenders. Neither party is fiscally conservative. Is there no room at the inn for an honest conservative? A conservative who makes the case for smaller government on its merits and not just as the fallback option when fiscal bankruptcy threatens? (Honest Quotes)
There’s a huge latent market for software development that’s just flat-out honest (Honest Quotes)
You can tell a person’s morale from their Twitter feed. I like that; it’s so honest. And I like being able to follow people who I respect and admire, and the possibility of them seeing my comment about them. (Honest Quotes)
The Band was rebelling against the rebellion. The rebellion went to a place where it became too obvious, too trendy, like you were just following the pack. So it was our choice to get off the bandwagon - no pun intended - and do things that were in our background and what was the most honest thing to do. (Honest Quotes)
Football is an honest game. It’s true to life. It’s a game about sharing. Football is a team game. So is life. (Honest Quotes)
I love football now. I have a club in Sarajevo, and I love that. The fans are fantastic. The people who run the club are incredible, honest people, and they really motivate me. (Honest Quotes)