Honestly, I always feel jealous whenever you give someone the kind of attention that I want from you

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Honestly, I always feel jealous whenever you give someone the kind of attention that I want from you
Attention is a powerful thing. It can make us feel loved, valued, and important. When someone gives us their undivided attention, it can make us feel like we are the most important person in the world to them. However, when we see that same attention being given to someone else, it can stir up feelings of jealousy and insecurity.I have to admit, I have felt jealous at times when I see you giving someone else the kind of attention that I crave from you. It's not that I don't want you to have other relationships or connections with people, but there is something about seeing you engage with someone else in a way that I wish you would engage with me that stirs up feelings of envy.
I think part of the reason why I feel jealous is because I crave your attention so much. I want to feel like I am the most important person in your life, and when I see you giving that same level of attention to someone else, it can make me feel like I am not as special to you as I thought I was.
I know that jealousy is not a healthy emotion to hold onto, and I am working on letting go of those feelings when they arise. I understand that you have other relationships and connections in your life, and that it is natural for you to give attention to others besides me. But that doesn't make it any easier for me to see you engaging with someone else in a way that I wish you would engage with me.
I think the key to overcoming these feelings of jealousy is communication. I need to be able to express to you how I am feeling and why I am feeling that way. I need to be able to have an open and honest conversation with you about my needs and desires when it comes to attention, so that we can work together to find a balance that works for both of us.