Honore De Balzac Quotes

Text Quotes
A husband and wife who are in the habit of occupying separate rooms are either beings apart, or they have found happiness. Either they hate or they adore each other (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
A husband who submits to his wife’s yoke is justly held an object of ridicule. A woman’s influence ought to be entirely concealed (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
A lover always thinks of his mistress first and himself second; with a husband it runs the other way (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
A mother’s life, you see, is one long succession of dramas, now soft and tender, now terrible. Not an hour but has its joys and fears (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Between the daylight gambler and the player at night there is the same difference that lies between a careless husband and the lover swooning under his lady’s window (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
If those who are the enemies of innocent amusements had the direction of the world, they would take away the spring, and youth, the former from the year, the latter from human life (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
It is the mark of a great man that he puts to flight all ordinary calculations. He is at once sublime and touching, childlike and of the race of giants (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Love or hatred must constantly increase between two persons who are always together; every moment fresh reasons are found for loving or hating better (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Many men are deeply moved by the mere semblance of suffering in a woman; they take the look of pain for a sign of constancy or of love (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Nothing is a greater impediment to being on good terms with others than being ill at ease with yourself (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Old maids, having never bent their temper or their lives to other lives and other tempers, as woman’s destiny requires, have for the most part a mania for making everything about them bend to them (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Our most bitter enemies are our own kith and kin. Kings have no brothers, no sons, no mother! (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
The man whose action habitually bears the stamp of his mind is a genius, but the greatest genius is not always equal to himself, or he would cease to be human (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Thought is a key to all treasures; the miser’s gains are ours without his cares. Thus I have soared above this world, where my enjoyment have been intellectual joys (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
To kill a relative of whom you are tired is something. But to inherit his property afterwards, that is genuine pleasure (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Unintelligent persons are like weeds that thrive in good ground; they love to be amused in proportion to the degree in which they weary themselves (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Vocations which we wanted to pursue, but didn’t, bleed, like colors, on the whole of our existence (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
I can no longer think of anything but you. In spite of myself, my imagination carries me to you. I grasp you, I kiss you, I caress you, a thousand of the most amorous caresses take possession of me (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Physically, a man is a man for a much longer time than a woman is a woman (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Despotism accomplishes great things illegally; liberty doesn’t even go to the trouble of accomplishing small things legally (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
The response man has the greatest difficulty in tolerating is pity, especially when he warrants it. Hatred is a tonic, it makes one live, it inspires vengeance, but pity kills, it makes our weakness weaker (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Men are so made that they can resist sound argument, and yet yield to a glance (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Hatred is the vice of narrow souls; they feed it with all their littleness, and make it the pretext of base tyrannies (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Many people claim coffee inspires them, but, as everybody knows, coffee only makes boring people even more boring (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
The secret of a great success for which you are at a loss to account is a crime that has never been found out, because it was properly executed (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Like hunger, physical love is a necessity. But man’s appetite for amour is never so regular or so sustained as his appetite for the delights of the table (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
During the great storms of our lives we imitate those captains who jettison their weightiest cargo (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
In the first woman we love, we love everything. Growing older, we love the woman only (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
No woman dares to refuse love without a motive, for nothing is more natural than to yield to love (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Innocence alone dares commit certain acts of audacity. Virtue, when tutored, is as calculating as vice (Honore De Balzac Quotes)