Honore De Balzac Quotes

Text Quotes
Marriage is an institution necessary to the maintenance of society but contrary to the laws of nature (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
When a woman wants to betray her husband, her actions are almost invariably studied but they are never reasoned (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Virginity, like all monstrosities, possesses special riches and its own absorbing grandeur. Among the chaste, life forces are economized and thus gain in resistance and durability (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Nature endows woman alternately with a particular strength which helps her to suffer and a weakness which counsels her to be resigned (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
It is not hope but despair that gives us the measure of our ambitions. We may yield secretly to beautiful poems of hope but grief looms start and stripped of all veils (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
We do not wish success yet we obtain it. Always we find what we are not looking for. These words are too true not to become a proverb some day (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Charity is not one of the virtues practiced on the stock market. The heart of a bank is but one of many viscera (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
What makes friendship indissolute and what doubles its charms is a feeling we find lacking in love: I mean certitude (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
A knowledge of mankind and of things that surround us gives us that second education which proves far move valuable than our first because it alone turns out a truly accomplished man (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
When she lives at his palace, the maiden niece of a bishop can pass for a respectable woman because, if she has a love affair, she is obliged to hoodwink her uncle (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Alas, two men are often necessary to provide a woman with a perfect lover, just as in literature a writer composes a type only by employing the singularities of several similar characters (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
The press is like a woman: sublime when it lies, it will not let go until it has forced you to believe it. The public, like a foolish husband, always succumbs (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
A vocation is born to us all; happily most of us meet promptly our twin, occupation (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
In love, what a woman mistakes for disgust is actually clearsightedness. If she does not admire a man, she scorns him (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Does not any limit imposed upon one inspire a desire to go beyond it? Does not our keenest suffering arise when our free will is crossed? (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Society proceeds like the ocean. After a disaster, it resume its wonted level and rhythms; its devouring interests efface all traces of damage (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Authentic love always assumes the mystery of modesty, even in its expression, because actions speak louder than words. Unlike a feigned love, it feels no need to set a conflagration (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
The great secret of social alchemy is to profit best from each stage in our lives, to gather all its leaves in spring, all its flowers in summer, and all its fruits in autumn (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
A naked woman is less dangerous than one who spreads her skirt skillfully to cover and exhibit everything at once (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Generally our confidences move downward rather than upward; in our secret affairs, we employ our inferiors much more than our bettors (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Modern reformers offer nebulous theories or write philanthropic novels. But your thief acts! He is as clear as a fact and as logical as a punch on the nose! And what a style he has! (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
If certain women walk straight into adultery, there are many others who cling to numerous hopes, and commit sin only after wandering through a maze of sorrows (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
When will conventional good manners become attractive? When will ladies of fashion exhibit their shoulders a little less and their affability and wit a little more? (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Prostitution and robbery are two living protests, respectively female and male, made by the natural state against the social state (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Grief ennobles the commonest people because it has its own essential grandeur. To shine with the luster of grief, a person need only be sincere (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Sometimes, one gesture comprises an entire drama, the accent of one word ruins an entire existence, and the indifference of one glance kills the happiest passion (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
The man whom fate employs to awaken love in the heart of a young girl is often unaware of his work and therefore leaves it uncompleted (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Women see everything or nothing according to the inclination of their hearts. Love is their sole light (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Religious ecstasy is a madness of thought freed of its bodily bonds, whereas in the ecstasy of love, the forces of twin natures unite, blend and embrace one another (Honore De Balzac Quotes)
Among fifty percent of your married couples, the husband worries very little about what his wife is doing, provided she is doing all he wishes (Honore De Balzac Quotes)