Hope Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s not my victory, it’s yours and yours and yours. If a gay can win, it means there is hope that the system can work for all minorities if we fight. We’ve given them hope (Hope Quotes)
I thought: hope cannot be said to exist, nor can it be said not to exist. It is just like roads across the earth. For actually the earth had no roads to begin with, but when many men pass one way, a road is made (Hope Quotes)
Do they sense it, these dead writers, when their books are read? Does a pinprick of light appear in their darkness? Is their soul stirred by the feather touch of another mind reading theirs? I do hope so (Hope Quotes)
.. he continues to cling to the forlorn hope that I will turn into one of those swooning females... and fling myself squeeling at him whenever anything happens. Like all men, he clings to his illusions (Hope Quotes)
It’s the end. It’s the end of the civilization. We’re going down. No, it’s sure not too attractive. Lenticels. I just hope my kids don’t live to see the last days. The things burning and people living in cellars. Violet. The only thing worse than the thought it may all come tumbling down is the thought that we may go on like this forever (Hope Quotes)
One of his tears fell in my mouth, where it became a blue sapphire, source of strength, source of strength and eternal hope (Hope Quotes)
How long can a man live on the outside before he loses his ability to love? How long before there’s no more hope? (Hope Quotes)
Of all that I have possessed in my life, my memories are the only things remaining to me. Indeed, I believe that memories are the only real treasure any human can hope to hold always (Hope Quotes)
As you read my stories of long ago I hope you will remember that things truly worthwhile and that will give you happiness are the same now as they were then. It is not the things you have that make you happy. It is love and kindness and helping each other and just plain being good (Hope Quotes)
Obsessed? I don’t know what the word means. I know there were times when I couldn’t think of anything else. I used to stay in every weeknight in the hope that he might get free and call me. It felt like I had a disease I didn’t want to get rid of. I suppose that’s a definition of obsession, yes (Hope Quotes)
I hope you’ll have the kind of life where what you stand for is so important that it makes some people outright hostile. You won’t know how strong your beliefs really are until you have to defend them (Hope Quotes)
I wonder if there was anything I would have done differently. I hope I would have done everything differently, except I know everything would have turned out the same. That’s the meaning of fate (Hope Quotes)
Let people who do not know what to do with themselves in this life, but fritter away their time reading magazines and watching television, hope for eternal life... The life I want is a life I could not endure in eternity. It is a life of love and intensity, suffering and creation, that makes life worth while and death welcome. There is no other life I should prefer. Neither should I like not to die (Hope Quotes)
I hope you die... P.S. If you do die, I’m going to go to the funeral and finger your corpse (Hope Quotes)
The road that is built in hope is more pleasant to the traveler than the road built in despair, even though they both lead to the same destination (Hope Quotes)
No matter what the odds, a man does not pin his last hope for survival on something and then expect that it will fail (Hope Quotes)
He could not play the game without hope; could not play the game without a dream. They had taken it all away from him now, they had turned away from him and there was nothing for him now... He was alone and there was nothing for him (Hope Quotes)
Hope can be imagined as a domino effect, a chain reaction, each increment making the next increase more feasible... There are moments of fear and doubt that can deflate it (Hope Quotes)
To hope under the most extreme circumstances is an act of defiance that permits a person to live his life on his own terms. It is part of the human spirit to endure and give a miracle a chance to happen (Hope Quotes)
Some people get where they hope to in this world. Most of us don’t (Hope Quotes)
We must beware of yielding to the pressure of a spirit of cowardly conformity which proclaims itself everybody’s friend in the hope that everybody will obligingly return the compliment (Hope Quotes)
I must spin good ghosts out of my hope to oppose the hordes at my window. If those who look in see me condescend to barricade the door, they will know too much and crowd in to overcome me (Hope Quotes)
There’s too much tension in the world… what hope is there in the middle east if you and I can’t make peace (Hope Quotes)
... The person who, at any stage of a conversation, disagrees, should at least hope to reach agreement in the end. He should be as much prepared to have his own mind changed as seek to change the mind of another... No one who looks upon disagreement as an occasion for teaching another should forget that it is also an occasion for being taught (Hope Quotes)
Give up all hope, all illusion, all desire.. I’ve tried. I’ve tried and still I desire, I still desire not to desire and hope to be without hope and have the illusion I can be without illusions.. Give up, I say. Give up everything, including the desire to be saved (Hope Quotes)
Hope was based on the unknown, and I liked knowing things. Like that I was going to fail. Failure had better odds (Hope Quotes)
I’m always wondering if he’ll return. Sometimes I pray that he doesn’t. And sometimes I hope he will. I wish on falling stars and eyelashes. Absence isn’t solid the way death is. It’s fluid, like language. And it hurts so much... so, so much (Hope Quotes)
Hope is a terrible thing, she said. Is it? Yes, it keep you living in another place, a place which doesn’t exist. For some people it’s better than where they are. For many it’s a relief. From life, she said. A relief from life? Is that living? Some people don’t have a choice. No and that’s awful for them. Hope is better than misery, he said. Or despair. Hope belongs in the same box as despair. Hope is not so bad, he said. At least despair has truth to it (Hope Quotes)
When I was able to get home it first hit me that you had left and I couldn’t do anything about it. Every day before that an evening with you was waiting for me after school, now no more, strange feeling. I had grown too accustomed to your warmth. That is also a danger. At home I looked at the notebooks that you had bought and I got the stupidest surge of hope that I’d find something of you, something especially for meant for me. I would so much like to have something of you that I could always keep by me, that nobody else would notice (Hope Quotes)
Fear sucks. Because you never know when it will attack. Sometimes it sneaks up behind you, giggling like your best girlfriend from seventh grade. Then it whacks you on the back of the head, takes you straight to your knees before you realize what hit you. Other times you can see it coming, just a dot on the horizon, but you’re like a canary in a cage. All you can do is hang in there and hope you don’t get motion sickness and puke all over the newspapers (Hope Quotes)