Hope Quotes

Text Quotes
... I am happy to welcome you to a town peopled in morons exclusively. Furthermore, I hope that your transformation to moron is not an unpleasant experience (Hope Quotes)
A seed of hope caught a taste of moisture. Some wishful kernel buried deep, where he was loathe to acknowledge it lest it poison or choke him, began to sprout (Hope Quotes)
She wept for the hurt that he owned, a hurt she could never hope to remove (Hope Quotes)
Writers and artists build by hand little worlds that they hope might effect change in real minds, in the real world where stories are read. A story can make us cry and laugh, break our hearts, or make us angry enough to change the world (Hope Quotes)
Whenever you’re unsure of yourself, whenever you’re in doubt, ask yourself three questions. What do you believe in? What do you hope for? but most important, ask yourself, what do you love? (Hope Quotes)
Any fool can hope when success lies plainly in view. It wants genuine strength to hope when matters are hopeless (Hope Quotes)
In other words, it was a struggle with himself. And the product of that struggle: anger, bitterness, resentment, envy or transformation, aspiration, hope, decency.. the product of that struggle is the quality of your life and the nature of your soul (Hope Quotes)
Something in my gut twisted so hard that it felt like I was being tickled by an invisible hand, and it took me a moment to realize what it was. Hope. It had been so long since I’d felt it that the sensation was like something living inside me, something wonderful waiting to break free, just like I was (Hope Quotes)
There is no water and still less soap. We have no city, but lots of hope (Hope Quotes)
There are two kinds of hope: the kind you couldn’t do anything about and the kind you could. And even if the kind you could do something about wasn’t what you’d originally wanted, it was still worth doing. A rainy day is better than no day. A small happiness can make a big sadness less sad (Hope Quotes)
All anyone can hope for is just a tiny bit of love, like a drop in a cup if you can get it, or a waterfall, a flood, if you can get that too (Hope Quotes)
The idea of the future, pregnant with an infinity of possibilities, is thus more fruitful than the future itself, and this is why we find more charm in hope than in possession, in dreams than in reality (Hope Quotes)
Man’s hope can paint a purple picture, can transform a soaring vulture into a noble eagle or moaning dove (Hope Quotes)
Many people lack the basic equipment to be in a relationship and there’s nothing you can do to change it. You can’t take a skunk and dip it in perfume and hope it becomes a puppy. Eventually, the perfume will wear off and you’ll still have a skunk on your hands (Hope Quotes)
Keep your relationships brief. Don’t let them in. Once they’re inside they have more potential to hurt you. Comfort yourself. You can live with the anguish as long as it only involves yourself. As long as there is no hope (Hope Quotes)
To be running breathlessly, but not yet arrived, is itself delightful, a suspended moment of living hope (Hope Quotes)
I don’t think so, I don’t agree. The most unbearable thing I think by far, she said, is hope (Hope Quotes)
I’m not suggesting the world is good, that life is easy, or that any of us are entitled to better. But please, isn’t this the kind of thing you talk about in somber tones, in the afternoon, with some degree of hope and maybe even a handful of strategies? (Hope Quotes)
We may finally ask ourselves whether coincidence really does exist. Maybe everybody we run into is walking around near us with the undying hope of meeting us? To think of it, it’s a fact that they often seem out of breath (Hope Quotes)
When you’re told there’s no way you can marry the woman you love and your only hope of being near her is to marry her sister, wouldn’t you do the same? (Hope Quotes)
Hope is good. Without it, well, you do the math. But hope has to be like a prayer. Putting it out there to something more powerful than yourself (Hope Quotes)
I hope you fall in love with someone nice and have a good marriage. I might end up dying without knowing what it’s like to be in love (Hope Quotes)
From this, one can make a deduction which is quite certainly the ultimate truth of jigsaw puzzles: despite appearances, puzzling is not a solitary game: every move the puzzler makes, the puzzlemaker has made before; every piece the puzzler picks up, and picks up again, and studies and strokes, every combination he tries, and tries a second time, every blunder and every insight, each hope and each discouragement have all been designed, calculated, and decided by the other (Hope Quotes)
... the greatest source of misery in the world, the greatest cause of anguish and hatred and sadness and death, was neither disease nor race nor religion. It was hope (Hope Quotes)
It’s better to die in pursuit of your dreams than to live a life without hope (Hope Quotes)
If we don’t go mad once in a while, there’s no hope (Hope Quotes)
We don’t miss what we never had, but we miss terribly things we almost had. And we miss things we used to have most of all. Through we hope and pray for our relationships, our looks, and our lives to improve, having more also means having more to lose (Hope Quotes)
Do not mistake me. I am not yet weak enough to yield to fearful imaginings, which are almost as absurd as illusions of hope, and are certainly harder to bear. If I must deceive myself, I should prefer to stay on the side of confidence, for I shall lose no more there and shall suffer less (Hope Quotes)
We all have a suspicion and hope that we’ve just been part of something special, something that may eventually change our lives. That no one else knows this makes it seem like we are living with a secret that we would like to share, but can’t, sort of like having a superpower that’s not come online or being president elect. For the moment, our lives proceed as usual, but within a month, we think, everything will change. It’s a frustrating, if exciting, disconnect (Hope Quotes)
Love is always dangerous. To love is to hope you’ll win it all while running the risk that you could lose it all. And sometimes it’s also about accepting that there’s a risk that you’ll love more than you are loved (Hope Quotes)