Horace Quotes

Text Quotes
Struggling to be brief I become obscure (Horace Quotes)
Scholars dispute, and the case is still before the courts (Horace Quotes)
A praiser of past times (Horace Quotes)
If possible honestly, if not, somehow, make money (Horace Quotes)
And once sent out a word takes wing beyond recall (Horace Quotes)
I have to put up with a lot, to please the touchy breed of poets (Horace Quotes)
Seize the day, put no trust in the future (Horace Quotes)
Someone who loves the golden mean (Horace Quotes)
Lovely and honorable it is to die for one’s country (Horace Quotes)
The limbs of a dismembered poet (Horace Quotes)
The passing years steal from us one thing after another (Horace Quotes)
He who saves a man against his will as good as murders him (Horace Quotes)
They change their climate, not their soul, who rush across the sea (Horace Quotes)
Those who cross the sea change only the climate, not their character (Horace Quotes)
If you wish me to weep, you must first show grief yourself (Horace Quotes)
What fugitive from his country can also escape from himself (Horace Quotes)
Your own safety is at stake when your neighbor’s house is in flames (Horace Quotes)
Let us my friends snatch our opportunity from the passing day (Horace Quotes)
The clown waits for the river to run itself dry (Horace Quotes)
In the hour’s short space comes swift death, or joyful victory (Horace Quotes)
Let not a day so fair be without its white chalk mark (Horace Quotes)
What forbids a man to speak the truth in a laughing way? (Horace Quotes)
He pulls down, he builds up, he changes squares into circles (Horace Quotes)
A corrupt judge is not qualified to inquire into the truth (Horace Quotes)
Do not pursue with the terrible scourge him who deserves a slight whip (Horace Quotes)
Now to drink and trip it on the light fantastic toe (Horace Quotes)
Be cautious as to what you say of men, and to whom you speak it (Horace Quotes)
I attend to the business of other people, having lost my own (Horace Quotes)
Day is pushed out by day, and each new moon hastens to its death (Horace Quotes)
I strive to mould circumstances to myself, not myself to circumstances (Horace Quotes)