Horace Quotes

Text Quotes
High descent and meritorious deeds, unless united to wealth, are as useless as seaweed (Horace Quotes)
He will always be a slave who does not know how to live upon a little (Horace Quotes)
Anger is a momentary madness, so control your passion or it will control you (Horace Quotes)
Good sense is both the first principal and the parent source of good writing (Horace Quotes)
Let your literary compositions be kept from the public eye for nine years at least (Horace Quotes)
Usually the modest person passes for someone reserved, the silent for a sullen person (Horace Quotes)
The avarice person is ever in want; let your desired aim have a fixed limit (Horace Quotes)
What do sad complaints avail if the offense is not cut down by punishment (Horace Quotes)
Take away the danger and remove the restraint, and wayward nature runs free (Horace Quotes)
The explanation avails nothing, which in leading us from one difficulty involves us in another (Horace Quotes)
However rich or elevated, a name less something is always wanting to our imperfect fortune (Horace Quotes)
Riches with their wicked inducements increase; nevertheless, avarice is never satisfied (Horace Quotes)
What impropriety or limit can there be in our grief for a man so beloved? (Horace Quotes)
Unless the vessel be pure, everything which is poured into it will turn sour (Horace Quotes)
Increasing wealth is attended by care and by the desire of greater increase (Horace Quotes)
The earth opens impartially her bosom to receive the beggar and the prince (Horace Quotes)
Ridicule more often settles things more thoroughly and better than acrimony (Horace Quotes)
Everything, virtue, glory, honor, things human and divine, all are slaves to riches (Horace Quotes)
Thus one thing requires assistance from another, and joins in friendly help (Horace Quotes)
God can change the lowest to the highest, abase the proud, and raise the humble (Horace Quotes)
If you cannot conduct yourself with propriety, give place to those who can (Horace Quotes)
The sad dislike those who are cheerful, and the cheerful dislike the melancholy (Horace Quotes)
It is hard! But what can not be removed, becomes lighter through patience (Horace Quotes)
Consider well what your strength is equal to, and what exceeds your ability (Horace Quotes)
Wealth increaseth, but a nameless something is ever wanting to our insufficient fortune (Horace Quotes)
Let the fictitious sources of pleasure be as near as possible to the true (Horace Quotes)
Noble descent and worth, unless united with wealth, are esteemed no more than seaweed (Horace Quotes)
Content with his past life, let him take leave of life like a satiated guest (Horace Quotes)
In vain will you fly from one vice if in your wilfulness you embrace another (Horace Quotes)
If nothing is delightful without love and jokes, then live in love and jokes (Horace Quotes)