Horace Quotes

Text Quotes
One night awaits all, and death’s path must be trodden once and for all (Horace Quotes)
He who has made it a practice to lie and deceive his father, will be the most daring in deceiving others (Horace Quotes)
You must often make erasures if you mean to write what is worthy of being read a second time; and don’t labor for the admiration of the crowd, but be content with a few choice readers (Horace Quotes)
Be this thy brazen bulwark, to keep a clear conscience, and never turn pale with guilt (Horace Quotes)
Not to be lost in idle admiration is the only sure means of making and preserving happiness (Horace Quotes)
He who preserves a man’s life against his will does the same thing as if he slew him (Horace Quotes)
Let the character as it began be preserved to the last; and let it be consistent with itself (Horace Quotes)
No one is born without vices, and he is the best man who is encumbered with the least (Horace Quotes)
Nor has he lived in vain, who from his cradle to his grave has passed his life in seclusion (Horace Quotes)
Where there are many beauties in a poem I shall not cavil at a few faults proceeding either from negligence or from the imperfection of our nature (Horace Quotes)
The mob may hiss me, but I congratulate myself while I contemplate my treasures in their hoard (Horace Quotes)
Be this our wall of brass, to be conscious of having done no evil, and to grow pale at no accusation (Horace Quotes)
No man ever properly calculates from time to time what it is his duty to avoid (Horace Quotes)
When a man is pleased with the lot of others, he is dissatisfied with his own, as a matter of course (Horace Quotes)
The wolf dreads the pitfall, the hawk suspects the snare, and the kite the covered hook (Horace Quotes)
If you know anything better than this candidly impart it; if not, use this with me (Horace Quotes)
He has carried every point, who has combined that which is useful with that which is agreeable (Horace Quotes)
The accumulation of wealth is followed by an increase of care, and by an appetite for more (Horace Quotes)
One goes to the right, the other to the left; both are wrong, but in different directions (Horace Quotes)
Having no business of his own to attend to, he busies himself with the affairs of others (Horace Quotes)
Let your mind, happily contented with the present, care not what the morrow will bring with it (Horace Quotes)
He appears mad indeed but to a few, because the majority is infected with the same disease (Horace Quotes)
What can be found equal to modesty, uncorrupt faith, the sister of justice, and undisguised truth? (Horace Quotes)
Happy is the man to whom nature has given a sufficiency with even a sparing hand (Horace Quotes)
For everything divine and human, virtue, fame, and honor, now obey the alluring influence of riches (Horace Quotes)
That man lives happy and in command of himself, who from day to day can say I have lived. Whether clouds obscure, or the sun illumines the following day, that which is past is beyond recall (Horace Quotes)
Not to create confusion in what is clear, but to throw light on what is obscure (Horace Quotes)
The cask will long retain the flavour of the wine with which it was first seasoned (Horace Quotes)
My cares and my inquiries are for decency and truth, and in this I am wholly occupied (Horace Quotes)
It is right for him who asks forgiveness for his offenses to grant it to others (Horace Quotes)