Horace Quotes

Text Quotes
While your client is watching for you at the front door, slip out at the back (Horace Quotes)
Glory drags all men along, low as well as high, bound captive at the wheels of her glittering car (Horace Quotes)
The snow has at last melted, the fields regain their herbage, and the trees their leaves (Horace Quotes)
There are words and accents by which this grief can be assuaged, and the disease in a great measure removed (Horace Quotes)
Be not ashamed to have had wild days, but not to have sown your wild oats (Horace Quotes)
We hate merit while it is with us; when taken away from our gaze, we long for it jealously (Horace Quotes)
As we speak cruel time is fleeing. Seize the day, believing as little as possible in tomorrow (Horace Quotes)
Carpe diem! Rejoice while you are alive; enjoy the day; live life to the fullest; make the most of what you have. It is later than you think (Horace Quotes)
Happy and thrice happy are those who enjoy an uninterrupted union, and whose love, unbroken by any sour complaints, shall not dissolve until the last day of their existence (Horace Quotes)
Dare to begin! He who postpones living rightly is like the rustic who waits for the river to run out before he crosses (Horace Quotes)
We set up harsh and unkind rules against ourselves. No one is born without faults. That man is best who has fewest (Horace Quotes)
Success in the affairs of life often serves to hide one’s abilities, whereas adversity frequently gives one an opportunity to discover them (Horace Quotes)
Joyful let the soul be in the present, let it disdain to trouble about what is beyond and temper bitterness with a laugh. Nothing is blessed forever (Horace Quotes)
Wine brings to light the hidden secrets of the soul, gives being to our hopes, bids the coward flight, drives dull care away, and teaches new means for the accomplishment of our wishes (Horace Quotes)
When putting words together is good to do it with nicety and caution, your elegance and talent will be evident if by putting ordinary words together you create a new voice (Horace Quotes)
People hiss at me, but I applaud myself in my own house, and at the same time contemplate the money in my chest (Horace Quotes)
Pale death approaches with equal step, and knocks indiscriminately at the door of teh cottage, and the portals of the palace (Horace Quotes)
Now is the time for drinking; now the time to beat the earth with unfettered foot (Horace Quotes)
Men more quickly and more gladly recall what they deride than what they approve and esteem (Horace Quotes)
A person will gain everyone’s approval if he mixes the pleasant with the useful (Horace Quotes)
Evenhanded fate hath but one law for small and great; the ample urn holds all men's names (Horace Quotes)
It was a wine jar when the molding began: as the wheel runs round why does it turn out a water pitcher? (Horace Quotes)
No man ever reached to excellence in any one art or profession without having passed through the slow and painful process of study and preparation (Horace Quotes)
Misfortunes, untoward events, lay open, disclose the skill of a general, while success conceals his weakness, his weak points (Horace Quotes)
Imagine every day to be the last of a life surrounded with hopes, cares, anger, and fear. The hours that come unexpectedly will be so much more the grateful (Horace Quotes)
How slight and insignificant is the thing which casts down or restores a mind greedy for praise (Horace Quotes)
I beseech you to treasure up in your hearts these my parting words: Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity (Horace Quotes)
There is a fault common to all singers. When they’re among friends and are asked to sing they don’t want to, and when they’re not asked to sing they never stop (Horace Quotes)
All singers have this fault: if asked to sing among friends they are never so inclined; if unasked, they never leave off (Horace Quotes)
Those unacquainted with the world take pleasure in intimacy with great men; those who are wiser fear the consequences (Horace Quotes)